
100 Google Chrome Shortcut keys

Google Chrome shortcut keys can save users a lot of time. Learning a few essential shortcuts can go a long way in saving a few seconds, and these seconds will gradually add up to hours saved per week. Moreover, these Google Chrome shortcuts offer a much faster and more efficient way to browse the Web.

List of Google Chrome Shortcut Keys

Below is a list of Chrome shortcuts that will boost your productivity while browsing the internet and maximize the experience. Download the Google Chrome shortcuts in PDF format.

Manage Tabs Shortcuts

Action Chrome Shortcut keys  Chrome Shortcut keys
Open a new Tab Ctrl + T Command + T
Reopen the last Tab Closed Ctrl + Shift + T Command + Shift + T
Close the Tab Ctrl + W Command + W
Close the Tab Ctrl + F4 Command + F4
Switch to the first tab, second, etc. Ctrl + 1,2 etc. Command + 1,2 etc.
Switch to the last tab Ctrl + 9 Command + 9
Switch to the next tab Ctrl + Page Up key Command + Page Up key
Switch to the previous tab Ctrl + Page Down key Command + Page Down key
Open a New Window Ctrl + N Command + N
Open a New Incognito window Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Closed the current window Alt + F4 Option + F4
Open the link in a new background tab Ctrl + Mouse left click Command + Mouse left click
Open the link in a new foreground tab Ctrl + Shift + Mouse left click Command + Shift + Mouse left click
Open the link in a new window Shift + Mouse left click Shift + Mouse left click
Download the link Alt + Mouse left click Option + Mouse left click

View Webpages Shortcuts

Action Chrome Shortcuts Windows Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Alternate focus between the address bar & Bookmark bar F6 F6
Scroll Down Down Arrow key Down Arrow key
Scroll Up Up Arrow key Up Arrow key
Scroll One Page Down Page Down key Page Down key
Scroll One Page Up Page Up key Page Up key
Go to the Beginning of the webpage Home Home
Go to the End of the webpage End End
Zoom IN Ctrl + + Command + +
Zoom OUT Ctrl + – Command + –
Return Zoom to normal text size Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
View Webpages Sources Ctrl + U Command + U
Turn fullscreen on or off F11 F11

Address Bar Shortcuts

Action Chrome Shortcut keys Chrome Shortcut keys
Set focus to the address bar Ctrl + L Command + L
Set focus to the toolbar Shift + Alt + T Shift + Option + T
Enter a search query in the address bar Ctrl + E Command + E

Browse between Webpages Shortcuts

Action Chrome Shortcut keys Chrome Shortcut keys
Jump to Homepage Alt + Home Option + Home
Jump to the previously visited webpage Alt + Left Arrow key Option + Left Arrow key
Jump to the next visited webpage Alt + Right Arrow key Option + Right Arrow key
Reload the current webpage F5 F5
Reload the current webpage Ctrl + R Command + R
Reload the Current webpage with Cache Override Ctrl + F5 Command + F5
Stop Webpage loading Esc Esc

Access Browser features Shortcuts

Action Google Chrome Shortcuts Windows Google Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Print Current webpage Ctrl + P Command + P
Open file Ctrl + O Command + O
Save current webpage Ctrl + S Command + S
Open Wrench Menu Alt + F Option + F
Open History Menu Ctrl + H Command + H
Open Download Tab Ctrl + J Command + J
View Google Task Manager Shift + Esc Shift + Esc
Help F1 F1
Open the Clear Browsing Data options Ctrl + Shift + Delete Command + Shift + Delete

Browse Within Webpages Shortcuts

Action Chrome Shortcut keys Chrome Shortcut keys
Jump to the next link Tab Tab
Jump to the previous link Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Open the link in a current tab Enter on Link Enter on Link
Open the link in a new background tab Ctrl + Enter Command + Enter
Open the link in a new foreground tab Shift + Ctrl + Enter Shift + Command + Enter
Open the link in a new window Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Download link Alt + Enter Option + Enter
Open Context Menu Shift + F10 Shift + F10
Select all content on the webpage Ctrl + A Command + A
Copy selected content to the clipboard Ctrl + C Command + C

Search Shortcuts

Action Google Chrome Shortcuts Win Google Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Find text on the webpage Ctrl + F Command + F
Find Next Match Enter Enter
Find the Previous Match Shift + Enter Shift + Enter
Close Search Box Esc Esc

Bookmark Shortcuts

Action Google Chrome Shortcuts Win Google Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Show or hide the Bookmark bar Ctrl + Shift + B Command + Shift + B
Open Bookmark Manager Ctrl + Shift + O Command + Shift + O
Add a bookmark for the current webpage Ctrl + D Command + D
Saves all open pages as bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D

Chrome Sources Panel Shortcuts

Action Google Chrome Shortcuts Windows Google Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Pause script execution F8 F8
Resume script execution F8 F8
Step over the next function call F10 F10
Step into the next function call F11 F11
Step out of the current function Shift + F11 Shift + F11
Select the Next call frame Ctrl + . Command + .
Select Previous call frame Ctrl + , Command + ,
Delete individual words Alt + Delete Option + Delete
Comment on a line or selected text Ctrl + / Command + /
Save changes to local modifications Ctrl + S Command + S
Save all changes Ctrl + Alt + S Command + Option + S
Go to line Ctrl + G Command + G
Search by Filename Ctrl + O Command + O
Go to member Ctrl + Shift + O Command + Shift + O
Close active tab Alt + W Option + W
Run snippet Ctrl + Enter Command + Enter

Other Chrome Shortcut keys

Action Google Chrome Shortcuts Windows Google Chrome Shortcuts Mac
Go to the matching bracket Ctrl + M Command + M
Toggle comment Ctrl + / Command + /
Select the next occurrence Ctrl + D Command + D
Undo last selection Ctrl + U Command + U
Start or stop recording Ctrl + E Command + E
Save timeline data Ctrl + S Command + S
Open or Load timeline data Ctrl + O Command + O
Start or stop recording Ctrl + E Command + E
Accept Suggestion Right Arrow key Right Arrow key
Previous Command line Up Arrow key Up Arrow key
Next Command line Down Arrow key Down Arrow key
Focus the Console Ctrl + ‘ Command + ‘
Clear Console Ctrl + L Command + L
Multi-line entry Shift + Enter Shift + Return

You do not need to commit to remembering all the Chrome shortcuts at once. Get comfortable by using a few and then gradually add more as time goes by. Another alternative for web browsing is Internet Explorer. Have a look at the Internet Explorer shortcuts. After learning all the above Chrome shortcuts, you would be called a Chrome star.


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