MacOSMedia PlayerShortcuts

50 QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts

QuickTime Player for Mac comes with a variety of QuickTime Player shortcuts. From managing the application to viewing movies, playback, editing videos, and recording the screen, you can perform all these tasks with just a few clicks and without even lifting your fingers from the keyboard.

Download QuickTime Player Shortcuts PDF

With the list of QuickTime Player shortcuts below, you can quickly accomplish many tasks. Using the mouse every time to act can make most users uncomfortable and waste a lot of time. Download the QuickTime Player shortcuts list for Mac users in PDF format.

Most used QuickTime Player Shortcuts

Action QuickTime Player Shortcuts
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Select all Command + A
Unselect all Command + Shift + A
Rotate left Command + Shift + L
Rotate right Command + Shift + R
Flip horizontal Command + Shift + H
Flip vertical Command + Shift + V
Split clip Command + Y
Trim Command + T

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Basic Task Shortcuts

Action QuickTime Player Shortcuts
New movie recording Command + Option + N
New audio recording Command + Option + N
New screen recording Command + N
Open file Command + O
Open location using a URL Command + U
Close window Command + W
Save or Export Command + Shift + S
Export for the web Command + Shift + E
Minimize window Command + M
Show Movie Inspector Command + I
Show export Progress Command + Option + P

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Movie Playback Shortcuts

Action QuickTime Player Shortcuts
Play or pause Spacebar
Play or pause all movies Command + Return
Stop playback and go back one frame Left Arrow key
Stop playback and go forward one frame Right Arrow key
Go to the beginning of a movie Option + Left Arrow key
Go to the end of a movie Option + Right Arrow key
Cycle through rewind speeds Command + Left Arrow key
Cycle through fast-forward speeds Command + Right Arrow key
Turn volume up Up Arrow key
Turn volume down Down Arrow key
Turn the volume up to the maximum level Option + Up Arrow key
Turn the volume down to the minimum level Option + Down Arrow key
Show closed captioning Command + Option + T
Show chapters Command + R
Loop the movie Command + L

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Size Shortcuts

Action QuickTime Player Shortcuts
Enter Full-screen mode Command + F
Exit Full-screen mode Esc
Display the movie at its actual size Command + 1
Fit the movie to the screen Command + 3
Fill the screen with the movie Command + 4
Display the movie in panoramic mode Command + 5
Increase the movie size Command + +
Decrease the movie size Command + –

Every time you open QuickTime Player, make sure to learn at least one keyboard shortcut. This will add to the total number of QuickTime Player shortcuts you know and improve your viewing experience. There are many more features beyond just shortcuts. For Mac users, VLC Media Player is a perfect alternative to QuickTime. Take a look at the VLC shortcuts list.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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