
170 MS Access Shortcut keys

Begin by mastering the MS Access shortcut keys, then delve into additional learning resources to enhance your Access skills further. Working with data in MS Access will constantly involve using the shortcut keys, and streamlining the management, analysis, and reporting processes.

Download MS Access Shortcut keys PDF

Similar to other Microsoft Office applications, MS Access is equipped with shortcut keys tailored to enhance productivity. These shortcuts minimize manual searching and operational time. Below, you’ll find the comprehensive list of MS Access shortcut keys available for download in PDF format.

Manage Database Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Open and Create a new database Ctrl + N
Open existing database Ctrl + O
Quit and Exit Access Alt + F4
Print the selected object Ctrl + P
Save a database object Ctrl + S
Open the save as dialog box F12

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MS Access Menu Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Show shortcut menu Shift + F10
Show the access keys Alt
Show the program icon menu Alt + Spacebar
Select the next command in the menu Down Arrow key
Select the previous command in the menu Up Arrow key
Select the menu to the left Left Arrow key
Select the menu to the right Right Arrow key
Select the first command in the menu Home
Select the last command in the menu End

Form Controls Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Move the selected control up Up Arrow key
Move the selected control down Down Arrow key
Move the selected control left Left Arrow key
Move selected control Right Right Arrow key
Increase the height of the selected control Shift + Down Arrow key
Decrease the height of the selected control Shift + Up Arrow key
Increase the width of the selected control Shift + Right Arrow key
Decrease the width of the selected control Shift + Left Arrow key

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Find & Replace Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Find and Replace dialog box Ctrl + F
Replace dialog box Ctrl + H
Find next Shift + F4
Go to the navigation pane search box Ctrl + Alt + F

Wizards Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard Tab
Move to the next page of the wizard Alt + N
Move to the previous page of the wizard Alt + B
Complete the wizard Alt + F

Dialog Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Switch to the next tab in a dialog box Ctrl + Tab
Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Move to the next option or option group Tab
Move to the previous option or option group Shift + Tab
Select current button Spacebar
Open the selected drop-down list box Alt + Down Arrow key
Close the selected drop-down list box Esc
Cancel the command and close the dialog box Esc
Close a dialog box Alt + F4

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Text Boxes Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Move the beginning of an entry Home
Move to the end of an entry End
Move one word to the left Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Move one word to the right Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Select from cursor to end Shift + Home
Select from the cursor to the beginning Shift + End
Extend the selection of one character to the left Shift + Left Arrow key
Extend the selection of one character to the right Shift + Right Arrow key

Insert Data Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Insert the current date Ctrl + ;
Insert the current time Ctrl + :
Insert the default value for a field Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record Ctrl + ‘
Add a new record Ctrl + +
In a datasheet, delete the current record Ctrl + –
Save changes to the current record Shift + Enter
Insert a new line Ctrl + Enter
Recalculate the fields in the window F9
Requery the underlying tables Shift + F9

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Select and Move Fields Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Select next field Tab
Select the previous field Shift + Tab
Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record Shift + Spacebar
Extend selection to the previous record Shift + Up Arrow key
Extend selection to next record Shift + Down Arrow key
Select all records Ctrl + A
Turn on Extend mode F8
Undo the previous extension Shift + F8
Cancel Extend mode Esc
Select the current column Ctrl + Spacebar
Turn on Move mode Ctrl + Shift + F8

Manage Window Shortcuts

Action MS Access Shortcut keys
Toggle the Navigation Pane F11
Cycle between open windows Ctrl + F6
Restore the selected minimized window Enter
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized Ctrl + F8
Display the control menu Alt + Spacebar
Display the shortcut menu Shift + F10
Close the active window Ctrl + F4
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor Alt + F11

Print Preview Shortcuts

Action Microsoft Access Shortcuts
Open the Print dialog box Ctrl + P
Open the page setup dialog box S
Cancel print or layout preview C

Design View Shortcuts

Action Microsoft Access Shortcuts
Switch between Edit and Navigation mode F2
Toggle the property sheet F4
Switch to Form view from Form Design view F5
Switch between the windows F6
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property F7
Invokes the Field List pane in a form, report, or data access page Alt + F8
Switch to Form or Report Design View Shift + F7
Display a property sheet Alt + Enter
Increase the height of the selected control Shift + Down Arrow key
Decrease the height of the selected control Shift + Up Arrow key
Increase the width of the selected control Shift + Right Arrow key
Decrease the width of the selected control Shift + Left Arrow key

Navigation Shortcuts for Datasheet, Subdatasheet, etc.

Action MS Access Shortcut Keys
Move to the record number box F5
Move to the next field in the current record Tab
Move to the previous field in the current record Shift + Tab
Move to the first field in the current record Home
Move to the last field in the current record End
Move to the next record Down Arrow key
Move to the previous record Up Arrow key
Move to the last record Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Move to the first record Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Move to the first field in the first record Ctrl + Home
Move to the last field in the last record Ctrl + End
Move down one screen Page Down key
Move up one screen Page Up key
Move right one screen Ctrl + Page Down key
Move left one screen Ctrl + Page Up key
Move from sub datasheet to record number box Alt + F5
In sub datasheet: Exit to next record Ctrl + Tab
In sub datasheet: Exit to the previous record Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Expand sub datasheet Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Collapse sub datasheet Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key

Pivot Table Shortcuts

Action Microsoft Access Shortcuts
Make text bold Ctrl + B
Make text underlined Ctrl + U
Make text italic Ctrl + I
Move to the right Tab
Move to the left Shift + Tab
Move down Enter
Move up Shift + Enter
Select the cell above the current cell Shift + Enter
Select the detail cell for the next item in the row Ctrl + Enter
Select the detail cell for the previous item in the row Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Select the entire PivotTable View Ctrl + A
Display context menu Shift + F10
Display property dialog box Alt + Enter
Close the property dialog box Alt + F4
Cancel refresh operation in progress Esc
Export contents to Excel Ctrl + E
Toggle expand indicators Ctrl + 8
Expand selected item Ctrl + +
Collapse current item Ctrl + –
Open list for the currently selected item Alt + Down Arrow key
Toggle AutoFilter Ctrl + T
Move selected members up Alt + Shift + Up Arrow key
Move selected member down Alt + Shift + Down Arrow key
Move selected member right Alt + Shift + Right Arrow key
Move selected member left Alt + Shift + Left Arrow key
Display Field List pane Ctrl + L
Sort data ascending (A-Z) Ctrl + Shift + A
Sort data descending (Z-A) Ctrl + Shift + Z
Add new total field using sum summary Ctrl + Shift + S
Add a new total field using the count summary Ctrl + Shift + C
Add new total field using min summary Ctrl + Shift + M
Add a new total field using the max summary Ctrl + Shift + X
Add new total field using average summary Ctrl + Shift + E
Add new total field using standard deviation summary Ctrl + Shift + D
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary Ctrl + Shift + T
Turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field Ctrl + Shift + B
Apply the general number format to values Ctrl + Shift + ~
Apply the currency format to values Ctrl + Shift + $
Apply the percentage format to values Ctrl + Shift + %
Apply the exponential number format to values Ctrl + Shift + ^
Apply the date format to values Ctrl + Shift + #
Apply the time format Ctrl + Shift + @
Apply the numeric format Ctrl + Shift + !
Add a calculated detail field Ctrl + F
Move the selected field to the row area Ctrl + 1
Move the selected field to the column area Ctrl + 2
Move the selected field to the filter area Ctrl + 3
Move the selected field to the detailed area Ctrl + 4
Move selection up one level Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Move selection down one level Ctrl + Right Arrow key

Others Shortcuts

Action Microsoft Access Shortcuts
Display hyperlink F2
Check to spell F7
Open the Zoom box Shift + F2
Display a property sheet in the Design view Alt + Enter
Invoke a Builder Ctrl + F2

Despite the emergence of numerous free database software options, Microsoft Access continues to rank in the top 10. Finding database software that rivals the capabilities of MS Access is quite rare. However, LibreOffice Base emerges as a noteworthy alternative to Microsoft Access. Explore the LibreOffice Base shortcuts list to familiarize yourself with its features.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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