
111 Logseq Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Logseq Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Logseq Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Create new block Enter
New line in the current block Shift + Enter
Indent block Tab
Outdent block Shift + Tab
Select all blocks Ctrl + Shift + A
Select parent block Ctrl + A
Search pages and blocks Ctrl + K
Search blocks on the current page Ctrl + Shift + K
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy selections as text Ctrl + Shift + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Bold Ctrl + B
HTML Link Ctrl + L
Italics Ctrl + I
Highlight Ctrl + Shift + H

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Move cursor up / Select up Up Arrow key
Move cursor down / Select down Down Arrow key
Move cursor left / Open selected block at the beginning Left Arrow key
Move cursor right / Open selected block at the end Right Arrow key
Zoom in editing block / Forwards otherwise Alt + Right Arrow key
Zoom out editing block / Backward otherwise Alt + Left Arrow key
Collapse Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Expand Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Toggle open blocks (collapse or expand all blocks) T then O
Backward Ctrl + [
Forwards Ctrl + ]
Go to home G then H
Go to journals G then J
Go to all pages G then A
Go to the graph view G then G
Go to all graphs G then Shift + G
Go to whiteboards G then W
Toggle flashcards G then F
Go to tomorrow G then T
Go to the next journal G then N
Go to the previous journal G then P
Go to keyboard shortcuts G then S

Triggers Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Slash autocomplete /
Block content autocomplete <
Page reference autocomplete [ then [ then ] then ]
Block reference ( then ( then ) then )

Block Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Delete backward Backspace
Delete forwards Delete
Indent block Tab
Outdent block Shift + Tab
Create new block Enter
New line in the current block Shift + Enter
Zoom in editing block / Forwards otherwise Alt + Right Arrow key
Zoom out editing block / Backward otherwise Alt + Left Arrow key
Rotate the TODO state of the current item Ctrl + Enter
Follow the link under the cursor Ctrl + O
Open the link in the sidebar Ctrl + Shift + O
Move block up Alt + Shift + Up Arrow key
Move block down Alt + Shift + Down Arrow key
Backspace / Delete backward Backspace
Delete entire block content Alt + L
Delete the line before the cursor position Alt + U
Delete the line after the cursor position Alt + K
Move the cursor to the beginning of a block Alt + A
Move the cursor to the end of a block Alt + E
Move the cursor forward a word Alt + F
Move the cursor backward a word Alt + B
Delete a word forwards Alt + D
Delete a word backward Alt + W
Replace block reference with its content at the point Ctrl + Shift + R
Copy a block embed pointing to the current block Ctrl + E
Paste the text into one block at the point Ctrl + Shift + V
Select content above Shift + Up Arrow key
Select content below Shift + Down Arrow key
Edit selected block Enter
Select all blocks Ctrl + Shift + A
Select parent block Ctrl + A
Select block above Alt + Up Arrow key
Select block below Alt + Down Arrow key
Delete selected blocks Delete

Toggle Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Toggle help ?
Toggle open blocks (collapse or expand all blocks) T then O
Toggle wide mode T then W
Toggle cards T then C
Toggle document mode T then D
Toggle whether to display brackets Ctrl + C then Ctrl + B
Toggle between dark/light theme T then T
Toggle left sidebar T then L
Toggle right sidebar T then R
Toggle settings T then S
Toggle Contents in the sidebar Alt + Shift + C

Others Logseq Shortcuts

Action Logseq Shortcuts
Pdf: Previous page of current pdf doc Alt + P
Pdf: Next page of current pdf doc Alt + N
Pdf: Close the current pdf doc Alt + X
Pdf: Search text of current pdf doc Alt + F
Add to/remove from favorites Ctrl + Shift + F
Toggle command palette Ctrl + Shift + P
Select the graph to open Alt + Shift + G
Closes the top item in the right sidebar C then T
Clear all in the right sidebar Ctrl + C then Ctrl + C
Open today’s page in the right sidebar Alt + Shift + J
Rebuild search index Ctrl + C then Ctrl + S
Insert YouTube timestamp Ctrl + Shift + Y
New whiteboard N then W
Auto-complete: Select the previous item Up Arrow key
Auto-complete: Select the next item Down Arrow key
Auto-complete: Choose a selected item Enter
Auto-complete: Open the selected item in the sidebar Shift + Enter
Auto-complete: Open the selected item in the browser Ctrl + O
Date picker: Select the previous day Left Arrow key
Date picker: Select the next day Right Arrow key
Date picker: Select the previous week Up Arrow key
Date picker: Select next week Down Arrow key
Date picker: Choose the selected day Enter


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