
90 Beyond Compare Keyboard Shortcuts

The Beyond Compare software is a solution for database comparison. Beyond Compare Shortcuts are excellent for comparing files and folders, making the process fast and painless. By using Beyond Compare Shortcuts, you can focus on the differences that matter to you.

Download Beyond Compare Shortcuts PDF

Below is a list of Beyond Compare shortcuts that you can use to work with the software more efficiently. Download the Beyond Compare shortcuts list in PDF format.

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare Shortcut keys
Open file Ctrl + O
Open clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V
Save file Ctrl + S
Save file as F12

Session Menu Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcut keys
New tab Ctrl + T
Open session Ctrl + Shift + T
Save session Ctrl + Shift + S
Clear session Ctrl + Shift + C
Close tab Ctrl + W
Swap sides Ctrl + U
Reload files F5
Recompare files Ctrl + F5
Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Info Ctrl + I
Exit Ctrl + Q

Similar Programs: WinMerge Keyboard Shortcuts

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Align with F7
Copy to left Ctrl + L
Copy to right Ctrl + R
Copy line to the left Ctrl + Shift + L
Copy line to the right Ctrl + Shift + R
Increase indent Ctrl + Shift + I
Decrease indent Ctrl + Shift + U
Delete Delete
Delete to start of word Ctrl + Backspace
Delete to the start of the line Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Delete to the end of the word Ctrl + Delete
Delete to end of line Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Select all Ctrl + A
Select all files Ctrl + Shift + A
Select Section Ctrl + D
Refresh F5
Full Refresh Ctrl + F5
Full edit – toggle F2

Action Menu Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcut keys
Compare to F7
Align with F6
Copy to left Ctrl + L
Copy to right Ctrl + R
Rename F2
New folder Insert
Refresh selection Shift + F5
Synchronize – Mirror to right Ctrl + Shift + R
Synchronize – Mirror to left Ctrl + Shift + L

Text Merge Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Take left Ctrl + L
Take right Ctrl + R
Take left then right Ctrl + B
Take a right then a left Ctrl + Shift + B
Take left line Ctrl + Shift + L
Take right line Ctrl + Shift + R

Search Menu Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Copy the line to the right and open the next difference Ctrl + Alt + R
Copy the line to the left and open the next difference Ctrl + Alt + L
Find Ctrl + F
Replace Ctrl + H
Find next F3
Find Previous Shift + F3
Go to Ctrl + G
Toggle bookmark – Bookmark 0..9 Ctrl + Shift + 0 .. 9
Go to bookmark – Bookmark 0..9 Ctrl + 0 .. 9

Folder Compare Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Next difference Ctrl + N
Previous difference Ctrl + P
Next difference files Ctrl + M
Previous difference files Ctrl + Shift + M
Find filename Ctrl + F
Find next filename F3
Find the previous filename Shift + F3

Text Compare Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Next difference Ctrl + Shift + N
Previous difference Ctrl + Shift + P
Next difference section Ctrl + N
Previous difference section Ctrl + P
Next replacement Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Previous replacement Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P

Folder Sync Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Next conflict Ctrl + N
Previous conflict Ctrl + P
Find filename Ctrl + F
Find next filename F3
Find the previous filename Shift + F3

Others Shortcuts

Action Beyond Compare shortcuts
Session – Home Alt + Home
Go next F6
Go previous Shift + F6
Data Compare – Next existing row Alt + Down Arrow key
Data Compare – Previous existing row Alt + Up Arrow key
Next tab Ctrl + Tab
Previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Close tab Esc
Tweaks Ctrl + Shift + T
Legend Ctrl + Shift + L

Meld is commonly compared to Beyond Compare as an alternative by users and reviewers alike. Take a quick look at the Meld Shortcuts list blog, available on our website.



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