
45 Minecraft Java Edition Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing all the Minecraft Java Edition shortcuts will empower you to take control of your gaming experience and establish yourself as a sophisticated, top player. Mastering these skills elevates your adventure to a whole new level, making studying them an essential endeavor. By utilizing Minecraft Java Edition keyboard shortcuts, players can unleash their creativity through construction while engaging in fierce conflicts.

Download Minecraft Shortcut Keys PDF

Below is a list of Minecraft Java Edition shortcuts for quickly performing actions such as debugging the game, editing interactions, shuffling through the inventory, and more. Download the list of Minecraft Java Edition shortcuts to significantly enhance players’ performance and enjoyment.

Debug Screen Shortcuts

Action Minecraft Shortcuts
Toggle showing extra debug information F3
Display a more detailed view of the graph on the right 1-9
Display less detailed graph 0
Display Profiler graph Shift + F3
Display Help menu that lists all F3 shortcuts F3 + Q
Reload all chunks F3 + A
Reload all textures, sounds, and web-loaded client resources F3 + T
Toggle the auto-pause when the window is out of focus F3 + P
Toggle detailed item descriptions F3 + H
Hold these keys for at least 6 seconds to trigger a manual debug crash on purpose F3 + C
Toggle showing hitbox around entities F3 + B
Clear chat history, including previous commands F3 + D
Cycle the player’s game mode between Creative and Spectator F3 + N
Show the chunk boundaries immediately surrounding the player F3 + G

Gameplay Shortcuts

Action Minecraft Shortcuts
Attack / Destroy Left Mouse Click
Pick block Mouse Hover Up & Down
Use item/place block Right Mouse Click
Drop item Q
Drop a whole stack of items Ctrl + Q
Hotbar slot 1-9
Open Inventory. Close any open GUI E
Swap items in hands F
Load toolbar activator X + 1-9
Save toolbar activator C + 1-9
See the list of players Tab
Cycle through possible commands or arguments and also complete player names Tab
Open chat T
Open command /
Advancements L
Take screenshot F2
Toggle fullscreen F11
Toggle perspective F5

Configurable Hotkeys

Action Minecraft Shortcut keys
Jump Spacebar
Toggle Fly Mode in Creative mode Spacebar
Sneak Shift
Sprint Ctrl
Strafe left A
Strafe right D
Walk backward S
Walk forward W

Non-configurable Hotkeys

Action Minecraft Shortcut keys
Open the menu and give back the cursor control Esc
Pause single-player game Esc
Exit the chat Esc
Toggle heads-up display F1
Use F1 to take screenshots without HUD F2

Some programs strive to replicate the Minecraft experience or provide a similar gameplay experience. These programs are often referred to as alternatives to Minecraft Java Edition. One of the most notable substitutes for Minecraft is Minetest. Quickly explore our website’s collection of Minetest shortcuts.



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