ShortcutsText EditingWindows

35 EditPad Keyboard Shortcuts

EditPad is an excellent text editor known for its lightweight nature, high customizability, and tabbed interface, encapsulating all the goodness of a pure text editor in a single package! Even users who typically avoid shortcuts find themselves saving a significant amount of time by utilizing the keyboard and mouse more effectively.

Download Editpad Shortcuts PDF

Many EditPad users learn its shortcuts almost unconsciously, seamlessly integrating them into their editing workflow. Below is a comprehensive list of EditPad shortcuts that can enhance your text editing experience. Feel free to download the EditPad Shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most Used Editpad Shortcuts

Action Editpad Shortcuts
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Append Ctrl + Shift + C
Cut Append Ctrl + Shift + X
Swap With Clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V
Duplicate text Ctrl + D
Move text Ctrl + M
Begin Selection Ctrl + Shift + B
End Selection Ctrl + Shift + E
Expand Selection Ctrl + Shift + D
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Toggles between insert and overwrite mode Insert
Select all Ctrl + A
Go to a previous editing position Shift + F5
Insert Matching Bracket Ctrl + Shift + ]
Move to the start of the document Ctrl + Home
Move to the end of the document Ctrl + End
Select everything from the current position of the text cursor to the start Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select everything from the current position of the text cursor to the end Ctrl + Shift + End
Jump to the next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Jump to the previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Delete the start of the current word Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the end of the current word Ctrl + End
Delete the start of the current line Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Delete the end of the current line Ctrl + Shift + End
Indent or unindent a block of lines Shift + Tab
Delete lines Ctrl + Alt + Y
Duplicate lines Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y
Move the text cursor up an entire screen Page Up key
Move the text cursor down an entire screen Page Down key
Move the text cursor to the beginning of the line Home
Move the text cursor to the End of the line End

EditPad can serve as a viable alternative to NotePad. However, programmers accustomed to using EditPad Pro or Notepad++ may find it preferable to stick with those options rather than switching. Take a glance at the Notepad++ Shortcuts list for a deeper understanding. Additionally, UltraEdit has emerged as a long-standing favorite among programmers for text editing. Explore the UltraEdit Shortcuts list to see its features as well.



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