
88 Geany Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows & MacOS

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Most used Geany Shortcuts

Action Geany Shortcuts Windows Geany Shortcuts Mac
New Ctrl + N Command + N
Open Ctrl + O Command + O
Open selected file Ctrl + Shift + O Command + Shift + O
Reload file Ctrl + R Command + R
Switch to the last used document Ctrl + Tab Command + Tab
Save Ctrl + S Command + S
Save all Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Copy current line(s) Ctrl + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Cut current line(s) Ctrl + Shift + X Command + Shift + X
Duplicate line or selection Ctrl + D Command + D
Delete to the line end Ctrl + Shift + Delete Command + Shift + Delete
Delete current line(s) Ctrl + K Command + K
Close Ctrl + W Command + W
Close all Ctrl + Shift + W Command + Shift + W
Print Ctrl + P Command + P
Quit Ctrl + Q Command + Q

Editing Shortcuts

Action Geany Shortcuts Windows Geany Shortcuts Mac
Insert date Shift + Alt + D Shift + Option + D
Toggle line commentation Ctrl + E Command + E
Toggle case of selection Ctrl + Alt + U Command + Option + U
Word part completion Tab Tab
Complete snippet Tab Tab
Increase indent Ctrl + I Command + I
Decrease indent Ctrl + U Command + U
Move line(s) up Alt + Page Up key Option + Page Up key
Move line(s) down Alt + Page Down key Option + Page Down key
Complete word Ctrl + Spacebar Command + Spacebar
Go to tag declaration Ctrl + Shift + T Command + Shift + T
Go to the tag definition Ctrl + T Command + T
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Replace Ctrl + H Command + H
Show call tip Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Command + Shift + Spacebar

Build, Make & Compile Shortcuts

Action Geany Shortcuts Windows Geany Shortcuts Mac
Preferences Ctrl + Alt + P Command + Option + P
Build F9 F9
Make object Shift + F8 Shift + F8
Make all Shift + F9 Shift + F9
Compile F8 F8
Run F5 F5
Show macro list Ctrl + Enter Command + Return
Make custom target Ctrl + Shift + F9 Command + Shift + F9
Reload symbol list Ctrl + Shift + R Command + Shift + R
Switch to Editor F2 F2
Switch to VTE F4 F4
Switch to Scribble F6 F6

Finding Text & Selecting Text Shortcuts

Action Geany Shortcuts Windows Geany Shortcuts Mac
Find Ctrl + F Command + F
Find Next Ctrl + G Command + G
Find Previous Ctrl + Shift + G Command + Shift + G
Find in files Ctrl + Shift + F Command + Shift + F
Switch to Search Bar F7 F7
Find Usage Ctrl + Shift + E Command + Shift + E
Find Document Usage Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D
Select current word Alt + Shift + W Option + Shift + W
Select current line(s) Alt + Shift + L Option + Shift + L
Select current paragraph Alt + Shift + P Option + Shift + P
Select all Ctrl + A Command + A
Column mode editing Ctrl + Shift Command + Shift
Mark All Ctrl + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Toggle marker Ctrl + M Command + M
Goto previous marker Ctrl + , Command + ,
Goto next marker Ctrl + . Command + .

Moving the document Shortcuts

Action Geany Shortcuts Windows Geany Shortcuts Mac
Go to the Start of the Line Home Home
Go to the End of the Line End End
Go to Start of Display Line Alt + Home Option + Home
Go to End of Display Line Alt + End Option + End
Scroll up by one line Alt + Up Arrow key Option + Up Arrow key
Scroll down by one line Alt + Down Arrow key Option + Down Arrow key
Scroll to the current line Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Go to line Ctrl + L Command + L
Goto matching brace Ctrl + B Command + B
Toggle marker Ctrl + M Command + M
Goto previous marker Ctrl + , Command + ,
Goto next marker Ctrl + . Command + .
Go to Previous Word Part Ctrl + / Command + /
Go to Next Word Part Ctrl + \ Command + \
Navigate forward a location Alt + Right Arrow key Option + Right Arrow key
Navigate back a location Alt + Left Arrow key Option + Left Arrow key
Help F1 F1
Move document right Ctrl + Shift + Page Down key Command + Shift + Page Down key
Move document left Ctrl + Shift + Page Up key Command + Shift + Page Up key
Switch to the right document Ctrl + Page Down key Command + Page Down key
Switch to the left document Ctrl + Page Up key Command + Page Up key
Zoom In Ctrl + + Command + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + – Command + –
Zoom Reset Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
Fullscreen F11 F11


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is Geany?” answer-0=”Geany is a lightweight and customizable text editor that is designed for programmers. It offers a range of features and supports multiple programming languages, making it a popular choice for coding and scripting tasks.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are some commonly used shortcuts in Geany?” answer-1=”Here are some commonly used shortcuts in Geany:

  • Ctrl + N: Create a new file.
  • Ctrl + O: Open an existing file.
  • Ctrl + S: Save the current file.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut text.
  • Ctrl + F: Find text within the file.
  • Ctrl + H: Replace text within the file.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all text in the current document.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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