
70 LibreCAD Keyboard Shortcuts

LibreCAD Shortcuts help you deliver precise 2D designs, diagrams, and blueprints for architects, engineers, and hobbyists. Keyboard shortcuts shorten the time taken to perform tasks on computer programs. Built on the Qt platform, LibreCAD is compatible with multiple platforms.

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Utilizing LibreCAD Shortcuts will help bring your ideas to life more efficiently. Learning and mastering keyboard shortcuts is essential to maximize any software’s potential. For this reason, we have prepared a comprehensive list of LibreCAD shortcuts below to facilitate quicker task completion. Download the LibreCAD Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most Used Librecad Shortcuts

Action Librecad Commands
Create new file Ctrl + N
Open a file Ctrl + O
Save your drawing Ctrl + S
Go back to the previous action Esc
Select all Ctrl + A
Deselect all Ctrl + K
Set the focus to the input line of the command line Spacebar

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Draw Shortcuts

Action Librecad Shortcuts
Draw Point po
Draw Line li
Draw Polyline pl
Draw Line Parallel pa
Draw Arc 3P ar
Draw Circle ci
Draw Line Rectangle rect
Draw M Text mtxt
Draw Text txt
Draw Hatch ha
Draw Line Free fhl
Draw Spline spl
Draw Spline Points stp
Draw Line Orthogonal ortho
Draw Line Vertical ver
Draw Line Horizontal hor
Draw Ellipse Inscribed ei
Draw Line Bisector bi
Draw Line Tangent1 tanpc
Draw Line Polygon Cor Cor poly2
Draw a Line Parallel Through pp
Draw Circle 2P c2
Draw Circle 3P c3
Draw Circle Tan 3 ct3

Modify Shortcuts

Action Librecad Commands
Modify Trim tm
Modify Trim 2 t2
Modify Move mv
Modify Bevel ch
Modify Mirror mi
Modify Rotate ro
Modify Scale sz
Modify Stretch ss
Modify Delete er
Blocks Explode xp
Modify Cut di
Modify Entity mp
Modify Round fi
Modify Attributes ma

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Snap Shortcuts

Action Librecad Commands
Snap Free os
Snap Grid sg
Snap Endpoint se
Snap Intersection si
Snap Center sc
Snap Middle sm
Snap On Entity np
Snap Dist sd
Restrict Nothing rn
Restrict Orthogonally rr
Restrict Horizontal rh
Restrict Vertical rv
Set Relative Zero rz

Edit Shortcuts

Action Librecad Shortcuts
Edit Undo u
Edit Redo r
Edit Kill All Actions k

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View Shortcuts

Action Librecad Shortcuts
Zoom Redraw zr
Zoom Window zw
Zoom Auto za
Zoom Pan zp
Zoom Previous zv

Dimension Shortcuts

Action Librecad Commands
Dim Aligned da
Dim Linear dr
Dim Linear Hor dh
Dim Linear Ver dv
Dim Leader ld

The best alternative to LibreCAD is FreeCAD. If this software doesn’t suit you, don’t worry; we have more options, such as SketchUp, SolidWorks, Autodesk AutoCAD, etc. You can choose the replacement that suits you best. Once you have worked with AutoCAD, you will find LibreCAD relatively easy to work with. Look at SketchUp Shortcuts and SolidWorks Shortcuts.



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