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70 Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Atom shortcuts are widely used by developers and are very popular because this program makes it easy to write, edit, style, highlight, and collaborate on code in the smoothest way possible. With so many benefits, how could anyone not love keyboard shortcuts?

Download Atom Shortcuts PDF

Below is a list of Atom Editor shortcuts that enable you to perform operations such as managing files and folders, editing text, formatting code, and much more. Utilizing all these shortcuts will increase your productivity while working on a project, elevating your project development speed to the next level. Download the Atom shortcuts list for Windows and Mac users, which you’ll need at your fingertips.

Most used Atom Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Preferences Ctrl + , Command + ,
Toggle command palette Ctrl + Shift + P Command + Shift + P
Browse the list of open files Ctrl + B Command + B
Reload Atom Ctrl + Alt + R Command + Option + R
Change syntax highlighting Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Show available code snippets Alt + Shift + S Option + Shift + S
Markdown preview Ctrl + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Toggle Developer Tools Ctrl + Alt + I Command + Option + I

Similar Programs: Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts

File Management Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
New file Ctrl + N Command + N
New Window Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Open file Ctrl + O Command + O
Open folder Ctrl + Shift + O Command + Shift + O
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Close tab Ctrl + W Command + W
Close window Ctrl + Shift + W Command + Shift + W
Save Ctrl + S Command + S

Find and Replace Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Find in the current file Ctrl + F Command + F
Find in project Ctrl + Shift + F Command + Shift + F
Find next F3 F3
Find Previous Shift + F3 Shift + F3
Replace all Ctrl + Enter Command + Return
Use Regex in the search Ctrl + Alt + / Command + Option + /
Match case in search Ctrl + Alt + C Command + Option + C
Search only in the selection Ctrl + Alt + S Command + Option + S
Match the whole word Ctrl + Alt + W Command + Option + W

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Editing lines Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Go to line Ctrl + G Command + G
Select line Ctrl + L Command + L
Duplicate line Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D
Delete line Ctrl + Shift + K Command + Shift + K
Move line up Ctrl + Up Arrow key Command + Up Arrow key
Move line down Ctrl + Down Arrow key Command + Down Arrow key
Toggle comment line Ctrl + / Command + /
New line below Ctrl + Enter Command + Return
Indent selected lines Ctrl + [ Command + [
Outdent selected lines Ctrl + ] Command + ]
Join lines Ctrl + J Command + J

Edit Words and Brackets Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Move to the beginning of the current word Alt + B Option + B
Move to the end of the current word Alt + F Option + F
Select the beginning of the current word Alt + Shift + B Option + Shift + B
Select to end of the current word Alt + Shift + F Option + Shift + F
Delete to the beginning of the current word Ctrl + Backspace Command + Backspace
Delete to the end of the current word Ctrl + Delete Command + Delete
Complete bracket Ctrl + Alt + . Command + Option + .
Go to the matching bracket Ctrl + M Command + M
Select code inside matching brackets Ctrl + Alt + M Command + Option + M

Similar Programs: Brackets Keyboard Shortcuts

Code folding Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Fold all code at indent level 1 … 9 Ctrl + 1 … 9 Command + 1 … 9
Fold or unfold the code Ctrl + Alt + / Command + Option + /
Fold selected code Ctrl + Alt + F Command + Option + F
Fold all code Ctrl + Alt + [ Command + Option + [
Unfold all code Ctrl + Alt + ] Command + Option + ]

Tree view Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcut keys Windows Atom Shortcut keys Mac
Toggle focus Tree View Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
Toggle tree view Ctrl + \ Command + \
Select next item J J
Select the previous item K K
Expand selected directory Right Arrow key Right Arrow key
Collapse selected directory Left Arrow key Left Arrow key
Recursively expand directories Alt + Left Arrow key Option + Left Arrow key
Recursively collapse directories Alt + Right Arrow key Option + Right Arrow key
Open selected item Enter Return
Move selected item F2 F2
Duplicate selected item D D
Add new file A A
Add new folder Shift + A Shift + A

Similar Programs: Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts

GitHub Integration Shortcuts

Action Atom Shortcuts Windows Atom Shortcuts Mac
Open on GitHub: blame Alt + G then B Option + G then B
Open on GitHub: copy-URL Alt + G then C Option + G then C
Open on GitHub: repository Alt + G then G Option + G then G
Open on GitHub: History Alt + G then H Option + G then H
Open on GitHub: issues Alt + G then I Option + G then I
Open on GitHub: file Alt + G then O Option + G then O
Open on GitHub: branch-compare Alt + G then R Option + G then R

No doubt, Atom is one of the best text editors available on the market. However, many feel that it still lags behind Visual Studio Code in terms of performance and speed. There is tough competition between the two software companies. Take a look at Visual Studio Code shortcuts.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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