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40 French Alt Codes You Should Know

If you regularly write in French on your laptop, the best way to type French accents is either by using the international keyboard or by familiarizing yourself with French Alt Codes. Mastering the French language requires proper understanding and usage of accent marks.

Note: French Alt Codes numbers will only work on the numeric keypad, not the top row across the keyboard.

Download French Alt Codes PDF

While French accent marks may not be inherently difficult to understand, some practice and determination will make typing them easier. Below is the complete list of Alt Codes for French letters with accents. You can download the French Alt Codes list in PDF format.

Most used French Alt Codes

Action Alt Codes Shortcuts
À – a grave Alt – 0192
à – a grave Alt – 0224
 – a circumflex Alt – 0194
â – a circumflex Alt – 0226
Ä – a umlaut Alt – 0196
ä – a umlaut Alt – 0228
È – e grave Alt – 0200
è – e grave Alt – 0232
É – e acute Alt – 0201
é – e acute Alt – 0233
Ê – e circumflex Alt – 0202
ê – e circumflex Alt – 0234
Ë – e umlaut Alt – 0203
ë – e umlaut Alt – 0235
Î – I circumflex Alt – 0206
î – i circumflex Alt – 0238
Ï – I umlaut Alt – 0207
ï – i umlaut Alt – 0239
Ô – O circumflex Alt – 0212
ô – o circumflex Alt – 0244
ΠAlt Р0140
œ Alt – 0156
Ù – U grave Alt – 0217
ù – u grave Alt – 0249
Û – U circumflex Alt – 0219
û – u circumflex Alt – 0251
Ü – U umlaut Alt – 0220
ü – u umlaut Alt – 0252
Ÿ Alt – 0159
ÿ – y umlaut Alt – 0255
Ç – c cedilla Alt – 0199
ç – c cedila Alt – 0231
« Alt – 0171
» Alt – 0187
Alt – 0128

The French accent mark is of utmost importance. Incorrect usage or the absence of accent marks can lead to embarrassing mistakes and miscommunication. Hence, these French accent marks, though small, can cause inconvenience. In our earlier article, we provided the Spanish Accents Alt Codes.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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