
68 Jaws Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Navigation in HTML Shortcuts

Action Jaws Shortcuts
Open Headings List Insert + F6
Open the HTML Features list Insert + F3
Open Links List Insert + F7
Next Link Tab
Previous Link Shift + Tab
Next Visited Link V
Previous Visited Link Shift + V
Open the Link in a new window Shift + Enter
Jaws Find Ctrl+ F
Next Heading H
Previous Heading Shift + H
Next Radio Button A
Previous Radio Button Shift + A
Next Combo Box C
Previous Combo Box Shift + C
Next Edit field E
Previous Edit field Shift + E
Next Button B
Previous Button Shift + B
Next Different Type Element D
Previous Different Type Element Shift + D
Next Form Control F
Previous Form Control Shift + F
Next Graphic G
Previous Graphic Shift + G
Next item in a list I
Previous item in a list Shift + I
Next List L
Previous List Shift + L
Next Frame M
Previous Frame Shift + M
Next non-link text N
Previous non-link text Shift + N
Next Object Tag O
Previous Object Tag Shift + O
Next Paragraph P
Previous Paragraph Shift + P
Next Main Region Q
Previous Main Region Shift + Q
Next Region R
Previous Region Shift + R
Next Same-type element S
Previous Same-type element Shift + S
Next Table T
Previous Table Shift + T
Next Unvisited Link U
Previous Unvisited Link Shift + U
Next Word from List W
Previous Word from List Shift + W
Next Check Box X
Previous Check Box Shift + X
Next Span Y
Previous Span Shift + Y
Next Division Z
Previous Division Shift + Z
Back a page Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward a page Alt + Right Arrow key

Reading Commands Shortcuts

Action Jaws Shortcut keys
Say current character 5
Say current word Insert + 5
Say all from the cursor Insert + Down Arrow key
Read Title Bar Insert + T
Interrupt speech (stop talking) Ctrl

Cursor and Mouse commands Shortcuts

Action Jaws Shortcuts
Enable JAWS cursor
Move mouse pointer Arrow keys
Move the mouse pointer to the next item Ctrl + Arrow keys
Left-click /
Right-click *
Enable PC cursor +


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is JAWS?” answer-0=”JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is a popular screen reader software developed by Freedom Scientific. It provides speech and Braille output to assist individuals who are blind or have visual impairments in accessing and interacting with computers.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Are there any commonly used shortcuts in JAWS?” answer-1=”Yes, here are some commonly used shortcuts in JAWS:

  • INSERT+ J: Enable or disable JAWS speech.
  • INSERT+ F1: Display a list of available JAWS commands.
  • INSERT+ B: Read the current line.
  • INSERT+ T: Read the current title.
  • INSERT+ F: Read the current form field.
  • INSERT+ L: Read the current link.
  • INSERT+ ARROW KEYS: Navigate between elements on a web page or in a document.
  • INSERT+ TAB: Switch between different modes or JAWS cursors.
  • INSERT+ SPACEBAR: Perform the primary action for a selected item.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Are there shortcuts specific to web browsing with JAWS?” answer-2=”Yes, JAWS provides several shortcuts specifically designed for web browsing. Some examples include:
  • H: Navigate to the next heading.
  • K: Navigate to the next link.
  • D: Navigate to the next landmark.
  • B: Navigate to the next button.
  • R: Navigate to the next region.
  • F5: Refresh the current web page.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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