
91 iPad Smart Keyboard Shortcuts

for MacOS

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Most used iPad Smart Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
Return to iPad’s home screen Command + H
App Switcher Command +  Tab
Spotlight Search Command + Spacebar
Hold the Command key for a second to see supported keyboard shortcuts for any app Command

Selecting & Text Editing Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcut keys
Select all text Command + A
Copy Command + C
Cut Command + X
Paste Command + V
Bold Command + B
Italic Command + I
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Move the cursor one word to the left Option + Left Arrow key
Move the cursor one word to the right Option + Right Arrow key
Select the previous word Option + Shift + Left Arrow key
Select next word Option + Shift + Right Arrow key

Safari Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcut keys
Open new tab Command + T
Close current tab Command + W
Show next tab Control +  Tab
Show all open tabs Command + Shift + \
Show the previous tab Control + Shift +  Tab
Reload the current web page Command + R
Find Command + F
Go to the address field Command + L
Open Reader mode Command + Shift + R

Read More: Apple Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Chrome Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcut keys
Open new tab Command + T
Open a new Incognito tab Command + Shift + N
Reopen last-closed tab Command + Shift + T
Go to the address field Command + L
Close current tab Command + W
Bookmark current page Command + D
Find Command + F
Reload tab Command + R
Open history Command + Y
Activate voice search Command + Shift + .

Read More: Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

Firefox Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
Back Command + Left Arrow key
Forward Command + Right Arrow key
Open a new Private tab Command + Shift + P
Show next tab Control +  Tab
Show the previous tab Control + Shift +  Tab
Reload tab Command + R
Find Command + F
Open new tab Command + T
Go to the address field Command + L
Close current tab Command + W

Read More: Mozilla Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Outlook Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
Compose new message Command + :
Create new event Command + Shift + N
Open previous message Command + Up Arrow key
Open next message Command + Down Arrow key
Compose reply Command + R
Reply All Command + Shift + R
Forward message Command + J
Go to the mail tab Command + 1
Go to the calendar tab Command + 2
Go to the files tab Command + 3
Go to the People tab Command + 4
Go to the settings tab Command + 5
Close Esc
Send message Command + Return

Read More: Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

Mail Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
New email Command + N
Reply Command + R
Reply All Command + Shift + R
Forward Command + Shift + F
Get all new mail Command + Shift + N
Mark email as junk Command + Shift + J
Flag email Command + Shift + L
Mark the email as unread Command + Shift + U
Search mailbox Command + Option + F
View the previous email Command + Up Arrow key
View next email Command + Down Arrow key
Send email Command + Shift + D
Add Bcc recipients Command + Option + B
Minimize draft Command + M

Read More: Apple Mail Keyboard Shortcuts

Notes Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
Find Note Command + F
Bold Command + B
Italics Command + I
Underline Command + U
Set in title (H1) format Command + Option + T
Set in heading (H2) format Command + Option + H
Add checklist box Command + Option + L
New note Command + N

Tweetbot Shortcuts

Action iPad Smart Shortcuts
Timeline Command + 1
Mentions Command + 2
Messages Command + 3
Stats Command + 4
Search Command + 5
Faves Command + 6
Profile Command + 7
Lists Command + 8
Mutes Command + 9
Compose Command + N



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