
80 Sierra Chart Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

For financial marketers, Sierra Chart is a platform for professional trading and charting. Sierra Chart Shortcuts is for current users as well as those who want to fill in the gaps or want to get inspired. Its main focus is to provide high performance in all areas of the program. Shortcuts will help in providing a complete real-time and historical, charting and technical analysis.

Download Sierra Chart Shortcuts PDF

This below list of Sierra Chart Shortcuts will help any traders from beginners to professionals. Download the Sierra Chart Shortcuts list in PDF format, follow them and you will be fast and proficient in it in no time.

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart Shortcuts
New or Open Historical Chart Ctrl + H
New or Open Intraday Chart Ctrl + I
Open ChartBook Ctrl + B
Save All Ctrl + A
Disconnect Ctrl + F11
Save Ctrl + S
Connect to Data Feed F11
Copy Chart Value Alt + Shift + C
Reload All Charts Ctrl + R

Chart Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart shortcut keys
Chart Settings F5
Use Evening or Full Session Ctrl + G
Vertical Grid Alt + Shift + V
Reload and Recalculate Insert
Recalculate Ctrl + Insert
Detach or Attach Chart Window Ctrl + Alt + D
Reset Scales Alt + Shift + R
Go to Date Time Ctrl + Alt + G
Scroll All Charts to End Ctrl + End

Read More: Onshape Keyboard Shortcuts

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart shortcuts
Pinter Alt + 1
Adjust Regions Alt + 0
Chart Values or Crosshair Alt + 3
Hand Alt + H
Zoom In Alt + Z
Line Alt + 4
Ray Alt + 6
Parallel Lines Alt + 9
Horizontal Lines Alt + 8
Price Retracement Alt + 7
Parallel Rays Ctrl + Shift + 9
Horizontal Rays Ctrl + Shift + H
Price Projection Ctrl + Alt + P
Fibonacci Fan Ctrl + Shift + F
Cycle Ctrl + Alt + Y
Time Expansion Ctrl + Alt + 1
Zig Zag Ctrl + Alt + 2
Gann Grid Ctrl + Alt + 3
Pitchfork Ctrl + 6
Pitchfork – Schiff Median Alt + Shift + 6
Rectangle Ctrl + Alt + 4
Pitchfork – Modified Schiff Alt + Shift + 5
Extending Rectangle Ctrl + Alt + T
Ellipse Ctrl + Alt + 5
Tool Settings Ctrl + Alt + 7
Move Drawing Alt + M
Adjust Drawing Ctrl + 5
Copy and Move Drawing Ctrl + L
Copy and Adjust Drawing Alt + Shift + 1
Erase Drawing Mode Alt + 5
Erase All Text Alt + Shift + T
Erase All Non-Text Drawing Alt + Shift + L
Manage Chart Drawing Window Ctrl + Alt + M
Global Cursor On Ctrl + 3
Synchronize Chart Ctrl + Shift + S

Trade Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart shortcuts
Open Trade Window for Chart Ctrl + Shift + T
Chart Trade Mode On Ctrl + Shift + C
Trading Chart DOM On Ctrl + Shift + D
Show Order Fills Ctrl + Shift + O
Trade Orders and Positions Ctrl + Shift + P
Trade Activity Log Ctrl + Shift + A
Trade Service Log Ctrl + Shift + L
General Trade Settings Ctrl + Shift + G

Spreadsheet Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart shortcuts
Edit Formula F2
Fix Column Ctrl + F1
Open Intraday Chart Ctrl + Alt + 1
Open Historical Chart Ctrl + Alt + H
Prior Sheet Ctrl + Page Up key
Next Sheet Ctrl + Page Down key
Detach or Attach SpreadSheet Ctrl + Alt + D
Sort Ctrl + 2

Read More: Cabinet Vision Keyboard Shortcuts

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action Sierra Chart shortcuts
Maximize Ctrl + Alt + X
Restore Ctrl + Alt + R
Windows and Chartbooks Ctrl + W
Message Log Ctrl + M
Alert Manager Ctrl + Alt + A
Current Quote Window Alt + Q
Chart Values Window F3
Tool Values Window Alt + V

TradingView and MetaTrader are considered the best Sierra Chart alternatives. Look at the shortcuts list of both the alternatives listed on our website i.e. TradingView Shortcuts and MetaTrader Shortcuts.


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