
60 ACDSee Keyboard Shortcuts

ACDSee Shortcuts will help you work quickly and efficiently, and even make you feel awesome, like a ninja, master, or genius. It is a Digital Asset Management Tool, developing, and editing tool that will meet your needs.

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The list below of ACDSee Shortcuts is an excellent tutorial for guiding you through various aspects of using ACDSee Pro. ACDSee Pro is best suited for professional photographers. Anyone who spends time on the computer will recognize how crucial shortcuts can be. To your surprise, we have listed all the ACDSee Shortcuts in PDF format for all the speed demons.

Most Used ACDSee Shortcuts

Action ACDSee Keyboard Shortcuts
Tag or Untag the Image \
Zoom in Image =
Assign a color label Alt + 1..5
Remove the assigned color label Alt + 0
Toggle Zoom lock On or Off Alt + \
Open Edit Caption Dialog Box Alt + D
Move the current item to a folder you specify Alt + M
Open ACDSee Pro Options Dialog Box Alt + O
Open Rename Dialog Box Alt + R
Start or Stop Auto Advance Slideshow Alt + S
Remove the currently displayed item from the Image Basket in Manage Mode Alt + X
Displays or Hide Status Bar B
Move focus to Properties Pane in the Next tab Alt + .
Open or Close Properties Pane Alt + Enter
Zoom Image to Fit the Height Alt + Down Arrow key
Zoom Image to Fit the Width Alt + Up Arrow key
Display Previous Item in Slideshow, Auto Advance or View Sequence Backspace
Assign Rating Ctrl + 1..5
Remove Rating Ctrl + 0
Show Previous Image Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Show Next Image Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Show or Hide Header and Footers Ctrl + A
Add Currently Displayed Item to Image Basket Ctrl + B
Open Selected Image in Develop Mode Ctrl + D
Open Selected Image in Edit Mode Ctrl + E
Open Batch convert File Format Dialog Box Ctrl + F
Open File Dialog Box Ctrl + O
Open Batch Adjust TimeStamp Dialog Box Ctrl + T
Open Batch Rotate or Flip Images Dialog Box Ctrl + J
Reduce Magnification of Area inside magnifying Glass Pane Ctrl + –
Increase Magnification of Area inside magnifying Glass Pane Ctrl + +
Close Current Item Ctrl + F4
Close ACDSee Ctrl + W
Rotate Current Image 90 counterclockwise Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow key
Rotate Current Image 90 Clock Wise Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow key
Open Batch Edit Dialog Box Ctrl + Alt + B
Open Export Dialog Box Ctrl + Alt + E
Open Previous Image Ctrl + Alt + L
Sets Selected Image as a Stretched Desktop Wallpaper Ctrl + Alt + W
Open Current Image in Default Eternal Editor Ctrl + Alt + X
Open or Close Histogram Pane Ctrl + Shift + A
Toggle Full-Screen Mode Ctrl + Shift + F
Open or Close Navigator Pane Ctrl + Shift + S
Show or Hide Bottom Toolbar Ctrl + Shift + T
Change Image Color Depth to Black and white Ctrl + Shift + 1
Change Image Color Depth to 16 Grays Ctrl + Shift + 2
Change Image Color Depth to 256 Grays Ctrl + Shift + 3
Change Image Color Depth to 16 colors Ctrl + Shift + 4
Change Image Color Depth to 256 colors Ctrl + Shift + 5
Change Image Color Depth to Hicolor Ctrl + Shift + 6
Change Image Color Depth to Truecolor Ctrl + Shift + 7
Toggle Exposure Warning On or off E
Display Last Selected Item End
Toggle Full-Screen Mode F
Open ACDSee pro Help File F1
Open Rename File Dialog Box F2
Refreshes View Mode Window and Reload Current Image F5
Toggle Pan lock L
Remove the Current Item from the Hard Drive Shift + Delete
Close View Mode and Returns to Previous Mode Enter
Close the current Dialog Box Esc

ACDSee is undoubtedly an effective and efficient program, but not all photographers want to pay for it and seek free alternatives. Adobe Lightroom is a suitable replacement or alternative to ACDSee. The most convenient way to work in Lightroom is to familiarize yourself with its numerous shortcuts. Take a glance at the Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts list.


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