
70 Zoho Sheet Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoho Sheet Shortcuts are utilized to create, edit, share, collaborate, and publish spreadsheets from anywhere around the world, free of cost. It is essentially an application that provides you with space for organizing data, discussing reports with the team, and analyzing data. It serves as a tool to solve business problems.

Download Zoho Sheet Shortcuts PDF

Zoho Sheet can set up your office wherever you are! To help you stay focused and work more productively, we have compiled a list of Zoho Sheet Shortcuts just for you. Download the Zoho Sheet Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most used Zoho Sheet Shortcuts

Action Zoho Sheet Shortcuts Windows Zoho Sheet Shortcuts Mac
New File Ctrl + N Command + N
Open file Ctrl + O Command + O
Save As File Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Print File Ctrl + P Command + P
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Undo the last action Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo the last action Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Filter Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Fill in The Right Ctrl + R Command + R
Fill Down Ctrl + D Command + D
Add or Edit cell note Shift + F2 Shift + F2
Add or Edit Hyperlink Ctrl + K Command + K
Open VBA Editor Alt + F11 Option + F11
Run Macros or View Macros List Alt + F8 Option + F8
Insert a new worksheet Shift + F11 Shift + F11
Insert Columns Ctrl + Shift + + Command + Shift + +
Insert Rows Ctrl + Alt + + Command + Option + +
Format Cells Ctrl + Shift + 1 Command + Shift + 1
Find within spreadsheet Ctrl + F Command + F
Replace Ctrl + H Command + H
Names Ranges Ctrl + F3 Command + F3
Toggle Auto Completion On or Off Ctrl + Shift + Q Command + Shift + Q
Display the auto-suggest list Alt + Down Arrow key Option + Down Arrow key
Insert the current time in the cell Ctrl + Shift + ; Command + Shift + ;
Insert the current date in the cell Ctrl + ; Command + ;
Insert Line Break in Cell Ctrl + Enter Command + Return
Focus Formula Field Ctrl + Shift + F Command + Shift + F
Edit active cell F2 F2
Bold toggle for selection Ctrl + B Command + B
Italic toggle for selection Ctrl + I Command + I
Strikethrough toggle for selection Ctrl + Shift + 5 Command + Shift + 5
Underline toggle for selection Ctrl + U Command + U

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Selection Shortcuts

Action Zoho Shortcuts Windows Zoho Shortcuts Mac
Select Data Region to the Left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key Command + Shift + Left Arrow key
Select Data Region to the Right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key Command + Shift + Right Arrow key
Select Data Region Up Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key Command + Shift + Up Arrow key
Select Data Region down Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key Command + Shift + Down Arrow key
Select from the current cell to the first cell A1 Ctrl + Shift + Home key Command + Shift + Home key
Select from the current cell to the last cell in the data region Ctrl + Shift + End key Command + Shift + End key
Select from the current cell to the first cell in the same row Shift + Home Shift + Home
Select from the current cell to the last cell in the same row Shift + End Shift + End
Select the whole spreadsheet Ctrl + A Command + A
Select column Ctrl + Spacebar Command + Spacebar
Select row Shift + Spacebar Shift + Spacebar

Similar Programs: Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts

Formula related Shortcuts

Action Zoho Shortcuts Windows Zoho Shortcuts Mac
Start a formula = =
Recalculate Formulas F9 F9
Toggle absolute and relative references F4 F4
Auto Sum Alt + = Option + =
Show Function Dialog Box Shift + F3 Shift + F3
Insert Array Formula on a range of cells Ctrl + Shift + Enter Command + Shift + Return
Toggle Expand and Collapse of Formula Bar Ctrl + Shift + U Command + Shift + U
Select the range of array formula cells surrounding a cell Ctrl + / Command + /

Similar Programs: Apple Numbers Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Zoho Sheet Shortcuts Windows Zoho Sheet Shortcuts Mac
Data Region Down Ctrl + Down Arrow key Command + Down Arrow key
Data Region Up Ctrl + Up Arrow key Command + Up Arrow key
Focus Name Box Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Move to the next worksheet in a spreadsheet Alt + Right Arrow key Option + Right Arrow key
Move to the previous worksheet in a spreadsheet Alt + Left Arrow key Option + Left Arrow key
Go to cell command Ctrl + G Command + G
Go to the last cell in the data region Ctrl + End Command + End
Go to the first cell in the data region Ctrl + Home Command + Home
Down one screen Page Down key Page Down key
Up to one screen Page Up key Page Up key
Move to the next cell in the row Tab Tab
Move to the previous cell in the row Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Select Data Region to the Left Ctrl + Left Arrow key Command + Left Arrow key
Select Data Region to the Right Ctrl + Right Arrow key Command + Right Arrow key

The software that is highly compatible, or in other terms, an alternative to Zoho, is Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel offers a comprehensive suite of features to fulfill your requirements. You can explore the list of Excel shortcut keys here.



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