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170 Oracle SQL Developer Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcuts in real life may not always be advantageous, but I’m confident that utilizing SQL Developer Shortcuts (IDE) is the way to impress your boss, friends, and colleagues. These shortcuts support graphical tools and streamline database development, making it fast and easy. Mastering the Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts will save time and boost productivity.

Download Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts PDF

Accelerate SQL coding, effortlessly manage data and automate routine administration tasks with the comprehensive Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts. The lists of Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts provided below are frequently used by me, and I encourage you to start using them if you haven’t already. Download the Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most Used Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer Shortcuts
Open Ctrl + O
Print Ctrl + P
Save Ctrl + S
Close Ctrl + F4
Close All Ctrl + Shift + F4
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Path Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste Path Ctrl + Shift + V
Cut Path Ctrl + Shift + X
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Select All Ctrl + A
Add Cursor Above Alt + Shift + Page Up key
Add Cursor Below Alt + Shift + Page Down key

Code Editor Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Completion Insight Ctrl + Spacebar
Duplicate the Line Ctrl + Shift + D
Delete Line Alt + Shift + D
Cancel Esc
Delete the Previous character Backspace
Delete Next character Shift + Backspace
Delete to start of the Next word Ctrl + Delete
Delete to start of the Previous word Ctrl + Backspace
Delete to end of line Ctrl + Shift + Y
Jump to the beginning of the line Home
Jump to the end of the line End
Join Line Ctrl + J
Move line or selection up Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Move the line or selection down Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Jump to the Next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Jump to the Previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Scroll line down Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Scroll line up Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Expand selection left Shift + Left Arrow key
Expand selection right Shift + Right Arrow key
Expand selection up Shift + Up Arrow key
Expand selection down Shift + Down Arrow key
Expand the selection to the beginning of the line Shift + Home
Expand selection to end of line Shift + End
Expand selection to closing matching brace Alt + Shift + ]
Expand selection to opening matching brace Alt + Shift + [
Expand selection to the Next word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Expand the selection to the Previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Set the Local tab to size 2 Ctrl + 2
Set the Local tab to size 4 Ctrl + 4
Set the Local tab to size 8 Ctrl + 8
Toggle Line Comment Ctrl + /

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Data Editor Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Left Left Arrow key
Right Right Arrow key
Up Up Arrow key
Down Down Arrow key
Cell Popup Alt + Enter
Commit Changes F11
Delete selected rows Ctrl + D
Filter data Ctrl + Alt + F
Insert row Ctrl + I
Refresh Ctrl + R
Rollback changes F12
Sort Ctrl + Alt + S

Debug Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Continue Step Shift + F8
Find Execution Point Alt + F3
Inspect Ctrl + I
Resume F9
Run to Cursor F4
Step Into F7
Step Out Shift + F7
Step Over F8
Terminate Ctrl + F2
Toggle Breakpoint F5
Watch Ctrl + F5

Metrics Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Actual Size Shift + Home
Save Image Ctrl + S
Pan (drag) up Up Arrow key
Pan (drag) down Down Arrow key
Pan (drag) left Left Arrow key
Pan (drag) right Right Arrow key
Zoom in Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Zoom out Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Zoom to Fit Ctrl + Home

Similar Programs: AWS Cloud9 Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Backward Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Toggle Bookmark 0…9 Ctrl + Shift + 0…9
Go to Bookmark 0…9 Ctrl + 0…9
Go to the last Edit Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Goto Line Ctrl + G
Go to the Next Bookmark Ctrl + Q
Go to Previous Bookmark Ctrl + Shift + Q
Go to Next Member Alt + Down Arrow key
Go to Previous Member Alt + Up Arrow key
Go to Next Message Alt + F8
Go to Previous Message Alt + F7
Go to Recent Files Ctrl + =
Maximize Toggle Ctrl + Alt + M
Navigate down Ctrl + ‘
Navigate up Ctrl + Shift + ‘

Source Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Code Assist Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Collapse All Ctrl + Shift + [
Expand All Ctrl + Shift + ]
Collapse Block Ctrl + [
Expand Block Ctrl + ]
Complete Statement Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Expand Selection Ctrl + Shift + =
Narrow Selection Ctrl + Shift + –
Focus Breadcrumbs Ctrl + Shift + .
Quick Doc Ctrl + D
Reformat Alt + Shift + F
Show Whitespace Ctrl + Shift + W

Worksheet Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Autotrace F6
Clear Ctrl + D
Commit F11
Explain Plan F10
Rollback F12
Run Script F5
Run Statement Ctrl + Enter
SQL History F8
SQL Tuning Advisor Ctrl + F12
SQL Worksheet Alt + F10
Times Ten Index Advisor Ctrl + Shift + X
Unshared SQL Worksheet Ctrl + Shift + N
Toggle Case Ctrl + ‘

Similar Programs: Toad For Oracle Keyboard Shortcuts

Window Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Activate Document 1…9 Alt + 1…9
Assign to Alt + 1…9 Alt + Shift + 1…9
File List Alt + 0
Left Editor Alt + Page Up key
Right Editor Alt + Page Down key
Next Pane F6
Previous Pane Shift + F6
Next File Ctrl + Tab
Previous File Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Left Tab Shift + F5
Right Tab Alt + Shift + F5
Show Editor Menu Alt + –

View Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Breakpoints Ctrl + Shift + R
Components Ctrl + Shift + P
Freeze Content Ctrl + I
Log Ctrl + Shift + L
Refresh Ctrl + R

Search Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next F3
Find Previous Shift + F3
Find the Next Word at the Cursor Ctrl + F3
Find the Previous Word at the Cursor Ctrl + Shift + F3
Incremental Find Forward Ctrl + E
Incremental Find Backward Ctrl + Shift + E
Global Search `
Replace Ctrl + R

Other Shortcuts

Action Oracle SQL Developer shortcut keys
Embed or Expose Ctrl + Shift + F7
Format Ctrl + F7
Popup Descrip Shift + F4
Context Menu Shift + F10
Properties Ctrl + Shift + I
Quick Action Ctrl + Alt + A
SQL History – append from Next Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
SQL History – append from Previous Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
SQL History – replace with Next Ctrl + Down Arrow key
SQL History – replace with Previous Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Run File Ctrl + F11
Build or Make Ctrl + Shift + F9
Build or Rebuild Alt + Shift + F9
Context Help F1
Help Backward Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow key
Help Forward Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow key
Compile Ctrl + F8
Compile for Debug Ctrl + Shift + F8
Debug Ctrl + Shift + F10
Run Ctrl + F10
Open Connections Alt + V + C
Select the connection and open a new worksheet Alt + F10

Oracle SQL Developer is a reliable solution for Oracle database management, but it’s essential to consider other options that could offer additional benefits. DBeaver is often regarded as a comparable alternative or competitor to Oracle SQL Developer. Take a look at the DBeaver Shortcuts list to explore its features.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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