39 Author-It Keyboard Shortcuts
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Learn Author-It Shortcuts for Windows
Most Used Author-It Shortcuts
Action | Author-It Shortcuts |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Save changes within a topic | Ctrl + S |
Select All | Ctrl + A |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Replace | Ctrl + H |
Insert Hyperlink | Ctrl + K |
Duplicate | Ctrl + D |
Open the properties for the selected folder or object when the library explorer has the focus | Ctrl + P |
Print a topic when the cursor is in the open topic or the topic is selected in the book’s content pane (on-premises only) | Ctrl + P |
Opens the Quick Search window | Ctrl + Q |
Displays the previous topic in the Editor | Ctrl + < |
Displays next topic in Editor | Ctrl + > |
Insert Non-breaking Hyphen | Ctrl + Shift + – |
Insert Non-breaking Space | Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar |
Show/Hide Control Characters | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Remove Character Style | Ctrl + Spacebar |
Expand or Collapse the Ribbon Bar | Ctrl + F1 |
Opens the File Menu in the Library Explorer or in the Editor (depending on which has the focus) | Alt + F |
Opens the Author ribbon and displays the keyboard shortcuts in the Library Explorer (when the Explorer has the focus) | Alt + A |
Opens the Edit ribbon and displays the keyboard shortcuts in the Editor (when the Editor has the focus) | Alt + E |
Minimizes the Author screen when running in browser mode. | Alt + Page Down key |
Maximizes Author screens when running in browser mode. Note that the Author will cycle through all open screens. | Alt + Page Up key |
Help | F1 |
Refresh | F5 |
Spell Check | F7 |
Close Window | Alt + F4 |
Toggle Case | Shift + F3 |
Delete or Remove Selected Objects or Text | Delete |
Insert directly above the object | Shift |
Insert demoted, as a child of the object | Alt |
Insert a copy directly below the object | Ctrl |
Insert a copy directly above the object | Ctrl + Shift |
Insert a copy demoted, as a child of the object | Ctrl + Alt |
Press Alt to display tab shortcuts. Press again to return focus to the content | Alt |
Expand / Collapse ribbon | Ctrl + F1 |
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