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Freshchat FAQ – A Beginner’s Guide

28 Most Frequently asked questions

Freshchat is a cloud-based customer engagement software that provides businesses with an omnichannel messaging platform for customer support and engagement.

List of Freshchat FAQ

Freshchat provides a range of features including live chat, messaging, and automation, as well as integration with popular third-party tools and services.

What is Freshchat?

Freshchat is a customer messaging platform that enables businesses to engage with their customers in real time through live chat, messaging, and chatbots. It is designed to provide a personalized and effortless customer engagement experience.

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What sites use Freshchat?

Freshchat is used by a wide range of businesses, including small and large enterprises, across various industries such as e-commerce, financial services, healthcare, technology, and more. It is a popular customer engagement platform and is used by many well-known brands such as HCL, Zoom, GoDaddy, Freshworks, and more.

However, it’s worth noting that Freshchat’s clients are under NDA, so it’s not possible to provide an exhaustive list of websites that use Freshchat.

Is Freshchat a CRM?

Freshchat can be considered as part of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, but it is not a full-fledged CRM system. Freshchat primarily focuses on providing a seamless and personalized customer engagement experience through live chat, messaging, chatbots, and more.

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A CRM system, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive solution that covers various aspects of customer management, including sales, marketing, customer service, and more. While Freshchat can integrate with CRM systems to enhance the overall customer experience, it does not provide all the features and functionalities of a standalone CRM system.

What is web Freshchat?

Web Freshchat refers to the web-based version of Freshchat, which is a customer messaging platform that helps businesses communicate with their customers in real-time. With Freshchat, businesses can provide personalized and effortless customer engagement through live chat, messaging, chatbots, and more.

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The web-based version of Freshchat can be accessed through a web browser, and it provides all the features and functionalities of the platform, including customization options, reporting, and analytics. This version of Freshchat is ideal for businesses that want to provide customer support through their website and engage with their customers in real-time.

Is Freshchat free?

Freshchat offers both a free and paid version of its customer messaging platform. The free version, known as Freshchat Free, provides limited features and functionalities, including live chat, messaging, chatbots, and more. This version is suitable for small businesses and teams who are just starting out and want to test the platform’s capabilities.

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The paid version, known as Freshchat Plus and Freshchat Enterprise, provides a range of advanced features and functionalities, including advanced reporting, integrations with other tools, and more. The pricing for the paid version is based on the number of agents and the features required.

It’s worth noting that the free version may have some limitations in terms of the number of conversations, storage, and other features, so it’s recommended to check the Freshchat website for more information on the specific differences between the free and paid versions.

Is Freshdesk and Freshchat the same?

No, Freshdesk and Freshchat are not the same. They are both products offered by Freshworks, but they serve different purposes.

Freshdesk is a customer service software that helps businesses provide support to their customers through various channels, including email, phone, live chat, and more. It provides a range of features, including ticket management, knowledge base, and more, to help businesses manage their customer support operations efficiently.

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Freshchat, on the other hand, is a customer messaging platform that enables businesses to engage with their customers in real time through live chat, messaging, and chatbots. It is designed to provide a personalized and effortless customer engagement experience, and it integrates with other tools to enhance the overall customer experience.

Who uses Freshchat?

Freshchat is used by a wide range of businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as large enterprises. It is a popular choice for customer support and engagement and is used by businesses in various industries, such as e-commerce, retail, finance, technology, and healthcare.

Freshchat is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, and its flexible and customizable features make it suitable for companies that need to provide customer support and engagement across multiple channels. The platform is also designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, so it is accessible to businesses of all technical capabilities.

What are the key features of Freshchat?

Freshchat is a customer engagement platform that offers a range of features to help businesses improve customer support and engagement. Some of the key features of Freshchat include:

    • Omnichannel messaging: Freshchat allows businesses to communicate with their customers through multiple channels, including web and mobile chat, messaging apps, and social media.
    • Automation: Freshchat provides automated workflows, smart triggers, and pre-written responses, which can be customized to help streamline customer support and engagement processes.
    • Custom branding: Freshchat allows businesses to customize the platform with their own branding, including custom themes, logos, and chat widgets.
    • Integrations: Freshchat integrates with popular third-party tools and services, such as CRM software, analytics tools, and e-commerce platforms.
    • Real-time analytics: Freshchat provides real-time analytics and reporting to help businesses understand how their customers are engaging with them, and to measure the effectiveness of their customer support and engagement efforts.
    • Team collaboration: Freshchat provides a range of collaboration and productivity tools for teams, including team-wide notifications, and the ability to assign and prioritize conversations.
    • AI-powered chatbots: Freshchat provides AI-powered chatbots that can automate customer support tasks and answer common customer questions.

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These are just some of the key features of Freshchat. The platform is designed to be flexible and scalable, and its features can be customized to meet the specific needs of different businesses.

How much does Freshchat cost?

The cost of Freshchat depends on the pricing plan you choose and the number of agents you need. Freshchat offers several pricing plans, including a free plan, as well as paid plans with additional features and increased agent limits.

It is important to note that Freshchat offers discounts for annual billing, and the pricing may vary based on the specific needs and requirements of each business. To get an accurate estimate of the cost of Freshchat, it is recommended to get in touch with the Freshchat sales team to discuss your specific requirements.

Can I integrate Freshchat with my existing tools and platforms?

Yes, Freshchat can be integrated with a wide range of existing tools and platforms. The platform provides a range of integrations, including integrations with popular CRM software, analytics tools, e-commerce platforms, and more.

With Freshchat’s integrations, businesses can streamline their customer support and engagement processes, and provide a more seamless and convenient experience for their customers. For example, businesses can use Freshchat’s integration with their CRM software to view customer data and history within the Freshchat platform or use Freshchat’s integration with their e-commerce platform to see customer order history and shipping information.

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Additionally, Freshchat provides a RESTful API, which allows developers to build custom integrations and automate workflows. This helps businesses to extend the functionality of Freshchat to meet their specific needs and requirements.

In summary, Freshchat’s integrations and APIs provide a flexible and customizable platform that can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each business.

What is the Freshchat API?

The Freshchat API is a RESTful API that provides access to Freshchat’s platform and allows developers to automate workflows and build custom integrations with other tools and platforms. The Freshchat API can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, including:

    • Retrieving customer information: The Freshchat API allows developers to retrieve customer information, such as customer profiles, conversations, and metadata.
    • Sending messages: The Freshchat API provides the ability to send messages to customers, either programmatically or through chatbots.
    • Managing conversations: The Freshchat API provides the ability to manage and update conversations, including the ability to assign and transfer conversations and to add tags and notes to conversations.
    • Integrating with third-party tools: The Freshchat API provides the ability to integrate Freshchat with other tools and platforms, such as CRM software, analytics tools, and e-commerce platforms.
    • Automating workflows: The Freshchat API provides the ability to automate workflows and trigger events based on specific conditions, such as the start of a new conversation or the arrival of a new message.

The Freshchat API provides a flexible and scalable platform that allows businesses to extend the functionality of Freshchat to meet their specific needs and requirements. The API is designed to be user-friendly, and provides detailed documentation and support to help developers build custom integrations with ease.

How does Freshchat compare to other customer engagement platforms?

Freshchat is a customer engagement platform that provides a range of features to help businesses improve customer support and engagement. In comparison to other customer engagement platforms, Freshchat offers a number of key benefits and differentiators, including:

    • Omnichannel messaging: Freshchat provides a comprehensive omnichannel messaging solution, which allows businesses to communicate with their customers through multiple channels, including web and mobile chat, messaging apps, and social media.
    • AI-powered chatbots: Freshchat provides AI-powered chatbots that can automate customer support tasks and answer common customer questions, which can help businesses to improve their response times and overall efficiency.
    • Custom branding: Freshchat provides a high degree of customization, allowing businesses to brand the platform with their own logos, themes, and chat widgets, which can help to reinforce their brand identity and improve customer engagement.
    • Integrations: Freshchat integrates with a wide range of popular third-party tools and services, including CRM software, analytics tools, and e-commerce platforms, which can help businesses to streamline their customer support and engagement processes.
    • Real-time analytics: Freshchat provides real-time analytics and reporting to help businesses understand how their customers are engaging with them, and to measure the effectiveness of their customer support and engagement efforts.

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In comparison to other customer engagement platforms, Freshchat provides a flexible and scalable platform that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of different businesses. While Freshchat may not have all of the features of other customer engagement platforms, it provides a comprehensive and integrated solution that can help businesses to improve their customer support and engagement.

It is important to note that the best customer engagement platform for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements, and it is recommended to compare different platforms and consider your own specific requirements before making a decision.

How does Freshchat improve the customer experience?

Freshchat provides a range of features that are designed to improve the customer experience, including:

    • Omnichannel support: Freshchat allows businesses to communicate with their customers through multiple channels, including web and mobile chat, messaging apps, and social media, which can help to improve the convenience and accessibility of customer support.
    • AI-powered chatbots: Freshchat provides AI-powered chatbots that can automate customer support tasks and answer common customer questions, which can help businesses to improve response times and provide a more convenient and efficient customer experience.
    • Personalized engagement: Freshchat provides a range of personalization features, including the ability to use customer data to personalize interactions and to tailor messages and offers to individual customers, which can help to improve the relevance and effectiveness of customer engagement.
    • Seamless integrations: Freshchat integrates with a wide range of popular third-party tools and services, including CRM software, analytics tools, and e-commerce platforms, which can help businesses to streamline their customer support and engagement processes and provide a more seamless and convenient experience for customers.
    • Real-time engagement: Freshchat provides real-time engagement and communication, which can help to improve the speed and effectiveness of customer support and to provide a more responsive and engaging customer experience.

In summary, Freshchat is designed to help businesses provide a more convenient, efficient, and engaging customer experience. By leveraging the platform’s omnichannel support, AI-powered chatbots, personalized engagement, seamless integrations, and real-time engagement, businesses can improve their customer support and engagement efforts, and provide a better overall customer experience.

What is the Freshchat SDK?

Freshchat is a customer engagement platform that provides a suite of tools for businesses to interact with their customers through messaging and chat. The Freshchat SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of libraries and tools that developers can use to integrate Freshchat’s features into their own mobile applications.

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The SDK provides developers with a way to add chat functionality, such as in-app messaging, support ticketing, and more, directly into their mobile app, allowing businesses to provide a seamless and consistent experience for their customers. This can improve customer satisfaction and help businesses resolve customer issues more quickly and efficiently.

Is Freshchat secure?

Yes, Freshchat takes security very seriously and implements various security measures to ensure the protection of customer data. Some of the security measures implemented by Freshchat include:

    • Encryption: Freshchat uses SSL encryption to secure all data in transit between the app and its servers. This helps to protect sensitive information, such as customer data, from being intercepted and accessed by unauthorized parties.
    • Access controls: Freshchat implements strict access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to customer data. This helps to prevent unauthorized access, modification, or deletion of customer data.
    • Data backup and recovery: Freshchat regularly backs up customer data to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure or disaster. Freshchat also has a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place to ensure that customer data can be quickly restored in the event of an issue.
    • Compliance: Freshchat complies with various data protection and privacy regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This helps to ensure that customer data is handled in a responsible and secure manner.

It’s important to note that security is an ongoing process, and Freshchat continues to evaluate and implement new security measures as needed to ensure the protection of customer data.

How does Freshchat handle customer data privacy?

Freshchat takes customer data privacy very seriously and implements various measures to protect the privacy of customer data. Some of the key privacy-related measures implemented by Freshchat include:

    • Data protection regulations compliance: Freshchat complies with various data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), to ensure that customer data is handled in a responsible and secure manner.
    • Data minimization: Freshchat only collects and processes the minimum amount of customer data necessary to provide its services. This helps to reduce the risk of customer data being misused or mishandled.
    • Data storage: Freshchat stores customer data in secure data centers, which are monitored and protected by various security measures, such as fire suppression systems and biometric access controls.
    • Data access controls: Freshchat implements strict access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to customer data. This helps to prevent unauthorized access, modification, or deletion of customer data.
    • Data retention: Freshchat has a defined data retention policy that outlines how long customer data is kept and under what circumstances it may be deleted. This helps to ensure that customer data is not kept indefinitely and reduces the risk of data breaches or misuses.

Freshchat is committed to protecting the privacy of customer data and continues to evaluate and implement new measures as needed to ensure that customer data is handled in a responsible and secure manner.

How does Freshchat support omnichannel customer engagement?

Freshchat is an omnichannel customer engagement platform that provides businesses with the tools they need to engage with customers across multiple channels, including in-app messaging, email, and social media.

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Some of the key features that support omnichannel customer engagement in Freshchat include:

    • Integrations: Freshchat integrates with various other tools and platforms, such as email providers and social media platforms, to provide businesses with a comprehensive view of customer interactions across multiple channels.
    • Contextual information: Freshchat provides businesses with access to contextual information about customers, such as previous interactions, purchase history, and more, to help them provide a personalized and relevant customer experience across multiple channels.
    • Automated workflows: Freshchat provides businesses with the ability to create automated workflows that can help streamline customer engagement across multiple channels. For example, businesses can create workflows to automatically route customer inquiries to the appropriate team based on the type of inquiry and the channel it was received on.
    • Reporting and analytics: Freshchat provides businesses with access to reporting and analytics tools that can help them understand customer behavior and engagement across multiple channels. This information can help businesses identify trends and make informed decisions about their customer engagement strategies.

With Freshchat, businesses can provide a seamless and consistent customer experience across multiple channels, which can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What is Freshchat’s customer support like?

Freshchat provides a range of support options for its customers, including:

    • Knowledge base: Freshchat has an extensive knowledge base that provides answers to common questions and helpful tutorials on how to use its platform.
    • Community forum: Freshchat has a community forum where customers can connect with other Freshchat users and get help from the Freshchat team.
    • Email support: Customers can reach Freshchat’s support team via email for help with more complex issues or questions. Freshchat promises to respond to all support requests within 24 hours.
    • Phone support: Freshchat also provides phone support for customers who need immediate assistance.
    • In-app support: Freshchat provides in-app support within its platform, allowing customers to quickly get answers to questions and resolve issues without leaving the platform.

Overall, Freshchat’s customer support is designed to help customers get the most out of its platform and resolve any issues they may encounter. Freshchat’s support team is available to help customers 24/7 and is dedicated to providing fast and effective support.

How does Freshchat support real-time customer engagement?

Freshchat supports real-time customer engagement through a combination of features and capabilities, including:

    • In-app messaging: Freshchat provides businesses with an in-app messaging platform that allows them to engage with customers in real-time within their mobile or web application. Customers can start a chat with a business and receive immediate responses, which helps to improve the overall customer experience.
    • Automated triggers: Freshchat provides businesses with the ability to set up automated triggers, such as welcome messages or promotional offers, that can help initiate real-time engagement with customers.
    • Real-time monitoring: Freshchat provides businesses with real-time monitoring of customer interactions, allowing them to quickly respond to customer inquiries and provide immediate support.
    • Customizable chats: Freshchat allows businesses to customize the look and feel of their in-app chats, including the use of custom logos and color schemes, which can help create a seamless and engaging customer experience.
    • Mobile apps: Freshchat provides mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, allowing businesses to engage with customers in real-time while on the go.

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By providing real-time customer engagement capabilities, Freshchat helps businesses to improve customer satisfaction and build stronger customer relationships. Customers receive immediate responses to their inquiries and are more likely to engage with a business when they receive prompt and personal support.

How does Freshchat help businesses save time and increase productivity?

Freshchat is a customer messaging platform that helps businesses save time and increase productivity in several ways:

    • Centralized communication: Freshchat allows businesses to centralize all customer communications in one place, reducing the need to switch between multiple tools and saving time.
    • Automated responses: Freshchat features automated responses, such as greetings, frequently asked questions, and more, which can handle simple queries, freeing up agents to focus on more complex issues.
    • Multi-channel support: Freshchat allows businesses to connect with customers through multiple channels, including website chat, messaging apps, and social media, reducing the need for customers to switch to another platform to get in touch with the business.
    • Intelligent routing: Freshchat’s intelligent routing system automatically assigns incoming chats to the most appropriate agent based on their availability, skills, and past performance, reducing wait times for customers and increasing agent efficiency.
    • Collaboration tools: Freshchat provides tools for agents to collaborate on customer issues, allowing for faster resolution times and improved customer satisfaction.

By streamlining communication and automating routine tasks, Freshchat helps businesses save time and increase productivity, allowing them to focus on delivering great customer experiences.

Can Freshchat be customized to fit my business needs?

Yes, Freshchat can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business. Some of the ways you can customize Freshchat include:

    • Branding: Freshchat allows you to customize the appearance of your chat widget, including the color scheme and logo, to match your brand identity.
    • Automated workflows: Freshchat’s automation can be configured to fit your business’s unique processes, including sending automated responses, triggering follow-up actions, and more.
    • Integrations: Freshchat integrates with a variety of other tools, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation tools, and more, allowing you to streamline your customer communication processes.
    • Custom fields: Freshchat allows you to create custom fields for customer profiles, giving you more insight into the information that’s important to your business.
    • Reporting and analytics: Freshchat provides a range of reporting and analytics features, including chat volume, resolution time, and customer satisfaction, which can be customized to fit your business’s specific needs.

By offering these customization options, Freshchat allows businesses to tailor the platform to fit their unique processes and requirements, ensuring that they can use the tool to its full potential.

How does Freshchat support team collaboration?

Freshchat supports team collaboration in several ways:

    • Shared Inbox: Freshchat has a shared inbox where all customer queries are routed and managed. This allows multiple agents to work together on a customer issue, increasing the chances of a quick resolution.
    • Agent Assignment: Freshchat’s intelligent routing system allows you to assign incoming chats to specific agents based on their availability, skills, and past performance. This helps ensure that the right person is handling each customer issue.
    • Team Chat: Freshchat has a built-in team chat feature, allowing agents to communicate with each other in real-time to collaborate on customer issues. This helps reduce response times and improves overall customer satisfaction.
    • Agent Escalation: Freshchat allows for easy escalation of customer issues to higher-level agents or team managers, ensuring that complex issues are handled by the most appropriate person.
    • Knowledge Base: Freshchat’s knowledge base feature allows agents to share information and best practices with each other, helping to ensure consistent and accurate responses to customers.

By providing these collaboration features, Freshchat helps teams work together more efficiently, reducing response times and improving the overall quality of customer interactions.

How does Freshchat handle customer data storage and backup?

Freshchat handles customer data storage and backup through the following measures:

    • Secure Data Storage: Freshchat uses secure data storage systems to ensure that customer data is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches. The platform uses encryption technologies to protect sensitive information and comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR.
    • Data Backup: Freshchat regularly backs up customer data to secure, off-site servers to ensure that customer information is protected in the event of a disaster or system failure.
    • Data Retention: Freshchat has customizable data retention policies, allowing you to control how long customer data is stored. This helps ensure that you are in compliance with data privacy regulations and reduces the risk of data breaches.
    • Data Export: Freshchat provides an option to export customer data for backup or to transfer data to another platform, giving you complete control over your customer data.

By implementing these measures, Freshchat helps businesses protect their customer data and ensures that customer information is secure and easily accessible when needed.

Can Freshchat be used for customer engagement in multiple languages?

Yes, Freshchat can be used for customer engagement in multiple languages. Freshchat provides support for multiple languages, allowing businesses to communicate with customers in their preferred language. This helps improve customer satisfaction and can increase customer loyalty.

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With Freshchat, businesses can easily switch between languages in the chat interface, and the platform’s automated responses and knowledge base can be customized for each language. Additionally, Freshchat’s intelligent routing system can be configured to route chats to agents who speak the customer’s preferred language, ensuring that customer queries are handled by the most appropriate person.

By offering support for multiple languages, Freshchat helps businesses reach a wider audience and build stronger relationships with customers around the world.

Can Freshchat be used for customer engagement in regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance?

Yes, Freshchat can be used for customer engagement in regulated industries such as healthcare and finance. Freshchat is designed to meet the security and privacy requirements of regulated industries, helping businesses to comply with regulations such as HIPAA in the healthcare industry and FINRA in the finance industry.

Some of the security features that Freshchat provides include:

    • Encrypted data storage: Freshchat uses encryption technologies to protect customer data, ensuring that sensitive information is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches.
    • Data backup and retention: Freshchat regularly backs up customer data to secure, off-site servers and provides customizable data retention policies, allowing businesses to control how long customer data is stored.
    • Role-based access control: Freshchat allows businesses to control access to customer data based on an individual’s role, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible by authorized individuals.

By providing these security features, Freshchat helps businesses in regulated industries comply with industry-specific regulations and protect sensitive customer information. Additionally, Freshchat’s customizable automation, integrations, and reporting capabilities can be configured to fit the specific needs of businesses in regulated industries, helping them to streamline their customer engagement processes and improve overall customer satisfaction.

How does Freshchat support customer engagement for businesses of different sizes and industries?

Freshchat supports customer engagement for businesses of different sizes and industries by providing a range of features and customization options.

    • Scalability: Freshchat is a cloud-based platform that can be easily scaled to meet the changing needs of businesses, whether they are small startups or large enterprises. The platform’s automated processes and intelligent routing system can be configured to handle increasing volumes of customer queries, allowing businesses to grow without sacrificing quality or speed of service.
    • Customization: Freshchat allows businesses to fully customize the platform to fit their specific needs. From automating common customer interactions to integrating with other tools and platforms, Freshchat gives businesses the flexibility to create a customer engagement process that works for them.
    • Integrations: Freshchat integrates with a wide range of tools and platforms, including CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and more. This helps businesses streamline their customer engagement processes and improve overall efficiency.
    • Industry-specific features: Freshchat provides a range of features tailored to specific industries, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more. These features help businesses in regulated industries comply with industry-specific regulations and improve the customer experience.

By providing these features, Freshchat supports customer engagement for businesses of different sizes and industries, helping them to build stronger relationships with their customers and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Does Freshchat provide real-time analytics and insights?

Yes, Freshchat provides real-time analytics and insights. The platform’s analytics dashboard allows businesses to track key metrics, such as customer satisfaction, response time, and chat volume, in real-time. This helps businesses to understand their customer engagement processes and identify areas for improvement.

Freshchat’s analytics and insights include:

    • Customer behavior: Freshchat provides insights into customer behavior, including information on how customers interact with the platform, the types of questions they ask, and more. This helps businesses to better understand their customers and improve the customer experience.
    • Agent performance: Freshchat provides real-time analytics on agent performance, including information on response time, resolution time, and customer satisfaction ratings. This helps businesses to identify top-performing agents and areas for improvement.
    • Chat volume: Freshchat provides real-time analytics on chat volume, helping businesses to understand the number of chats they are handling and identify trends over time.
    • Custom reporting: Freshchat provides custom reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to create custom reports based on the metrics that are most important to them.

By providing real-time analytics and insights, Freshchat helps businesses to better understand their customer engagement processes, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to improve the customer experience.

How does Freshchat handle customer engagement during high-traffic periods or peak times?

Freshchat has several features that help businesses handle customer engagement during high-traffic periods or peak times. These features include:

    • Intelligent routing: Freshchat’s intelligent routing system routes customer chats to the most appropriate agent based on their availability, skills, and language. This helps to ensure that customer queries are handled quickly and efficiently, even during periods of high traffic.
    • Automated responses: Freshchat allows businesses to set up automated responses that can be triggered during periods of high traffic. These automated responses can provide customers with quick answers to common questions, reducing the number of chats that need to be handled by agents.
    • Real-time monitoring: Freshchat provides real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing businesses to track key metrics, such as chat volume, response time, and customer satisfaction, in real time. This helps businesses to quickly identify any bottlenecks in their customer engagement process and take action to resolve them.
    • Multi-channel support: Freshchat provides support for multiple channels, including chat, email, and social media. This allows businesses to handle customer engagement from multiple channels, reducing the pressure on any one channel during periods of high traffic.

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By providing these features, Freshchat helps businesses handle customer engagement during high-traffic periods or peak times, ensuring that customer queries are handled quickly and efficiently and that customer satisfaction is maintained.



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