ShortcutsSystem toolsWindows
26 i3 Window Manager Keyboard Shortcuts
List of i3 Window Manager Shortcuts
Table of Contents
Learn i3 Window Manager Shortcuts for Windows
Most Used i3 Window Manager Shortcuts
Action | i3 Window Manager Shortcuts |
Open new terminal | Alt + Enter |
Focus left | Alt + J |
Focus down | Alt + K |
Focus up | Alt + L |
Focus right | Alt + ; |
Focus parent | Alt + A |
Toggle focus mode | Alt + Spacebar |
Move window left | Alt + Shift + J |
Move window down | Alt + Shift + K |
Move window up | Alt + Shift + L |
Move window right | Alt + Shift + ; |
Toggle fullscreen | Alt + F |
Split a window vertically | Alt + V |
Split a window horizontally | Alt + H |
Resize mode | Alt + R |
Toggle floating | Alt + Shift + Spacebar |
Switch to another workspace | Alt + 0-9 |
Move a window to another workspace | Alt + Shift + 0-9 |
Open application launcher (dmenu) | Alt + D |
Kill a window | Alt + Shift + Q |
Container Layout Shortcuts
Action | i3 Window Manager Shortcut keys |
Default | Alt + E |
Stacking | Alt + S |
Tabbed | Alt + W |
Restart & Exit Shortcuts
Action | i3 Window Manager Shortcut keys |
Reload the configuration file | Alt + Shift + C |
Restart i3 in place | Alt + Shift + R |
Exit i3 | Alt + Shift + E |
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