Developer ToolsShortcutsWindows

81 WinDev Keyboard Shortcuts

List of WinDev Shortcuts

Learn WinDev Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used WinDev Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcuts
New (Creation of an element) Ctrl + N
Open (Open an item) Ctrl + O
Open a project Ctrl + Shift + O
Save the item being edited Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Save all Alt + S
Close all open items Ctrl + Shift + W
Close the current window Ctrl + F4
Cut selected item Ctrl + X
Copy selected item Ctrl + C
Paste the contents of the clipboard Ctrl + V
Paste the contents of the clipboard with the history Ctrl + Shift + V
Undo the last action Ctrl + Z
Redo (Redo last action) Ctrl + Y
Delete the current selection or character Delete
Select all. Ctrl + A
In the code editor: Select the different processes by step Ctrl + A
Return to the current position in the previous code Ctrl + F2
Open the description of the selected element (window with 7 tabs) Alt + Enter
Print Selection Ctrl + P
Close all the elements except the current one Ctrl + Alt + W
Quick search for a project element Search also in procedures, methods, fields, … Ctrl + E
Search Ctrl + F
Find / Replace Ctrl + H
Continue research F3
Continue the search in reverse order Shift + F3
Test the current item F9
Test the project Ctrl + F9
Plot the project Alt + F9

Development Environment Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcuts
Help F1
Reproduces the last action on a control or a multiselection of controls F4
Reproduces all the actions performed since the last control was selected on another control Shift + F4
Show time management window Ctrl + J
Display the list of local procedures in the “Project Explorer” pane. F8
Display the list of classes Shift + F8
Display the list of global procedures in the “Project Explorer” pane. Ctrl + F8
Change the display language (switch to the next language) Ctrl + Alt + L
Change the display language (switch to the previous language) Shift + Alt + L
Hide all panes Ctrl + W
Go to the next project configuration. Ctrl + G
Display the home page. Ctrl + >
Synchronizes the “Project Explorer” pane with the current element in the editor Ctrl + *

Code Editor Display Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcuts
Display the list of events (or treatments). Alt + C
Display / Make the TimeStamp invisible F6
Display the list of cross-references of the selected symbol Shift + F2
Open the element (window, report) corresponding to the selected symbol Alt + F2
Hide panes anchored at the bottom Ctrl + Q

Code Editor Marks and Breakpoints Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcut keys
Go to the next mark F7
Go to the previous mark Shift + F7
Remove / Place a position mark Ctrl + F7
Remove / Set a breakpoint Ctrl + B

Editing Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcut keys
Duplicate the selected row. Ctrl + D
Delete the current line Ctrl + L
Change text to uppercase. Ctrl + Shift + M
Pass a lowercase text. Ctrl + M
Comment Ctrl + /
Remove comments (//) Ctrl + Shift + /
Block selection of lines of code: Select the block above the selection. Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow Key
Block selection of lines of code: Deselect the block above the selection. Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow Key
Go back to the last code modified in the editor. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow Key
Indent right Tab
Indent left Shift + Tab
Move a line of code up. Alt + Up Arrow Key
Move a line of code down. Alt + Down Arrow Key
Insert ‘…’ and return to the next line Ctrl + Enter
Re-indent the code Ctrl + R
Translate messages Ctrl + T
Choose a file or an item to insert into the code F11
Using the pipette Alt + T

Navigation Shortcuts

Action WinDev Shortcut Keys
Go to the code of the selected element (procedure name, class name, …) F2
On a local variable, display the line corresponding to the declaration of the variable. F2
Open the element containing the code Ctrl + Alt + F2
New local procedure F4
New global procedure Shift + F4
Next error F12
Previous error Shift + F12
Common error Ctrl + F12
Edit the code associated with the element selected in the “Contextual code view” pane Ctrl + Shift + F2
Display the treatment accessed previously. Alt + Left & Right Arrow Key
Display the first treatment accessed. Alt + Home
Display the last process accessed. Alt + End


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