
53 Maxwell Render Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Maxwell Render Shortcuts for Windows

File Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Help F1
Exit Ctrl + Q
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Import Ctrl + Shift + I
Export MXS Ctrl + Shift + E
What’s this Shift + F1

Render Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Render Ctrl + R
Render viewport Ctrl + Shift + P

Window Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Default layout Ctrl + Shift + 0
New viewport Ctrl + 1

Object Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Group Ctrl + G
Hide/unhide Ctrl + H

Camera Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
New camera Ctrl + Shift + C

Scripting Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Load script Ctrl + Alt + S

Camera Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Select all Ctrl + A
Select by keyword Ctrl + F

Polygon Selection Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Expand /
Expand to bound +
Invert triangle
Expand to facet F8
Raycast F9
Front face F10
Paint F11

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcut keys
Rotate Alt + Left Mouse key
Pan Alt + Middle Mouse key
Zoom Alt + Right Mouse key
Slow rotate Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse key
Slow pan Ctrl + Alt + Middle Mouse key
Slow zoom Ctrl + Alt + Right Mouse key
Aim Shift + Alt + Left Mouse key
Roll Shift + Alt + Middle Mouse key
Dolly Shift + Alt + Right Mouse key

Viewport Shortcuts

Action Maxwell Render Shortcuts
Center selection C
Center scene Shift + C
New camera Ctrl + Shift + C
Group Ctrl + G
Toggle info I
Toggle sky K
Toggle grid Alt + G
Toggle compass Z
Toggle region Alt + R
Select S
Pan P
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + –
Rotate CW Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Rotate CCW Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Full size F
Show/hide the panel H


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is Maxwell Render?” answer-0=”Maxwell Render is a widely used physically based rendering software that provides high-quality and realistic rendering results for 3D models and scenes.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are some commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Maxwell Render?” answer-1=”Here are a few commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Maxwell Render:

  • F1: Open Help
  • Ctrl + N: New Scene
  • Ctrl + O: Open Scene
  • Ctrl + S: Save Scene
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
  • Ctrl + D: Duplicate” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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