
140 CorelDraw Shortcut keys

How can CorelDraw Shortcut keys benefit you? The CorelDraw Shortcut keys allow you to produce designs, control images, and perform modeling tasks with ease. An exciting feature of CorelDraw is that the quality of the image is not lost even if you resize it.

Download CorelDraw Shortcut keys PDF

The following is a list of CorelDraw Shortcut keys that you must try. This list will cover everything from vector illustration and page layout to photo editing and website design. You can download the CorelDraw Shortcut keys list in PDF format.

Most used CorelDraw Shortcut keys

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + U
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Delete Delete
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Repeat Ctrl + R
Export Ctrl + E
Import Ctrl + I
New Document Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Print Ctrl + P
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Exit Ctrl + F4

Font Formatting CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw 12 Shortcut keys
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Font weight Ctrl + Shift + W
Font list Ctrl + Shift + F
Small caps Ctrl + Shift + K
Increase font size Ctrl + 8
Decrease font size Ctrl + 2
Font size Ctrl + Shift + P
HTML font size Ctrl + Shift + H
Next font combo size Ctrl + 6
Previous font combo size Ctrl + 4
Change case Shift + F3
Convert text Ctrl + F8

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Text Formatting CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcuts
Bullet text Ctrl + M
Center justify Ctrl + E
Convert text state Ctrl + F8
Force justification Ctrl + H
Format text Ctrl + T
Full justify Ctrl + J
Horizontal text Ctrl + ,
Left justification Ctrl + L
No justification Ctrl + N
Right justification Ctrl + R
Apply drop cap Ctrl + Shift + D
Edit text Ctrl + Shift + T

Cursor Move using Text CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw 12 Shortcuts
Delete the character to the right Delete
Delete the word to the right Ctrl + Delete
Cursor down one frame Page Down key
Cursor up one frame Page Up key
The cursor left one character Left Arrow key
Cursor right one character Right Arrow key
The cursor left one paragraph Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Cursor up one paragraph Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Cursor to start of the text Ctrl + Page Up key
Cursor to the end of the text Ctrl + Page Down Key
Select all text Ctrl + A
Cursor to start of the text Ctrl + Home key
Cursor down one line Down Arrow key
Cursor up one line Up Arrow key
Cursor start of a line Home key
Cursor to end of line End key
The cursor left one word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Cursor right one word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Select the character to the left Shift + Left Arrow key
Select the character to the right Shift + Right Arrow key
Select down one frame Shift + Page Down key
Select down one line Shift + Down Arrow key
Select down one paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Select up to one frame Shift + Page Down key
Select up to one line Shift + Up Arrow key
Select up to one paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Select the word to the left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Select the word to the right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Select to start of the frame Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select to start of the line Shift + Home
Select to start of the text Ctrl + Shift + Page Up key
Select to end of the frame Ctrl + Shift + End key

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Object Nudge CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw 12 Shortcuts
Nudge Down Down Arrow key
Nudge left Left Arrow key
Nudge right Right Arrow key
Nudge up Up Arrow key
Super Nudge down Shift + Down Arrow key
Super Nudge left Shift + Left Arrow key
Super Nudge up Shift + Up Arrow key
Super Nudge right Shift + Right Arrow key

Dockers CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw 12 Shortcuts
Contour Ctrl + F9
Envelope Ctrl + F7
Graphic and text style Ctrl + F5
Linear dimensions Alt + F2
Lens Alt + F3
Symbols manager Alt + F6
Position Alt + F7
Rotate Alt + F8
Scale and mirror Alt + F9
Size Alt + F10
Insert symbols and special characters Alt + F11
View manager Alt + F12
Object properties Alt + Enter

Align CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Align bottom B
Align center page P
Align horizontal center E
Align right R
Align top T
Align vertical center C
Align to baseline Alt + F12

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Distribute CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Distribute bottom Shift + B
Distribute top Shift + T
Distribute left Shift + L
Distribute right Shift + R
Distribute spacing horizontally Shift + P
Distribute spacing vertically Shift + A
Distribute centers horizontally Shift + E
Distribute centers vertically Shift + C

Dialogs CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Open fountain fill dialog F11
Uniform fill dialog Shift + F11
Color balance Ctrl + Shift + B
Hue or saturation Ctrl + Shift + U
Brightness or intensity Ctrl + B

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Zoom & Pan CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Navigator N
Hand tool H
Pan down Alt + Down Arrow key
Pan left Alt + Left Arrow key
Pan up Alt + Right Arrow key
View manager Ctrl + F2
Zoom one shot F2
Zoom out F3
Zoom to all object F4
Zoom to page Shift + F4
Zoom to selection Shift + F2

Toolbox Tools CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Artistic media tools I
Eraser tool X
Ellipse tool F7
Toggle eyedropper and paint bucket Shift
Freehand tool F5
Graph paper tool D
Hand H
Interactive fill tool G
Mesh tool M
Toggle pick state Spacebar
Polygon tool Y
Rectangle tool F6
Shape tool F10
Smart drawing tool S
Spiral tool A
Text tool F8

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Others CorelDraw Shortcuts

Action CorelDraw Shortcut keys
Full-screen preview F9
Refresh window Ctrl + W
Toggle display Shift + F9
Show nonprinting characters Ctrl + Shift + C
Open outline color dialog Shift + F12
Open outline pen dialog F12

The above list of CorelDraw Shortcut keys will allow you to perform repetitive tasks faster. I’m not sure how many shortcuts you have learned or how much time you have saved, but I can guarantee that it would be precious. Adobe Illustrator shortcuts can be an excellent alternative to CorelDraw.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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