
47 Melodyne Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn Melodyne Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used Melodyne Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Shortcuts
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Select all Ctrl + A
Move left Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Move right Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Move up Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Move down Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Nudge to the direction Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys
Note assignment mode Ctrl + Shift + N
Paste the attack at the cursor and split the note Ctrl + Alt + A

Similar Programs: Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing Tools Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Hotkeys
Main/Scroll/Zoom tool F1
Switch pitch tools F2
Format tool F3
Amplitude tool F4
Switch timing tools F5
Switch note separation tools F6
Switch to the last-used tool Ctrl + L

Selecting Notes Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Shortcut keys
Select the left Left Arrow key
Select the right Right Arrow key
Select upwards Up Arrow key
Select downwards Down Arrow key
Extend selection to the left Shift + Left Arrow key
Extend selection to the right Shift + Right Arrow key
Extend selection to the upwards Shift + Up Arrow key
Extend selection to the downwards Shift + Down Arrow key

Similar Programs: Ableton Keyboard Shortcuts

Tracks Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Shortcut keys
New track Ctrl + Alt + N
Clear mute buttons Ctrl + Alt + M
Clear solo buttons Ctrl + Alt + S
Clear record-enable buttons Ctrl + Alt + R
Clear track reference buttons Ctrl + Alt + G
Clear track editing buttons Ctrl + Alt + E

File Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Shortcut keys
New Ctrl + N
Open… Ctrl + O
Close Ctrl + W
Save Ctrl + S
Save as… Ctrl + Shift + S
Quit Ctrl + Q

Similar Programs: GarageBand Keyboard Shortcuts

Other Shortcuts

Action Melodyne Shortcuts
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + –
Pause Spacebar
Stop 0
Start Enter
Playback selection Alt + Spacebar



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