The only intention of listing down Krita Shortcuts is very clear, to help you increase productivity and work as fast as possible. Krita is a 2D Paint application program. GIMP is an alternative to Krita hence we have listed GIMP shortcuts as well on our website.
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Table of Contents
Below listed are Krita Shortcuts for Windows users. Download Krita Shortcuts for Windows users in PDF form.
Most used Krita Shortcuts
Action | Krita shortcuts |
Open | Ctrl + O |
New | Ctrl + N |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Copy merged | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Deselect | Ctrl + Shift + D |
Save | Ctrl + S |
Save as | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Save incremental | Ctrl + Alt + S |
Save incremental backup | F4 |
Export | F5 |
Ctrl + P | |
Quit | Ctrl + Q |
Close | Ctrl + W |
Help | F1 |
Similar Programs: Corel Painter Keyboard Shortcuts
Zoom Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcuts |
Zoom in | Ctrl + + |
Zoom out | Ctrl + – |
Zoom 1:1 | 1 |
Zoom to fit | 2 |
Zoom to fit the width | 3 |
Colour Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcut keys |
Increase opacity | I |
Decrease opacity | D |
Fill with the foreground color | Shift + Backspace |
Darken colour | K |
Brush tool | B |
Show common color | C |
Lighten colour | L |
Color balance | Ctrl + B |
Swap foreground or background colors | X |
Show color history | H |
Similar Programs: Clip Studio Paint Shortcuts
Painting Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcuts |
Eraser mode | E |
New paint layer | Insert key |
Clear | Delete |
Fill with background-colour | Backspace |
Pick layer | R |
Activate next layer | Page Up key |
Activate the previous layer | Page Down key |
Gradient tool | G |
Move tool | T |
Multi brush | Q |
Colour pick | P |
Merge down | Ctrl + E |
Rect. selection | Ctrl + R |
Transform tool | Ctrl + T |
HSV or HSL adjust | Ctrl + U |
Invert | Ctrl + I |
Duplicate layer | Ctrl + D |
Levels | Ctrl + L |
Display selection | Ctrl + H |
Wrap-around mode | W |
Switch to the previous preset | / |
Set or Reset Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcuts |
Palette | F |
Elliptical selection | J |
Increase brush size | ] |
Decrease brush size | [ |
Previous fav preset | , |
Next fav preset | . |
Switch to the previous preset | / |
Reset picker – BW | D |
Similar Programs: Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts
Rotate Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcuts |
Rotate right | Ctrl + ] |
Rotate left | Ctrl + [ |
Rotate right | 6 |
Rotate left | 4 |
Rotate reset | 5 |
Reset canvas view | Ctrl + ‘ |
Pan & Canvas Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcut keys |
Pan left | Left Arrow key |
Pan right | Right Arrow key |
Pan up | Up Arrow key |
Pan down | Down Arrow key |
Canvas only mode | Tab |
Toggle fullscreen | F11 |
Similar Programs: Inkscape Keyboard Shortcuts
Others Shortcuts
Action | Krita Shortcut keys |
Colour selector | Shift + I |
Set mirror axis | Shift + R |
Hide tip toolbar | Shift + H |
Show dockers | Shift + B |
Minimal shade selector | Shift + N |
Mypaint shade selector | Shift + M |
Undo polygon selection points | Shift + Z |
What’s this | Shift + F1 |
Flatten image | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Total refresh | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Full-screen mode | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Desaturate | Ctrl + Shift + U |
Invert selection | Ctrl + Shift + I |
Deselect | Ctrl + Shift + A |
All the above Krita shortcuts are used to enhance working efficiency and save some working time. Many consider Photoshop over Krita since Photoshop has more features. But Krita has tools that are relevant to digital printing. Hence, you must check out Photoshop Shortcut Keys as well.