
234 Nuendo 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn Nuendo 10 Shortcuts for Windows

File Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Close Ctrl + W
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Quit Ctrl + Q
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Save new version Ctrl + Alt + S
Toggle alternate key commands Ctrl + F5

Edit Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Activate/Deactivate focused object Alt + A
Auto-Scroll on/off F
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Cut time Ctrl + Shift + X
Delete Delete
Delete time Shift + Backspace
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Expand/Reduce Alt + E
Find track/Channel Ctrl + F
Group Ctrl + G
Group editing on selected tracks on/off K
Insert silence Ctrl + Shift + E
Invert Alt + F
Invert selection Ctrl + Alt + I
Left selection side to cursor E
Lock Ctrl + Shift + L
Move to cursor Ctrl + L
Move to front U
Mute M
Mute events Shift + M
Mute/Unmute objects Alt + M
Open Ctrl + E
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste at origin Alt + V
Paste relative to the cursor Shift + V
Paste time Ctrl + Shift + V
Primary parameter: Decrease Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Primary parameter: Increase Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Record enable R
Redo Ctrl + Shift + R
Repeat Ctrl + K
Right selection side to cursor D
Secondary parameter: Decrease Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Secondary parameter: Increase Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Select all Ctrl + A
Select none Ctrl + Shift + A
Snap-on/off J
Solo S
Split at cursor Alt + X
Split range Shift + X
Stationary cursor Alt + C
Undo Ctrl + Z
Ungroup Ctrl + U
Unlock Ctrl + Shift + U
Unmute events Shift + U
Write W
Edit in-place Ctrl + Shift + I
Open score editor Ctrl + R
Open/close editor Enter

Similar Programs: Ableton Keyboard Shortcuts

Media Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
Open MediaBay F5
Open/Close attribute inspector Ctrl + Alt + 6
Open/Close file favorites Ctrl + Alt + 8
Open/Close file browser Ctrl + Alt + 4
Open/Close filters Ctrl + Alt + 5
Open/Close Previewer Ctrl + Alt + 2
Preview cycle on/off Shift + /
Preview start Shift + Enter
Preview stop Shift + 0
Search MediaBay Shift + F5
Show/Hide controller lanes Alt + L

Navigate Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
Add down Shift + Down Arrow key
Add left Shift + Left Arrow key
Add right Shift + Right Arrow key
Add up Shift + Up Arrow key
Bottom End
Down Down Arrow key
Left Left Arrow key
Right Right Arrow key
Toggle selection Ctrl + Spacebar
Top Home
Up Up Arrow key

Similar Programs: Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts

Project Settings Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Open browser Ctrl + B
Open markers Ctrl + M
Open pool Ctrl + P
Open tempo track Ctrl + T
Remove selected tracks Shift + Delete
Set track/event color Alt + Shift + C
Setup Shift + S

Nudge Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
End left Alt + Shift + Left Arrow key
End right Alt + Shift + Right Arrow key
Left Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Right Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Start left Alt + Left Arrow key
Start right Alt + Right Arrow key

Similar Programs: GarageBand Keyboard Shortcuts

Set Insert Length Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
1/1 Alt + 1
1/2 Alt + 2
1/4 Alt + 3
1/8 Alt + 4
1/16 Alt + 5
1/32 Alt + 6
1/64 Alt + 7
1/128 Alt + 8
Toggle dotted Alt + .
Toggle triplet Alt + ,

Tool Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
Draw tool 8
Drumstick tool 0
Erase tool 5
Glue tool 4
Mute tool 7
Next tool F10
Play tool 9
Previous tool F9
Range selection tool 2
Select tool 1
Split tool 3
Zoom tool 6

Similar Programs: Audacity Keyboard Shortcuts

Window Zones Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Show/hide the left zone Ctrl + Alt + L
Show/hide the right zone Ctrl + Alt + R
Show/hide upper zone Ctrl + Alt + U
Show/hide lower zone Ctrl + Alt + E
Show/hide transport bar Ctrl + Alt + T
Show the previous tab Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow key
Show next tab Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow key
Show the previous page Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow key
Show next page Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow key
Show/hide info line Ctrl + I
Show/hide overview Alt + O
Inline: Key commands Shift + F4
Inline: Settings Shift + F3
Inline: View layout Shift + F2

Zoom Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Zoom full Shift + F
Zoom in H
Zoom in on the waveform vertically Alt + H
Zoom in tracks Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Zoom in vertically Shift + H
Zoom out G
Zoom out of waveform vertically Alt + G
Zoom out tracks Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Zoom out vertically Shift + G
Zoom to event Shift + E
Zoom to selection Alt + S
Zoom tracks exclusive Z

Similar Programs: Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts

Workspaces Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
New Ctrl + 0
No workspace Alt + 0
Update workspace Alt + U
Workspace 1-9 Alt + 1-9
Workspace X Ctrl + Alt + 0

Track Versions Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
Duplicate version Ctrl + Shift + D
New version Ctrl + Shift + N
Next version Ctrl + Shift + H
Previous version Ctrl + Shift + G

Device Studio Shortcuts

Action Nuendo Shortcuts
Audio connections F4
Audio performance F12
MixConsole F3
MixConsole in the Project window Alt + F3
On-screen keyboard Alt + K
Video player F8
VST instruments F11

Similar Programs: Adobe Audition Keyboard Shortcuts

Automation Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Open panel F6
Redo pass Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z
Read automation for all tracks on / off Alt + R
Write automation for all tracks on / off Alt + W
Undo pass Ctrl + Alt + Z

Audio Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Adjust fades to range A
Auto-grid Shift + Q
Crossfade X
Add track T

Similar Programs: DaVinci Resolve Keyboard Shortcuts

Transport Shortcuts

Action Nuendo 10 Shortcuts
Activate external sync Alt + Shift + T
Activate metronome C
Activate punch in I
Activate punch out O
Cycle /
Enter left locator Shift + L
Enter locator range duration Shift + D
Enter project cursor position Shift + P
Enter punch-in position Shift + I
Enter punch-out position Shift + O
Enter right locator Shift + R
Enter tempo Shift + T
Enter time signature Shift + C
Exchange time formats .
Fast forward Shift + +
Fast rewind Shift + –
Forward +
Go to the left locator 1
Go to project start .
Go to the right locator 2
Insert marker Insert
Locate next event N
Locate next hitpoint Alt + N
Locate next marker Shift + N
Locate the previous event B
Locate the previous hitpoint Alt + B
Locate the previous marker Shift + B
Locate selection start L
Locators to selection P
Nudge cursor left Ctrl + –
Nudge cursor right Ctrl + +
Panel F2
Play selection range Alt + Spacebar
Recall cycle marker 1 Shift + 1
Recall cycle marker 2 Shift + 2
Recall cycle marker 3 Shift + 3
Recall cycle marker 4 Shift + 4
Recall cycle marker 5 Shift + 5
Recall cycle marker 6 Shift + 6
Recall cycle marker 7 Shift + 7
Recall cycle marker 8 Shift + 8
Recall cycle marker 9 Shift + 9
Retrospective MIDI record Shift + *
Record *
Set the left locator to project the cursor position Ctrl + 1
Set marker 1 Ctrl + 1
Set marker 2 Ctrl + 2
Set marker 3 Ctrl + 3
Set marker 4 Ctrl + 4
Set marker 5 Ctrl + 5
Set marker 6 Ctrl + 6
Set marker 7 Ctrl + 7
Set marker 8 Ctrl + 8
Set marker 9 Ctrl + 9
Set the right locator to project the cursor position Ctrl + 2
Start Enter
Start / Stop Spacebar
Stop 0
To marker 1 Shift + 1
To marker 2 Shift + 2
To marker 3 Shift + 3
To marker 4 Shift + 4
To marker 5 Shift + 5
To marker 6 Shift + 6
To marker 7 Shift + 7
To marker 8 Shift + 8
To marker 9 Shift + 9



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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