
25 Overwatch 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts

In this guide, we’ll cover all the Overwatch 2016 shortcuts to help you maximize your gameplay efficiency. Overwatch 2016 was a massive hit, known for its blend of fun and competitive gameplay.

Download Overwatch 2016 Shortcuts PDF

Even today, Overwatch 2016 remains my go-to game. Despite not playing it for years, diving back into the most recent installment, Overwatch 2, felt like returning home. One of the most appreciated aspects of Overwatch 2016 is its consistency; I found no need to relearn its shortcuts. Below is the list of Overwatch Shortcuts.

Most used Overwatch 2016 Shortcuts

Action Overwatch Shortcuts
Communication Menu C
Communicate X
Voice Line F
Emote G
Spray Paint R
Mic Z
Ultimate Status Ctrl + C
Strafe left A
Strafe backward S
Strafe Left R
Crouch W
Jump Spacebar
Move Forward Mouse Wheel
Fire LMB
Reload Caps Lock
Ability 1 Shift
Ability 2 Ctrl
Alternate Fire Mouse Wheel
Melee Alt
Ultimate Q
Quick Melee V
Equip Weapon 1 1
Equip Weapon 2 2
Spectate 2..12 F2..F12

However, Overwatch 2016 doesn’t quite capture the essence of Overwatch 2. For those who’ve invested countless hours into Overwatch, the wait for the sequel may feel disappointing. Fortunately, there are several Overwatch alternatives worth exploring. I’ve found my passion in Counter-Strike. Take a look at the Counter-Strike Shortcuts list.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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