
86 LibreOffice Impress Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts for Windows

Most used LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts
Moves the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow Arrow keys
Move around in the page view Ctrl + Arrow keys
Select the object behind the currently selected object Alt + Left Mouse Click
Select the object in front of the currently selected object Alt + Shift + Left Mouse Click
Select adjacent items or a text passage Shift + Left Mouse Click
Select objects in the order in which they were created Tab
Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created Shift + Tab
Exit current mode Esc
Activate a placeholder object in a new presentation Enter
Moves to the next text object on the slide Ctrl + Enter
Switch to the previous slide. No function on the first slide Page Up key
Switch to the next slide. No function on the last slide Page Down key

Text Editing Shortcuts

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcut keys
Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you Ctrl + –
Non-breaking hyphen Ctrl + Shift + –
Non-breaking spaces Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
Line break without paragraph change Shift + Enter
Move the cursor to the left Left Arrow key
Move the cursor with the selection to the left Shift + Left Arrow key
Go to the beginning of the word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Selecting to the left word by word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Move the cursor to the right Right Arrow key
Move the cursor with the selection to the right Shift + Right Arrow key
Go to the start of the next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Selecting the right word by word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Move cursor up one line Up Arrow key
Selecting lines in an upwards direction Shift + Up Arrow key
Move the cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Select the beginning of the paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Move the cursor down one line Down Arrow key
Selecting lines in a downward direction Shift + Down Arrow key
Move the cursor to the end of the paragraph Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Select to end of the paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Go to the beginning of the line Home
Go and select the beginning of a line Shift + Home
Go to the end of the line End
Go and select to end of the line Shift + End
Go to the start of the text block in the slide Ctrl + Home
Go and select text to start of text block in the slide Ctrl + Shift + Home
Go to the end of the text block in the slide Ctrl + End
Go and select the text at the end of the document Ctrl + Shift + End
Delete text to the end of the word Ctrl + Delete
Delete text to the beginning of the word Ctrl + Backspace
In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph Ctrl + Backspace
Delete text to the end of the sentence Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Delete text to the beginning of the sentence Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Slide Sorter Shortcuts

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts
Set the focus on the first slide Home
Set the focus on the last slide End
Set the focus on the next slide Right Arrow key
Set the focus on the previous slide Left Arrow key
Change to Normal Mode with the active slide Enter

Function keys

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts
Edit text F2
Enter Group F3
Exit Group Ctrl + F3
Duplicate Shift + F3
Position and Size F4
View Slide Show F5
Navigator Ctrl + Shift + F5
Spellcheck F7
Thesaurus Ctrl + F7
Edit Points F8
Fit text to frame Ctrl + Shift + F8
Styles and Formatting F11

Normal View Shortcuts

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcuts
Zoom in +
Zoom out
Fit page in the window +
Zoom in on the current selection /
Group selected objects Ctrl + Shift + G
Ungroup selected group Ctrl + Shift + Alt + A
Combine selected objects Ctrl + Shift + K
Split selected object Ctrl + Shift + K
Bring to Front Ctrl + +
Bring Forward Ctrl + Shift + +
Send Backward Ctrl + –
Send to Back Ctrl + Shift + –

Slideshow Shortcuts

Action LibreOffice Impress Shortcut keys
End presentation Esc
Play next effect Right Arrow key
Go to the next slide without playing the effects Alt + Page Down key
Type a number of a slide and press Enter to go to the slide 1 – 9 then Enter
Play the previous effect again Left Arrow key
Go to the previous slide without playing the effects Alt + Page Up key
Jump to the first slide in the slide show Home
Jump to the last slide in the slide show End
Go to the previous slide Ctrl + Page Up key
Go to the next slide Ctrl + Page Down key
Show a black screen until the next key or mouse wheel event B
Show a white screen until the next key or mouse wheel event W



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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