ShortcutsText EditingWindows
52 Zim Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Zim Shortcuts
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Learn Zim Shortcuts for Windows
Most Used Zim Shortcuts
Action | Zim Shortcuts |
Toggle visibility of side pane(s) | F9 |
Show all side panes | Ctrl + F9 |
Toggle focus between index and buffer | Ctrl + Spacebar |
Open the side pane if the index is invisible | Ctrl + Spacebar |
Focus on the next interface element (gtk default) | Ctrl + Tab |
Focus on the previous interface element (gtk default) | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
Close side pane (when the focus is on a side pane) | Esc |
Go to the home page | Alt + Home |
Go one page back in history | Alt + Left Arrow Key |
Go one page forward in history | Alt + Right Arrow Key |
Go one level up in the page hierarchy | Alt + Up Arrow Key |
Go one page down in the page hierarchy | Alt + Down Arrow Key |
Go to the previous page in the index | Alt + Page Up key |
Go to the next page in the index | Alt + Page Down key |
Go to today’s page | Alt + D |
Quit the application | Ctrl + Q |
Close window | Ctrl + W |
Find on the current page | Ctrl + F |
Find next | Ctrl + G |
Find Previous | Shift + Ctrl + G |
Search on all pages | Shift + Ctrl + F |
Find and Replace | Ctrl + H |
Save page (forced) | Ctrl + S |
Save version… | Shift + Ctrl + S |
Reload page (saves first) | Ctrl + R |
Jump to page… (either an existing or a new page) | Ctrl + J |
Link selected text (follow the selected text as a link when read-only) | Ctrl + L |
Copy a link to the current page to the clipboard | Shift + Ctrl + L |
Show the “edit link” dialog | Ctrl + E |
Insert timestamp | Ctrl + D |
Make the selected text a heading | Ctrl + 1 |
Make selected text normal | Ctrl + 9 |
Make selected text strong | Ctrl + B |
Make selected text italic | Ctrl + I |
Make selected text underlined (renders highlighted) | Ctrl + U |
Make selected text strike-trough | Ctrl + K |
Make selected text verbatim text (monospace font) | Ctrl + T |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Show the calendar dialog | Shift + Ctrl + D |
Show the manual | F1 |
Rename current page | F2 |
Find next (same as Ctrl + G) | F3 |
Find previous (same as Ctrl + G) | Shift + F3 |
Reload page (same as Ctrl + R) | F5 |
Toggle the checkbox item to ‘OK’ | F12 |
Toggle the checkbox item to ‘NOK’ | Shift + F12 |
Insert a link to the selected page | Ctrl + L |
Copy the selected page to the clipboard | Shift + Ctrl + L |
Search in the page list as shown | Ctrl + F |
Expand all | * |
Collapse all | \ |
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