
10 LiveChat Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows & MacOS

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Learn LiveChat Shortcuts for Windows & Mac

Most used LiveChat Shortcuts

Action LiveChat Shortcuts Windows LiveChat Shortcuts Mac
Focus on Search Bar / /
Display Keyboard Shortcuts Shift + / Shift + /
Show Previous Chat Window Ctrl + Alt + [ Command + Option + [
Show Next Chat Window Ctrl + Alt + ] Command + Option + ]
Show First Chat Window Ctrl + Alt + 0 Command + Option + 0
Close Chat Window Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Command + Option + Backspace
Pick the First Visitor from the Queue Ctrl + Alt + J Command + Option + J


What is LiveChat?

LiveChat is a customer service and online chat software that allows businesses to engage with website visitors in real-time. It provides a chat interface for customer support agents to communicate with customers and offers features like chat routing, canned responses, and reporting.


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