
26 The Raiser’s Edge Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn The Raiser’s Edge Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used The Raiser’s Edge Shortcuts

Action The Raiser’s Edge Shortcut keys
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Open in a new window Ctrl + I
Save Ctrl + S
Save and new Ctrl + W
Save and close Ctrl + L
Annotate Ctrl + T
Undo Ctrl + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Print Ctrl + P
Find Ctrl + F
Access help for the screen you are currently on F1
Insert the default value of a field (if it exists). The default entry replaces existing entries F2
Load all values from a default set into a new record, do not overwrite existing entries Shift + F2
(in date fields) Insert the current date F3
(in dropdown fields) Access the list F4
Refresh some grids, time or date stamps, and notepads F5
(in tables) Access lookups F7
(in date fields) Access calendars F7
(in currency fields) Access calculators F7
(in note fields) Zoom in F7
Navigate through all fields, buttons, etc. Tab
Show hotkeys (by underlining buttons, tabs, or items in the menu bar Alt
Access the shortcut menu in certain fields Shift + F10



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