ShortcutsText EditingWindows

95 Microsoft FrontPage Keyboard Shortcuts

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Web Pages Shortcuts

Action Microsoft FrontPage Shortcuts
Run the accessibility checker F8
Create a new Web page Ctrl + N
Open a Web page Ctrl + O
Close a Web page Ctrl + F4
Save a Web page Ctrl + S
Print a Web page Ctrl + P
Refresh a Web page F5
Switch between open Web pages Ctrl + Tab
Switch between open Web pages in reverse order Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Preview a Web page in a Web browser Ctrl + Shift + B
Quit Microsoft FrontPage Alt + F4
Display nonprinting characters Ctrl + Shift + 8
Display HTML tags in the Design view Ctrl + /
Find text or HTML on a Web page Ctrl + F
Find the next occurrence of the most recent search F3
Find the previous occurrence of the most recent search Shift + F3
Find the next occurrence of the current selection Ctrl + F3
Find the previous occurrence of the current selection Ctrl + Shift + F3
Replace text or HTML on a Web page Ctrl + H
Check the spelling on a Web page F7
Look up a word in the thesaurus Shift + F7
Cancel an action Esc
Undo an action Ctrl + Z or Alt + Backspace
Redo or repeat an action Ctrl + Y or Shift + Alt + Backspace
Move through open dialog boxes Alt + F6
Move through open dialog boxes in reverse order Alt + Shift + F6
Delete a Web page or folder in the Folder List or any dialog box Delete
Move up one level Backspace

Access and Use Views Shortcuts

Action Microsoft FrontPage Shortcuts
Preview the current page in a Web browser F12
Move between Code, Design, Split, and Preview views Ctrl + Page Down Key
Move between Code and Design panes in a Split view Alt + Page Down Key
Show or hide the Folder List Alt + F1
Rename the currently selected file in the Folder List F2
Check out the currently selected file in the Folder List Ctrl + J
Check in the currently selected file in the Folder List Ctrl + Shift + J
In the Hyperlinks view, move through hyperlink nodes Arrow Keys
Expand the current node and move to the right in the Hyperlinks view Shift + Right Arrow Key
Expand the current node and move to the left in the Hyperlinks view Shift + Left Arrow Key
Move through the AutoFilter settings for the columns in the Reports view Ctrl + T

Work with Coding Tools Shortcuts

Action FrontPage Shortcuts
Quick tag editor Ctrl + Q
Insert temporary bookmark Ctrl + F2
Next temporary bookmark F2
Previous temporary bookmark Shift + F2
Go to line Ctrl + G
AutoComplete Ctrl + L
Insert code snippet Ctrl + Enter
Insert end tag Ctrl + .
Insert start tag Ctrl + ,
Insert HTML comment Ctrl + /
Complete word Ctrl + Spacebar
Select tag Ctrl + :
Find matching tag Ctrl + ;
Select block Ctrl + ‘
Go to the definition of the function Ctrl + [
Find matching brace Ctrl + ]

Format Text and Paragraphs Shortcuts

Action Microsoft FrontPage Shortcuts
Change the font Ctrl + Shift + F
Change the font size Ctrl + Shift + P
Apply bold formatting Ctrl + B
Apply an underline Ctrl + U
Apply italic formatting Ctrl + I
In the More Colors dialog box, activate the color picker Shift + Tab
Use the color picker Arrow Keys
Apply superscript formatting Ctrl + +
Apply subscript formatting Ctrl + =
Copy formatting Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste Formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
Remove manual formatting Ctrl + Shift + Z
Center a paragraph Ctrl + E
Left align a paragraph Ctrl + L
Right align a paragraph Ctrl + R
Indent a paragraph from the left Ctrl + M
Indent a paragraph from the right Ctrl + Shift + M
Apply a style Ctrl + Shift + S
Apply the Normal style Ctrl + Shift + N
Apply the Heading 1 style Ctrl + Alt + 1
Apply the Heading 2 style Ctrl + Alt + 2
Apply the Heading 3 style Ctrl + Alt + 3
Apply the Heading 4 style Ctrl + Alt + 4
Apply the Heading 5 style Ctrl + Alt + 5
Apply the Heading 6 style Ctrl + Alt + 6
Apply the List style Ctrl + Shift + L

Selection Shortcuts

Action FrontPage Shortcuts
Move one character to the right Shift + Right Arrow Key
Move one character to the left Shift + Left Arrow Key
Go to the end of a word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Key
Go to the beginning of a word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Key
Go to the end of a line Shift + End
Go to the beginning of a line Shift + Home
Move one line up Shift + Up Arrow Key
Move one line down Shift + Down Arrow Key
Go to the end of a paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key
Go to the beginning of a paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Key
Move one screen down Shift + Page Down key
Move one screen up Shift + Page Up key
Select the entire page Ctrl + A
Display the properties of a selection Alt + Enter



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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