
70 Adobe XD Keyboard Shortcuts

Adobe XD shortcuts allow you to fully enjoy the real speed of working with this software. If you are into vector designing and wireframing, this software will help you create web and mobile apps. Adobe XD is one of the best web design tools to help you work smarter.

Download Adobe XD Shortcut Keys PDF

It is rightly said that your day-to-day productivity is directly proportional to the number of shortcuts you know. Hence, we have listed a list of Adobe XD shortcuts, and we have grouped them according to their usefulness.

Most used Adobe XD Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcuts Windows Adobe XD Shortcuts Mac
New Ctrl + N Command + N
Open Ctrl + O Command + O
Bold Ctrl + B Command + B
Italic Ctrl + I Command + I
Save Ctrl + S Command + S
Save As Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Export Ctrl + E Command + E
Import Ctrl + Shift + I Command + Shift + I
Quit Alt + F4 Option + F4
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z Command + Shift + Z
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Duplicate Ctrl + D Command + D
Delete Delete Delete
Select All Ctrl + A Command + A
Deselect All Ctrl + Shift + A Command + Shift + A

Similar Programs: Figma Keyboard Shortcuts

Alignment Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcuts Windows Adobe XD Shortcuts Mac
Left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key Command + Shift + Left Arrow key
Center Shift + C Shift + C
Right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key Command + Shift + Right Arrow key
Top Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key Command + Shift + Up Arrow key
Middle Shift + M Shift + M
Bottom Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key Command + Shift + Down Arrow key

Object Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcuts Windows XD Shortcuts Mac
Group Ctrl + G Command + G
Ungroup Ctrl + Shift + G Command + Shift + G
Lock Ctrl + L Command + L
Mask with Shape Ctrl + Shift + M Command + Shift + M
Make Repeat Grid Ctrl + R Command + R

Similar Programs: Adobe Fireworks Keyboard Shortcuts

Arrange Shortcuts

Action XD Shortcuts Windows XD Shortcuts Mac
Bring to Front Ctrl + Shift + ] Command + Shift + ]
Bring Forward Ctrl + ] Command + ]
Send Backward Ctrl + [ Command + [
Send to Back Ctrl + Shift + [ Command + Shift + [

Path Shortcuts

Action XD Shortcuts Windows XD Shortcuts Mac
Add Ctrl + Alt + U Command + Option + U
Subtract Ctrl + Alt + S Command + Option + S
Intersect Ctrl + Alt + I Command + Option + I
Exclude Overlap Ctrl + Alt + X Command + Option + X
Convert to Path Ctrl + 8 Command + 8

Operations Menu Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcuts Windows Adobe XD Shortcuts Mac
From Center Alt Option
Copy Paste Object Alt + Drag Option + Drag
Constrain Shift Shift
Edit Text Enter Return
Constrain Rotate Shift Shift
Line Constrain Rotate Shift Shift
Constrain From Center Alt + Shift Option + Shift
Direct Select Ctrl Command
Design mode Ctrl + Tab Command + Tab
Prototype mode Ctrl + Tab Command + Tab

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action XD Shortcuts Windows XD Shortcuts Mac
Select V V
Rectangle R R
Ellipse E E
Line L L
Pen P P
Text T T
Artboard A A
Zoom Mode Z Z
Zoom to Selection Ctrl + 3 Command + 3

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcut Keys Windows Adobe XD Shortcut Keys Mac
Zoom in Ctrl + + Command + +
Zoom out Ctrl + – Command + –
Zoom to Fit Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
100% Ctrl + 1 Command + 1
200% Ctrl + 2 Command + 2
Pan Spacebar Spacebar
Switch Workspace Ctrl + Tab Command + Tab
Show Artboard Grid Ctrl + ‘ Command + ‘

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action Adobe XD Shortcut keys Windows Adobe XD Shortcut keys Mac
Minimize Win + Down Arrow key Win + Down Arrow key
Maximize Win + Up Arrow key Win + Up Arrow key
Preview Ctrl + Enter Command + Return

As a designer, you must have already known how important this list of shortcuts is and how fast and efficiently you can work with the software. It’s a solution to solve real-life work problems. There are some limitations in this software, so Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Illustrator comes into the picture. But I feel Adobe XD is the best. Check out the Adobe Acrobat shortcuts and Adobe Illustrator shortcuts.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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