
50 Brave Browser Keyboard Shortcuts

Who doesn’t appreciate shortcuts? Whether it’s for studies or work, shortcuts always lighten the load and save us time, effort, and even money! In this post, we’ll discuss all the available Brave Browser Shortcuts that make browsing more accessible and efficient. Try to incorporate as many as possible.

Download Brave Browser Shortcuts PDF

To use Brave Browser effectively and efficiently, it’s important to have good knowledge of its shortcuts. Below is a comprehensive list of almost all the Brave Browser Shortcut keys available. Mastering these shortcuts will help you navigate the browser with ease. Download the Brave Browser Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Windows & Tab Shortcuts

Action Brave Browser Shortcuts
New Tab Ctrl + T
New Private Tab Ctrl + Shift + P
New Session Tab Ctrl + Shift + S
New Window Ctrl + N
Quit Brave Ctrl + Q
Close Tab Ctrl + W
Close Window Ctrl + Shift + W
Close Frame Ctrl + F4
Minimize Ctrl + M
Reopen the Last Closed Tab Ctrl + Shift + T
Reopen the Last Closed Window Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
Toggle Full-Screen View F11
Go to 1st … 9th Tab Ctrl + 1…9
Next Tab Ctrl + Tab
Previous Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Similar Programs: DuckDuckGo Keyboard Shortcuts

Bookmarks & Settings Shortcuts

Action Brave Browser Shortcuts
Add or Edit Bookmark Ctrl + D
Bookmarks Manager Ctrl + Shift + D
Downloads Manager Ctrl + J
View Browsing History Ctrl + Y
Clear Browsing Data Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Open File Ctrl + O
Save Page As Ctrl + S
Print Ctrl + P
View Source Ctrl + Alt + U
Developer Tools Ctrl + Shift + I

Similar Programs: Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Display & Page Navigation Shortcuts

Action Brave Browser Shortcuts
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste Without Formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
Focus URL Bar F6
Go Home Ctrl + Shift + H
Find on Page Ctrl + F
Active tab Find Next Ctrl + G
Active tab Find Previous Ctrl + Shift + G
Zoom in Ctrl + Shift + +
Zoom out Ctrl + Shift + –
Zoom to the default size Ctrl + 0
Stop loading Esc
Reload Page Ctrl + R
Clean Reload Ctrl + Shift + R
Reload F5
Clean Reload Ctrl + F5
Active Frame Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Active Frame Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Go Back Ctrl + [
Go Forward Ctrl + ]

If you’re familiar with the Chrome browser, you may have noticed something interesting: the Shortcuts list is very similar to that of Chrome Browsers. Isn’t that amazing? As a result, the effort required to memorize these shortcuts is significantly reduced. If you’re skeptical, take a look at the Chrome Shortcut keys.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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