
71 M* Modal Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn M* Modal Editor Shortcuts for Windows

Most used M* Modal Editor Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcuts
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Delete word right Ctrl + Delete
Delete word left Ctrl + Backspace
Toggle case Ctrl + Shift + U
Find text Ctrl + F
Find ıncomplete marker Ctrl + Alt + I
View report data screen F2
Spell check F3
Print preview F5
Lookup previous report F6
Template search F8
View ccs F9
View ınstructions Ctrl + F8
View report notes Ctrl + F9
Save and exit F10

Insert Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcut keys
Incomplete marker Ctrl + G
Template F8
Bookmark Ctrl + K
Provider’s full name Ctrl + D
Provider’s last name Ctrl + Alt + D
Address Ctrl + A
Symbol Ctrl + W

Formatting Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcut keys
Toggle section Ctrl + N
Toggle sub-section Ctrl + Shift + N
Toggle list Ctrl + L
Indent list Ctrl + M
Outdent list Ctrl + Shift + M

Character Formatting Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcuts
Bold Ctrl + B
Italics Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U

Select Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcuts
One character left Shift + Left Arrow key
One character right Shift + Right Arrow key
One word left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
One word right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
One line down Shift + Down Arrow key
One line up Shift + Up Arrow key
One paragraph down Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
One paragraph up Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
To start of the report Ctrl + Shift + Home
To end of the report Ctrl + Shift + End
To start of the line Shift + Home
To end of the line Shift + End

Audio Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcut keys
Toggle playback F12
Attach highlight & cursor Ctrl + F12
Move the highlight to the cursor Ctrl + Shift + F12
Rewind Ctrl + Shift + R
Fast forward Ctrl + Shift + F
Decrease speed Ctrl + E
Normal speed Ctrl + R
Increase speed Ctrl + T

Expandtype Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcut keys
Quick add F7
Lookup Ctrl + F7
Maintenance Ctrl + Shift + F7

Navigation Shortcuts

Action M* Modal Editor Shortcut keys
One character right Left Arrow key
One character left Right Arrow key
One line down Down Arrow key
One line up Up Arrow key
One word right Ctrl + Left Arrow key
One word left Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Move to the end of the line End
Move to the start of the line Home
Move paragraph up Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Move paragraph down Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Move to the start of the report Ctrl + Home
Move to the end of the report Ctrl + End
Scroll up Page Up key
Scroll down Page Down key


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is M* Modal Editor?” answer-0=”M* Modal Editor is a software program designed to provide a range of editing tools for medical transcriptionists and other healthcare professionals. It helps to streamline the transcription process by offering features such as speech recognition and the ability to customize shortcuts.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are some of the key features of M* Modal Editor?” answer-1=”M* Modal Editor offers a range of features to help streamline the transcription process, including speech recognition, customizable shortcut keys, the ability to import and export files, and a user-friendly interface.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How do I customize shortcut keys in M* Modal Editor?” answer-2=”To customize shortcut keys in M* Modal Editor, click on the Tools menu, select Options, and then choose Shortcut Keys from the list of options. From there, you can select the command you want to assign a shortcut to and choose a key combination that you prefer.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Does M* Modal Editor support voice recognition?” answer-3=”Yes, M* Modal Editor includes a voice recognition feature that allows users to dictate their transcriptions directly into the program. This can help to speed up the transcription process and reduce the need for manual typing.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]



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