
17 Twist Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows & MacOS

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Learn Twist Shortcuts for Windows & Mac

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Twist Shortcuts Windows Twist Shortcuts Mac
Go to Thread View Ctrl + Shift + 1 Command + Shift + 1
Go to Messages View Ctrl + Shift + 2 Command + Shift + 2
Go to Team View Ctrl + Shift + 3 Command + Shift + 3
Go to Search Ctrl + Shift + 4 Command + Shift + 4
Go to Inbox Ctrl + Shift + I Command + Shift + I
Go to Starred Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Open Settings Ctrl + Shift + , Command + Shift + ,
Post a message Enter Return
Post a comment/thread Ctrl + Enter Command + Return

Action Shortcuts

Action Twist Shortcut keys Windows Twist Shortcut keys Mac
Create a new thread Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Search for existing or create new conversation Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Add team member Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Mark as read/unread (threads & conversations) Ctrl + Shift + U Command + Shift + U
Star / Unstar a thread Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Copy a link to the current thread Ctrl + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Add to Todoist (thread & conversation) Ctrl + Shift + T Command + Shift + T
Edit your last comment/message Up Arrow key Up Arrow key


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