
149 Luna (DAW) Keyboard Shortcuts

for macOS

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Learn Luna (DAW) Shortcuts for Mac

Most used Luna Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
New Session Command + N
Open Session Command + O
Close Session Command + Shift + W
Open Session Version Shift + Command + O
Save Bookmark Command + S
Save New Version Shift + Command + S
Browse All Recent Option + Command + O
Quit Command + Q
Show Settings Command + F5
Preferences Command + ,
Hide LUNA Command + H
Hide Others Option + Command + H
Quit LUNA Command + Q

Windows & Display Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcut keys
Toggle Timeline/Mixer Command + =
Next Window Command + `
Previous Window Command + Shift + `
Show/Hide Floating Windows Shift + W
Close Floating Window Command + W
New Window Option + Command + N
New Alternate Window Shift + Command + =
Toggle Full Screen Command + Shift + F
Spill Selected Bus Shift + R

Zooming & Scrolling Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcut keys
Auto Scroll Shift + A
Zoom In Command + ]
Zoom Out Command + [
Frame Selection E
Increase Selected Track Heights Control + Up Arrow key
Decrease Selected Track Heights Control + Down Arrow key
Increase All Track Heights Control + Option + Up Arrow key
Decrease All Track Heights Control + Option + Down Arrow key
Zoom In Audio Waveforms Option + Command + ]
Zoom Out Audio Waveforms Option + Command + [
Reset Audio Waveform Zoom Control + Option + Command + [
Scroll To Left Selection Shift + Left Arrow key
Scroll To the Right Selection Shift + Right Arrow key
Scroll Mixer one track left Left Arrow key
Scroll Mixer one track right Right Arrow key
Scroll mixer one page left Command + Left Arrow key
Scroll mixer one page right Command + Right Arrow key
Scroll mixer to the first track Option + Command + Left Arrow key
Scroll mixer to the last track Option + Command + Right Arrow key
Scroll mixer up Up Arrow key
Scroll mixer down Down Arrow key

Record & Mute Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Toggle Record Arm Shift + R
Toggle Input Enable Shift + T
Toggle Input Enable on all record-enabled tracks Option + K
Toggle Solo Shift + S
Toggle Mute Shift + M
Toggle Record Command + Spacebar
Discard Recording Shift + Command + .

Playback and Timeline Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Toggle Playback Spacebar
Toggle Record Command + Spacebar
Restart Playback Control + Option + Command + Spacebar
Loop Playback Control + L
Return To Zero Enter
Toggle Pre/Post Roll Command + K
Toggle Metronome K
Toggle Count In Shift + K
Create Marker Enter

Editing and Fades Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Clear Delete
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Duplicate selection Command + D
Shift Cut Shift + X
Shift Paste Shift + V
Shift Duplicate Shift + D
Shift Insert Shift + I
Shift Clear Shift + Delete
Mute Selection Command + M
Create Fades Command + F
Fade To Clip Start D
Fade To Clip Stop G
Trim From Clip Start A
Trim From Clip End S
Trim Clip to Selection Command + T
Separate Selection Command + E
Consolidate Selection Option + Shift + 3
Heal Separation Command + H
Export Mixdown Option + Command + B
Export Clips Command + Shift + K
Generate Sinewave in Selection Control + Option + Shift + 3

Moving Selection Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Move Selection Up P
Move Selection Down ;
Move Selection to Next Bar ]
Move Selection to Previous Bar [
Move Selection To Previous Clip Edge L
Move Selection To the Next Transient Tab
Move Selection To Previous Transient Option + Tab
Move Selection To Next Marker Control + Option + ‘
Move Selection To the Previous Marker Control + Option + L
Loop Select Command + Shift + L

Extending Selection Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Extend Selection Up Shift + P
Extend Selection Down Shift + ;
Extend Selection To Next Bar Shift + ]
Extend Selection to Previous Bar Shift + [
Extend Selection To Next Clip Edge Shift + ‘
Extend Selection To Previous Clip Edge Shift + L
Extend Selection To Next Transient Shift + Tab
Extend Selection To Previous Transient Option + Shift + Tab
Extend Selection to Next Marker Shift + Control + Option + ‘
Extend selection to the Previous Marker Shift + Control + Option + L
Extend Selection To Session Start Shift + Enter
Extend Selection To Session End Option + Shift + Enter

Nudge Editing Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Nudge Left ,
Nudge Left Next Amount M
Nudge Right .
Nudge Right Next Amount /
Nudge to the Next Clip Control + Option + .
Nudge to the Previous Clip Control + Option + ,
Nudge Content Left Control + ,
Nudge Content Left Next Amount Control + M
Nudge Content Right Control + .
Nudge Content Right Next Amount Control + /
Increment Nudge Value Option + Command + =
Decrement Nudge Value Option + Command + –

Tracks and Versions Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
New Track Group Command + G
Toggle Selection Grouping Control + G
Suspend Groups Shift + Command + G
New Tracks Shift + Command + N
New Instrument Track Shift + Command + I
Create Bus Shift + Command + B
Delete Selected Tracks Shift + Command + Delete
Import Command + I
Duplicate Option + D
Duplicate Without Content Shift + Option + D
New Version On All Tracks Control + Option + \
New Version On Selected Tracks Control + Option + Shift + |
Duplicate Version For All Tracks Control + Option + Command + \
Duplicate Version On Selected Tracks Control + Option + Command + Shift + \
Find Track Option + Command + F
Toggle Selected Track Views Control + Command + Left & Right Arrow key
Toggle All Track Views Control + Option + Command + Left & Right Arrow key

Grid Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
Increase Grid Shift + =
Decrease Grid Shift + –
Toggle Snap To Grid Shift + \
Toggle Relative Grid Snap Command + Shift + \
Align Bar Shift + Option + Command + I
Align Grid Option + Command + I

MIDI Shortcuts

Action Luna Shortcuts
MIDI Merge 9
MIDI Keyboard Mode Option + Command + M
Open Quantize Browser Command + Shift + U
Quantize Selection Command + U
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One Semitone Up Arrow key
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One Semitone Down Arrow key
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One Octave Shift + Up Arrow key
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One Octave Shift + Down Arrow key


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