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85 HTML Kit Keyboard Shortcuts

HTML Kit Shortcuts are quite powerful and essential for optimal web development. Praised highly by the media and those well-versed in its use, this Kit is free for personal, educational, and non-commercial purposes. HTML Kit is utilized for editing programming languages such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.

Download HTML Kit Shortcuts PDF

With HTML Kit Shortcuts, you can edit, preview, validate, publish, and manage web development projects. Below is the HTML Kit Shortcuts list. You can download the HTML Kit Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most used HTML Kit Shortcuts

Action HTML Kit Shortcuts
Create New Document Ctrl + Shift + N
Open Project Ctrl + Shift + O
Save Project Ctrl + Shift + S
Add A New Snippet to the List Ctrl + Shift + T
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Save Current File Ctrl + S
Find Specified Text Ctrl + F
Replace Specified Text Ctrl + H
Select All Ctrl + A
Open File Menu Alt + F
Open Edit Menu Alt + E
Open Help Menu Alt + H
Open Kit Menu Alt + K
Open Tools Menu Alt + T
Exit HTML-Kit Tools Alt + F4
Close Current File Ctrl + F4
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + –
Go to the Previous Paragraph Ctrl + [
Go to the Next Paragraph Ctrl + ]
Delete One word From the Left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete One Word from the Right Ctrl + Delete
Select from Current Position to Previous Paragraph Ctrl + Shift + [
Select from Current Position to Next Paragraph Ctrl + Shift + ]
Delete from Current Position to start of Line Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Delete from Current Position to End of Line Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Go to the Beginning of Current Row When Inside a Wrapped Line Alt + Home
Go to the End of the Current Row When Inside a Wrapped Line Alt + End
Create Bookmark Ctrl + F2
Clear All Bookmarks in the current document Ctrl + Shift + F2
Go to the Next Bookmark F2
Go to Previous Bookmark Shift + F2
Go to Start of Document Ctrl + Home
Go to the end of the Document Ctrl + End
Indent Selected Text or Current line Tab
Unindent Selected Text or Current line Shift + Tab
Scroll the Visible Area of the Document Up by One Line Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Scroll the Visible Area of the Document Down by One Line Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Go to the Next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Go to the Previous Word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Select From the current position to the Previous Word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Select From the current Position to Next Word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Select from Current Position to End of Document Ctrl + Shift + End
Select from Current Position to Start of Document Ctrl + Shift + Home
Open Online References Dialog F1
Go to the Next Occurrence of the Specified Text F3
Check, Correct, Convert and Format HTML/XHTML/XML F9
Show or hide Action Bar F11

Similar Programs: Brackets Keyboard Shortcuts

Invoke Shortcuts based on Ctrl + Q

Action HTML Kit Shortcut keys
Open Internal Browser Window Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + B
Open Selected File Name Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + F
Open Last Opened File Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + L
Open Files From the current Document Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + O
Save All modified Documents Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + S

Invoke Shortcuts based on Ctrl + T

Action HTML Kit Shortcut keys
Copy tag at Caret Ctrl + T and Ctrl + C
Insert the end tag for the last start tag Ctrl + T and Ctrl + E
Go to Matching Tag Ctrl + T and Ctrl + M
Select the tag at Caret Ctrl + T and Ctrl + T
Cut Tag at Caret Ctrl + T and Ctrl + X

Similar Programs: Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Invoke Shortcuts based on Ctrl + K

Action HTML Kit Shortcut keys
Duplicate Selected Text Ctrl + K and Ctrl + D
Toggle Colorized Item Ctrl + K and Ctrl + E
Toggle Folds in the selected block of Lines Ctrl + K and Ctrl + F
Highlight the Selected Text Ctrl + K and Ctrl + F2
Swap Current Line to Previous Line Ctrl + K and Ctrl + T
Paste While Maintaining Indents at the Current Line Ctrl + K and Ctrl + V
Toggle Wordwrap Mode Ctrl + K and Ctrl + W
Remove All Marks in the document Ctrl + K and Ctrl + Shift + F2

Others Shortcuts

Action HTML Kit Shortcut keys
Toggle the Folded Section at the Cursor Shift + Alt + F2
Close one or more Project Windows Ctrl + Shift + F4
Maximize or Normalize the Size of the Editor Space Ctrl + Shift + F11
Insert a Code Snippet into the Current Document Ctrl + Shift + I
Display A list of Text scanned from the Document Ctrl + Shift + J
Copy Content in Current Window to Edit the Window Shift + F9
Upload the current document to the Remote Folder Ctrl + U
Go to the Last Caret Position Alt + F2
Preview, Colorize, and Invoke Visual Options Alt + V
Invoke HTML-Kit Shorthand Ctrl + J
Preview as You Type Ctrl + F8
Go to Specified Location to document Ctrl + G
Find Matching Character ==,{},(),<> Ctrl + M
Go to the End of the Line End

Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text are some of the widely used code editors, alongside HTML Kit. Take a detailed look at the Visual Studio Code Shortcuts, and Sublime Text Shortcuts.



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