
50 Black Desert Online Keyboard Shortcuts

Veteran players of Black Desert Online, with 10,000 or even 20,000 hours of gameplay, understand the significance of shortcuts within the game. These shortcuts can redefine traditional playstyles and add an element of experimentation and excitement to the game. Black Desert Online offers a diverse range of activities, from intense combat and monster hunting to mastering life skills like fishing, trading, crafting, and cooking.

Download Black Desert Online Shortcuts PDF

Exploring the list of Black Desert Online shortcuts provided below is a valuable investment of time. New players will quickly benefit from familiarizing themselves with these shortcuts, as they can greatly enhance their gaming experience and expeditions. Therefore, we have compiled the Black Desert Online shortcut Keys list in PDF format for easy access.

Most Used Black Desert Online Shortcuts

Action Black Desert Online Shortcuts
Forward W
Left A
Backward S
Right D
Show or hide the pointer Ctrl
Help F1
Knowledge H
Inventory I
Summon Black Spirit .
Open chat Enter
Character information P
Skills K
Map M
Dyes J
Process L
Guild G
Mailbox B
Friends list N
Special reward Y
Quests O
Attack Left Mouse Click
Special attack Right Mouse Click
Change camera elevation Mouse Scroll Up & Down
Crafting log F2
Pearl shop F3
Beauty salon F4
Quest journal ~
Hotbar 1-9
Enter or exit battle stance Tab
Call Black Spirit ,
Block, crouch Q
Special action E
Auto-run T
Interaction R
Enchantments U
Kick F
Sprint Shift
Emergency avoidance V
In combat, transfer rage X
Command followers, in combat, absorb the rage Z
Jump, and crawl while crouched Spacebar
Spectator mode R

Similar Programs: Final Fantasy Keyboard Shortcuts

Screenshot Mode Shortcuts

Action Black Desert Online Shortcuts
Screenshot mode Ctrl + U
Move camera Arrow keys
Change angle Ctrl + Left Arrow keys or Right Arrow keys
Blur or sharpen Ctrl + Up Arrow keys or Down Arrow keys
Rotation Shift + Left Arrow keys or Right Arrow keys
Zoom in Shift + Up Arrow keys
Zoom out Shift + Down Arrow keys
Alpha mask Shift + Print Screen

Chat Controls Shortcuts

Action Black Desert Online Shortcuts
General chat S
All chat Y
Party chat P
Whisper answers R
Set chat macros M
Social actions S

Free Camera Mode Shortcuts

Action BDO Hotkeys
Toggle Free Cam Ctrl + U
Move the camera relative to your view W or A or S or D
Adjust focus Ctrl + W
Adjust the Field of View Shift + W
Camera tilt Shift + A
Apply photo filters Ctrl + Shift + W
Applies Grain Filter & Vignette Ctrl + Shift + A

One drawback of Black Desert Online is that it’s not available as a free-to-play game in some regions, prompting players to seek alternatives. Genshin Impact, often overlooked, emerges as a promising alternative. Explore the world of Genshin Impact shortcuts, listed here.



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