ShortcutsSystem toolsWindows

26 i3 Window Manager Keyboard Shortcuts

List of i3 Window Manager Shortcuts

Learn i3 Window Manager Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used i3 Window Manager Shortcuts

Action i3 Window Manager Shortcuts
Open new terminal Alt + Enter
Focus left Alt + J
Focus down Alt + K
Focus up Alt + L
Focus right Alt + ;
Focus parent Alt + A
Toggle focus mode Alt + Spacebar
Move window left Alt + Shift + J
Move window down Alt + Shift + K
Move window up Alt + Shift + L
Move window right Alt + Shift + ;
Toggle fullscreen Alt + F
Split a window vertically Alt + V
Split a window horizontally Alt + H
Resize mode Alt + R
Toggle floating Alt + Shift + Spacebar
Switch to another workspace Alt + 0-9
Move a window to another workspace Alt + Shift + 0-9
Open application launcher (dmenu) Alt + D
Kill a window Alt + Shift + Q

Container Layout Shortcuts

Action i3 Window Manager Shortcut keys
Default Alt + E
Stacking Alt + S
Tabbed Alt + W

Restart & Exit Shortcuts

Action i3 Window Manager Shortcut keys
Reload the configuration file Alt + Shift + C
Restart i3 in place Alt + Shift + R
Exit i3 Alt + Shift + E


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