
52 Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Shortcuts

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Learn Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition shortcuts for Windows

Most Used Oracle Business Intelligence Shortcuts

Action Oracle Business Intelligence Shortcuts
New Ctrl + N
Open, then Offline Ctrl + F
Open, then Online Ctrl + L
Save Ctrl + S
Check global consistency Ctrl + K
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Refresh F5
Show consistency checker Ctrl + E
Query repository Ctrl + Q
Quit the application Alt + F4
(pressing underlined letter) Move the cursor to the menu option Alt + A – Z
Open the application’s control menu Alt + Spacebar
View the shortcut menu for the selected item Shift + F10
Move through the menu bar Left & Right Arrow key
Move through a menu list Up & Down Arrow Key
Close the current menu Esc
Select or deselect items in a check box or list Spacebar
Make noncontiguous selections Ctrl + Up Arrow Key + Spacebar

Dialog Shortcuts

Action Oracle Business Intelligence Shortcuts
Move forward through options Tab
Move backward through options Shift + Tab
Select or deselect an item in a list Shift + Up & Down Arrow Key
Close the current dialog Esc
Go to the top of a list Home
Go to the bottom of a list End
Refresh F5
For dialogs with up arrow buttons: Move selected item up in the list Alt + Up Arrow Key
For dialogs with down arrow buttons: Move selected item down in the list Alt + Down Arrow Key
For dialogs with plus (add) buttons: Insert item from list Alt + Insert
For dialogs with x (delete) buttons: Delete item from list Alt + Delete
For dialogs with pencil (edit) buttons: Edit item from list Alt + Enter
Browse dialog: Move focus between trees located in the left pane F5
When a table row has a child row (grid): Expand the child row from the cell displaying the plus icon Spacebar
When a table row has a check box: Select or deselect the check box Spacebar

Physical Diagram and Business Model Diagram shortcuts

Action Oracle Business Intelligence Shortcuts
Pan around the diagram when no diagram objects are selected Arrow keys
Open the property dialog for a selected diagram object Enter
Cancel current operation Esc
Resume default mode (Select) after using Pan or Marquee Zoom Esc
Deselect an object Esc
(when the mouse cursor is not over an object) Deselect an object Spacebar
Zoom in +
Zoom out
Select the pan tool P
Revert to auto-layout S
Create a new join J
Create a new table N
Select the Marquee Zoom tool Z
Zoom to fit all objects in the current view F
Show all tables in Expanded View, with columns visible 1
Show all tables in Collapsed View, with columns hidden and only the table name displayed 2



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