
90 Audacity Keyboard Shortcuts

Audacity shortcuts are perfect not only for recording student compositions and performances but also for adding amusing voices and effects. As you gain experience in audio editing, you’ll find yourself using Audacity shortcuts more frequently.

List of Audacity Shortcuts

The list of Audacity shortcuts provided below will enhance your workflow and save you valuable time. This is an easy way to elevate your Audacity skills to the next level. You can even download the Audacity shortcuts in PDF format.

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Audacity Shortcuts
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Close Ctrl + W
Save Ctrl + S
Exit Ctrl + Q
Import audio Ctrl + Shift + I
Export audio Ctrl + Shift + E
Export multiple Ctrl + Shift + L

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Audacity Shortcut keys
Zoom in Ctrl + 1
Zoom normal Ctrl + 2
Zoom out Ctrl + 3
Zoom to selection Ctrl + E
Fit in window Ctrl + F
Fit vertically Ctrl + Shift + F
Go to selection start Ctrl + [
Go to the selection end Ctrl + ]
Collapse all tracks Ctrl + Shift + C
Expand collapsed tracks Ctrl + Shift + X
Fullscreen on or off F11

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Audacity Shortcuts
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cut Ctrl + X
Delete Delete
Split cut Ctrl + Alt + X
Split delete Ctrl + Alt + K
Silence audio Ctrl + L
Time audio Ctrl + T
Split Ctrl + I
Split New Ctrl + Alt + I
Join Ctrl + J
Detach at silence Ctrl + Alt + J
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste text as the new label Ctrl + Alt + V
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Select all Ctrl + A
Select none Ctrl + Shift + A
Find zero crossings Z
Move the cursor to track the start J
Move the cursor to track the end K
Move to and open the next label Tab
Preferences Ctrl + P
Move to and open the previous label Shift + Tab
Selection to start Shift + Home
Selection to end Shift + End
Cursor Short Jump Left ,
Cursor Short Jump right .
Cursor long Jump Left Shift + ,
Cursor long Jump right Shift + .

Transport Menu Shortcuts

Action Audacity Keyboard Shortcuts
Play or stop Spacebar
Play or stop and set the cursor X
Loop play Shift + Spacebar
Pause P
Skip to start Home
Skip to end End
Record R
Timer record Shift + T
Append record Shift + R
Play one second 1
Play to selection B
Play cut preview C
Play a short period before selection starts Shift + F5
Play a short period after the selection starts Shift + F6
Play a short period before the selection end Shift + F7
Play a short period after the selection end Shift + F8
Play a short period before and after selection start Ctrl + Shift + F5
Play a short period before and after the selection end Ctrl + Shift + F7
Short Seek Left during Playback ,
Short Seek right during Playback .

Tools Shortcuts

Action Audacity Keyboard Shortcuts
Selection tool F1
Envelope tool F2
Draw tool F3
Zoom tool F4
Timeshift tool F5
Multi-tool F6
Next-tool D
Previous tool A

Device Toolbar Shortcuts

Action Audacity Hotkeys
Change Audio Host Shift + N
Change Playback Device Shift + O
Change Recording Device Shift + I
Change Recording Channels Shift + N

Audio Track Dropdown Menu Shortcuts

Action Audacity Hotkeys
Open menu on a focused track Shift + M
Mute or unmute-focused track Shift + U
Solo or Unsolo-focused track Shift + S
Change gain on a focused track Shift + G
Change pan on a focused track Shift + P

Take some time to explore Audacity shortcuts, and you’ll quickly see its magic. Mastering these shortcuts will make Audacity readily accessible to you. While other costly DAWs like Adobe Audition can perform exceptionally well, it’s worth checking out Adobe Audition shortcuts too.


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