
54 Ninja Trader 8 Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Ninja Trader 8 Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Ninja Trader 8 Shortcuts

Action Ninja Trader 8 Shortcuts
Data series Ctrl + F
Indicators Ctrl + I
Strategies Ctrl + S
Properties Ctrl + T
Bar spacing decrease Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Bar spacing increase Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Bar width decrease Alt + Up Arrow key
Bar width increase Alt + Down Arrow key

Drawing Shortcuts

Action Ninja Trader 8 Shortcuts
Arc Ctrl + F7
Andrew’s pitchfork Ctrl + F8
Arrow down Alt + F3
Arrow line Ctrl + F2
Arrow up Alt + F2
Diamond Alt + F5
Dot Alt + F6
Ellipse Ctrl + F11
Extended line F4
Fibonacci circle F11
Fibonacci extension F9
Fibonacci retracement F8
Fibonacci time extension F10
Gann fan Ctrl + F9
Horizontal line F6
Line F2
Path Ctrl + 4
Polygon Alt + F10
Volume profile Ctrl + 3
Ray F3
Rectangle Ctrl + F12
Regression channel Ctrl + F10
Region highlight X Shift + F1
Region highlight Y Shift + F2
Risk-reward Ctrl + F4
Ruler Ctrl + F3
Square Alt + F7
Text F12
Time cycles Alt + F11
Trend channel Ctrl + 2
Triangle Ctrl + F6
Triangle down Alt + F9
Triangle up Alt + F8
Vertical line F7

Crosshair Shortcuts

Action Ninja Trader Shortcuts
Pointer Ctrl + R
Crosshair Ctrl + Q
Global crosshair Ctrl + G
Global crosshair – no time scroll Ctrl + N
Crosshair lock Ctrl + L

Actions Shortcuts

Action Ninja Trader Shortcuts
Toggle plot executions Ctrl + E
Reload all historical data Ctrl + Shift + R
Reload NinjaScript F5
Save chart image Alt + S
Show data box Ctrl + D
Zoom in Ctrl + Alt + Z
Zoom out Ctrl + Alt + O



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