GeneralShortcutsWeb Application

45 Maxthon 6 Keyboard Shortcuts

Maxthon, with its new update, has added cooler Maxthon Shortcuts, making it even easier to use. With award-winning features and impressive speed, you can browse the web with greater convenience and peace of mind. Similar to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, Maxthon Cloud is one of the best browsing applications among the hundreds of others available.

Download Maxthon Shortcuts PDF

So, here is the list of Maxthon Shortcuts to navigate within the web browser. These shortcuts are built-in, making browsing faster and more effective if you have proper knowledge of them. Maxthon Cloud Browser is available for both desktop and mobile devices. Download the Maxthon Shortcuts in PDF format.

Most used Maxthon Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Open a URL Ctrl + L
Open a new window Ctrl + N
Open a new blank window F1
Open the home page in a new tab Ctrl + Shift + H
Open a URL from the clipboard in a new tab Ctrl + Shift + N
Save as Ctrl + S
Save HTML Alt + S
Autosave Ctrl + Alt + S
Close the current tab Ctrl + W
Close all tabs Ctrl + Shift + W
Close all tabs except the current one Ctrl + K
Refresh F5
Refresh all tabs Shift + F5

Similar Programs: Brave Browser Keyboard Shortcuts

Switch tabs Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Previous tab F2
Next tab F3
Switch tabs Ctrl + Tab
Switch tabs in the reverse order Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Display pages 1 … 10 Ctrl + 1 … 0

Go To Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Home Alt + Home

Similar Programs: Google Chrome Shortcut keys

Search Bar Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcut keys
Move focus to the Search bar and highlight keywords Ctrl + Shift + F
Search keywords using multiple engines Shift + Enter
Toggle highlighting of search keywords on the active page Ctrl + Enter
Hide favorite bar Ctrl + B

Zoom Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Zoom Page 100% Ctrl + *
Zoom Page +20% Ctrl + +
Zoom Page -20% Ctrl + –

Similar Programs: Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Ad Hunter Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcut keys
Send to the filter list Ctrl + Q
Toggle the popup filter Alt + I
Toggle the auto popup filter Alt + P
Toggle the content filter Alt + C

Forms Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Save the current form of data Alt + 1
Save the current form data as default Alt + 2
Fill in the current form Alt + Q

Similar Programs: Opera Keyboard Shortcuts

Others Shortcuts

Action Maxthon Shortcuts
Open the Collector Ctrl + G
Add to Favorites Ctrl + D
Tile windows vertically Ctrl + T
Toggle the main Menu bar Ctrl + F11
Move focus to the Address bar & select the current URL Alt + D
Move focus to the Address bar & open the URL list F4
Hide or Show Maxthon Alt + ‘
View the links list on the current page Alt + L
Lock the current tab Alt + X
Reopen the last closed tab Alt + Z

Maxthon is an extended feature of the well-known browser Internet Explorer. A list of Internet Explorer Shortcut keys has also been listed on our website; take a look. I would say that installing Maxthon will enhance your browsing experience.


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