ShortcutsText EditingWindows

59 Nano Keyboard Shortcuts

List of Nano Shortcuts

Learn Nano Shortcuts for Windows

File Shortcuts

Action Nano Shortcut keys
Write the current file to disk Ctrl + O
Close the current file buffer / Exit from Nano Ctrl + X
Insert another file into the current one Ctrl + R
Switch to the previous file buffer Alt + <
Switch to the next file buffer Alt + >
Count the number of words, lines, and characters Alt + D
Refresh (redraw) the current screen Ctrl + L

Similar Programs: Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing Shortcuts

Action Nano Shortcuts
Undo the last operation Alt + U
Redo the last undone operation Alt + E
Indent the current line Alt + }
Unindent the current line Alt + {
Copy the current line and store it in the cut buffer Alt + ^
Cut the current line and store it in the cut buffer Ctrl + K
Uncut from the cut buffer into the current line Ctrl + U
Insert the next keystroke verbatim Alt + V
Insert a tab at the cursor position Ctrl + I
Insert a newline at the cursor position Ctrl + M
Delete the character under the cursor Ctrl + D
Delete the character to the left of the cursor Ctrl + H
Cut from the cursor position to the end of the file Alt + T
Search for a string or a regular expression Ctrl + W
Repeat the last search F16
Invoke the spell checker, if available Ctrl + T
Replace a string or a regular expression Ctrl + \

Similar Programs: Vim Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Nano Shortcuts
Move to the previous screen Ctrl + Y
Move to the next screen Ctrl + V
Go back to one character Ctrl + B
Go forward one character Ctrl + F
Go back one word Alt + Spacebar
Go forward one word Ctrl + Spacebar
Go to line and column number Ctrl + _
Mark text at the cursor position Ctrl + ^
Display the position of the cursor Ctrl + C
Move to the beginning of the current line Ctrl + A
Move to the end of the current line Ctrl + E
Move to the beginning of the current paragraph Alt + (
Move to the end of the current paragraph Alt + )
Move to the first line of the file Alt + \
Move to the last line of the file Alt + /
Move to the matching bracket M + ]
Scroll up one line without scrolling the cursor Alt + –
Scroll down one line without scrolling the cursor Alt + +

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Enable/Disable Settings Shortcuts

Action Nano Shortcuts
Help mode enable/disable Alt + X
Constant cursor position display enable/disable Alt + C
Use of one more line for editing enable/disable Alt + O
Smooth scrolling enable/disable Alt + S
Soft wrapping of overlong lines enable/disable Alt + $
Whitespace display enable/disable Alt + P
Colour syntax highlighting enable/disable Alt + Y
Smart home key enable/disable Alt + H
Auto indent enable/disable Alt + I
Cut to end enable/disable Alt + K
Long line wrapping enable/disable Alt + L
Conversion of typed tabs to spaces enable/disable Alt + Q
Backup files enable/disable Alt + B
Multiple file buffers enable/disable Alt + F
Mouse support enable/disable Alt + M
No conversion from DOS/Mac format enable/disable Alt + N
Suspension enable/disable Alt + Z



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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