
120 Inkscape Keyboard Shortcuts

Talented graphic designers aim to establish workflows that maximize efficiency. One area where efficiency can be significantly improved is by memorizing Inkscape Shortcuts. It’s important to cultivate the habit of learning keyboard shortcuts for the tools you use.

Download Inkscape Shortcut keys PDF

Below is a comprehensive list of the most commonly used Inkscape Shortcuts that will streamline your navigation within the program. Familiarizing yourself with these shortcuts is essential as they accelerate workflow and reduce tedious tasks. You can easily download the Inkscape Shortcuts in PDF format.

File Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Create new document Ctrl + N Command + N
Open an SVG document Ctrl + O Command + O
Export to PNG Ctrl + Shift + E Command + Shift + E
Import bitmap or SVG Ctrl + I Command + I
Print document Ctrl + P Command + P
Save document Ctrl + S Command + S
Save under a new name Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Save a copy Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S Command + Shift + Option + S
Exit Inkscape Ctrl + Q Command + Q

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Window Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Toggle rulers Ctrl + R Command + R
Toggle scrollbars Ctrl + B Command + B
Toggle fullscreen F11 F11
Main menu F10 F10
Close document window Ctrl + F4 Command + F4
Next document window Ctrl + Tab Command + Tab
Previous document window Ctrl + Shift + Tab Command + Shift + Tab

Layers Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Move to the layer above Shift + Page Up key Shift + Page Up key
Move to the layer below Shift + Page Down key Shift + Page Down key
Raise layer Ctrl + Shift + Page Up key Command + Shift + Page Up key
Lower layer Ctrl + Shift + Page Down key Command + Shift + Page Down key
Raise layer to top Ctrl + Shift + Home Command + Shift + Home
Lower layer to the bottom Ctrl + Shift + End Command + Shift + End

Objects Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Paste in place Ctrl + Alt + V Command + Option + V
Duplicate selection Ctrl + D Command + D
Clone object Alt + D Option + D
Unlink clone Shift + Alt + D Shift + Option + D
Select original Shift + D Shift + D
Create a bitmap copy Alt + B Option + B
Trace bitmap Shift + Alt + B Shift + Option + B
Object to pattern Alt + I Option + I
Pattern to object Shift + Alt + I Shift + Option + I
Group selected objects Ctrl + G Command + G
Ungroup selected group Ctrl + U Command + U
Raise selection to the top Home Home
Lower selection to the bottom End End
Raise selection one step Page Up key Page Up key
Lower selection one step Page Down key Page Down key

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Path Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Convert a selected object to a path Ctrl + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Convert stroke to path Ctrl + Alt + C Command + Option + C
Union Ctrl + + Command + +
Difference Ctrl + – Command + –
Intersection Ctrl + * Command + *
Exclusive OR (XOR) Ctrl + ^ Command + ^
Division (cut) Ctrl + / Command + /
Cut path Ctrl + Alt + / Command + Option + /
Inset path – towards the center Ctrl + ( Command + (
Outset path – away from the center Ctrl + ) Command + )
Inset path by 1 pixel Alt + ( Option + (
Outset path by 1 pixel Alt + ) Option + )
Inset path by 10 pixels Shift + Alt + ( Shift + Option + (
Outset path by 10 pixels Shift + Alt + ) Shift + Option + )
Create dynamic offset Ctrl + J Command + J
Create linked offset Ctrl + Alt + J Command + Option + J
Select source Shift + D Shift + D
Combine paths Ctrl + K Command + K
Break paths apart Shift + Ctrl + K Shift + Command + K
Simplify Ctrl + L Command + L

Pen Tool Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcut keys Windows Inkscape Shortcut keys Mac
Create a sharp node Click Click
Add to the selected path Shift + Click Shift + Click
Move the last node by the nudge distance Arrow keys Arrow keys
Move the last node by 10x nudge distance Shift + Arrow keys Shift + Arrow keys
Move the last node by 1 pixel Alt + Arrow keys Option + Arrow keys
Move the last node by 10 pixels Alt + Shift + Arrow keys Option + Shift + Arrow keys
Make the last segment line Shift + L Shift + L
Make the last segment curve Shift + U Shift + U
Finish current line Enter Return
Cancel current line Esc Esc
Erase the last segment of the current line Backspace Backspace

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Caligraphy Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Draw a calligraphic line Mouse Drag Mouse Drag
Adjust pen width Left Arrow key Left Arrow key
Adjust pen angle Up Arrow key Up Arrow key
Deselect Esc Esc
Select next handle Tab Tab
Select the previous handle Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Move the selected handle by the nudge distance Arrow keys Arrow keys
Move the selected handle by 10x nudge distance Shift + Arrow keys Shift + Arrow keys
Move the selected handle by 1 pixel Alt + Arrow keys Option + Arrow keys
Move the selected handle by 10 pixels Alt + Shift + Arrow keys Option + Shift + Arrow keys
Deselect handle Esc Esc
Reverse gradient definition Shift + R Shift + R

Dialog Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Fill and Stroke Shift + Ctrl + F Shift + Command + F
Swatches Shift + Ctrl + W Shift + Command + W
Text and Font Shift + Ctrl + T Shift + Command + T
Transform Shift + Ctrl + M Shift + Command + M
Layers Shift + Ctrl + L Shift + Command + L
Align and Distribute Shift + Ctrl + A Shift + Command + A
Object Properties Shift + Ctrl + O Shift + Command + O
Undo history Shift + Ctrl + H Shift + Command + H
XML Editor Shift + Ctrl + X Shift + Command + X
Document Preferences Shift + Ctrl + D Shift + Command + D
Inkscape Preferences Shift + Ctrl + P Shift + Command + P
Export to PNG Shift + Ctrl + E Shift + Command + E
Find Ctrl + F Command + F
Trace bitmap Shift + Alt + B Shift + Option + B
Within a dialog return to the canvas Esc Esc
Within a dialog close the dialog Ctrl + F4 Command + F4
Within a dialog jump to the next widget Tab Tab
Within a dialog jump to the previous widget Shift + Tab Shift + Tab

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Control Bar Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcuts Windows Inkscape Shortcuts Mac
Jump to the first editable field Alt + X Option + X
Accept the new value Enter Return
Cancel changes, return to the canvas Esc Esc
Cancel changes Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Jump to the next field Tab Tab
Jump to the previous field Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Change value by 01 Up Arrow key Up Arrow key
Change value by 50 Page Up key Page Up key

Canvas Shortcuts

Action Inkscape Shortcut keys Windows Inkscape Shortcut keys Mac
Zoom in = =
Zoom out
Zoom 1:1 1 1
Zoom 1:2 2 2
Zoom to selection 3 3
Zoom to drawing 4 4
Zoom to page 5 5
Zoom to page width Ctrl + E, then 6 Command + E, then 6
Previous Zoom
Next Zoom Shift + ‘ Shift + ‘

Inkscape boasts capabilities similar to those of Illustrator and CorelDraw. Therefore, the best alternatives to Inkscape are Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Consider exploring Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts and CorelDraw Shortcut keys.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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