Developer ToolsShortcutsWindows

150 NetBeans Keyboard Shortcuts

NetBeans shortcuts are primarily used during the development of desktop, mobile, or web applications. These shortcuts help you save a significant amount of time while coding. Once you have stored the shortcut in your muscle memory, you will often use it without even thinking.

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NetBeans is supported on all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. However, below, we have listed NetBeans Shortcuts specifically for Windows users. We have organized the shortcuts into different groups such as debugging, coding in JAVA, testing, running, and compiling shortcuts.

Most used NetBeans Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcuts
Copy file path Alt + Shift + L
Go to type Ctrl + O
Go to file Alt + Shift + O
Go to the Unit test Ctrl + Shift + T
Go to Source Ctrl + Shift + B
Go to declaration Ctrl + B
Go to line Ctrl + G
Toggle add or remove bookmark Ctrl + Shift + M
Next bookmark Ctrl + Shift + .
Previous bookmark Ctrl + Shift + ,
Next usage or compile error Ctrl + .
Previous usage or compile error Ctrl + ,
Select next element Alt + Shift + .
Select the previous element Alt + Shift + ,
Select in Projects Ctrl + Shift + 1
Select in Files Ctrl + Shift + 2
Select in Favorites Ctrl + Shift + 3
Move caret to match bracket Ctrl + [
Next word match Ctrl + K
Previous word match Ctrl + Shift + K
Go backward Alt + Left Arrow key
Go forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Go to the last edit Ctrl + Q
Next marked occurrence Alt + Up Arrow key
Previously marked occurrence Alt + Down Arrow key
Search word at the insert point Ctrl + F3
Find next in the file F3
Find the previous file Shift + F3
Find in file Ctrl + F
Replace in file Ctrl + H
Find usages Alt + F7
Find in projects Ctrl + Shift + F
Replace in projects Ctrl + Shift + H
Find usages results Alt + Shift + U
Turn off search result highlights Alt + Shift + H
Rename Ctrl + R
Convert selection to uppercase Ctrl + U then U
Convert selection to lowercase Ctrl + U then L
Toggle case of selection Ctrl + U then S
Paste formatted Ctrl + Shift + V
Show Clipboard History Ctrl + Shift + D
Jump to the quick search field Ctrl + I

Similar Programs: Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

Debugging Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcuts
Start debugging the main project Ctrl + F5
Start debugging the current file Ctrl + Shift + F5
Start debugging test for file Ctrl + Shift + F6
Stop debugging session Shift + F5
Continue debugging session F5
Run to the cursor location in the file F4
Step into F7
Step over F8
Step out Ctrl + F7
Go to the calling method Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow key
Evaluate expression Ctrl + F9
Toggle breakpoint Ctrl + F8
New breakpoint Ctrl + Shift + F8
New watch Ctrl + Shift + F7

Coding in C or C++ Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcuts
Go to declaration Alt + Shift + C
Evaluate expression Ctrl + F9

Similar Programs: Eclipse IDE Keyboard Shortcuts

Coding in JAVA Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcut keys
Generate code Alt + Insert
Fix all class imports Ctrl + Shift + I
Fix selected class’s import Alt + Shift + I
Format selection Alt + Shift + F
Shift lines left Alt + Shift + Left Arrow key
Shift lines right Alt + Shift + Right Arrow key
Shift lines up Alt + Shift + Up Arrow key
Shift lines down Alt + Shift + Down Arrow key
Rectangular Selection Ctrl + Shift + R
Copy lines up Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Copy lines down Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Inspect members Ctrl
Inspect hierarchy Alt + F12
Add comment lines Ctrl + Shift + C
Remove comment lines Ctrl + /
Delete current line Ctrl + E

Testing, Running, and Compiling Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcuts
Compile package or file F9
Build the main project F11
Clean and build the main project Shift + F11
Set request parameters Ctrl + Q
Create Unit test Ctrl + Shift + U
Run a Unit test on file Ctrl + F6
Run Unit tests on the project Alt + F6
Run the main project F6
Run the main file Shift + F6

Similar Programs: Microsoft Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

Opening & Toggling Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcut keys
Switch between open documents by order used Ctrl + Tab
Maximize window Shift + Esc
Close selected window Ctrl + W
Close all windows Ctrl + Shift + F4
Open contextual menu Shift + F10
Reopen the recently closed file Ctrl + Alt + T
Toggle Inspect Mode Ctrl + Shift + S

JAVA Editor Code templates Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Shortcuts
public static void main psvm
Enumeration En
Exception Ex
public static final Psf
public static final boolean Psfb
public static final int Psfi
public static final String Psfs
String St
abstract ab
assert true as
break br
boolean bo
catch ca
class cl
continue cn
double db
default df
equal eq
extends ex
public pu
private pr
protected pe
throws th
finally fy
implements im
interface ie
throw tw
import ir
length le
System.out.println() sout
System.out.println(“obj”+obj) soutv
while wh
volatile vo
instanceof iof
final fi
float fl
false fa
short sh
printStackTrace() pst
/**/ bcom

Similar Programs: IntelliJ Idea Keyboard Shortcuts

JSP Editor Code Templates Shortcuts

Action NetBeans Hotkeys
windows.alert() al
break; br
function${name}… fun
windows.history hi
document.write() dw
${}equals eq
${}false fa
${}windows.location lo
${}return re
$()window Window key
${}caseCatch() ca
catch catch
windows.consoledebug() cond coni
windows.console.log() conl
windows.console.warn() conw
${}catch ct
${}document do
${}instanceof iof

Other text editors can assist us in developing applications similar to NetBeans. Examples include Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ, both of which have their own set of shortcuts.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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