
68 Help Scout Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Conversation Action Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Reply R
Add Note N
Forward F
Edit Draft E
Delete Conversation D
Next Conversation K
Previous Conversation J
Assign A
Follow O
Status S
Status: Active S then A
Status: Pending S then P
Status: Closed S then C
Status: Spam S then S
Add Tag T
Undo (after send) Z

Conversation List Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Select Up & Down Arrow key
Toggle Selected Spacebar
Open Selected Enter
Next Page K
Previous Page J
Select All * then A
Select None * then N
Select Active (bold) * then B
Select Inactive (unbold) * then I
Assigned Selected A
Status (selected) S
Status (selected): Active S then A
Status (selected): Pending S then P
Status (selected): Closed S then C
Status (selected): Spam S then S
Move Selected M
Delete Selected D

Text Editor Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Bullet List Ctrl + *
Numbered List Ctrl + &
Undo Ctrl + Z
Save Draft Ctrl + Shift + D
Attach File Ctrl + Shift + A
Toggle Saved Replies Ctrl + Shift + S
Create a Link Ctrl + K
Send Reply/Save Note Ctrl + Enter
Discard Reply/Note Esc

Tags Management Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Select All * then A
Select None * then N
View Selected V
Edit Selected T
Merge Selected M
Delete Selected D
De-select / Close menu Esc

Folders Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Dashboard G then H
Unassigned Folder G then U
Mine Folder G then M
Drafts Folder G then D
Assigned Folder G then A
Closed Folder G then C
Spam Folder G then S
New Conversation G then N
Mailbox Settings Dropdown ,

Other Help Scout Shortcuts

Action Help Scout Shortcuts
Toggle Search /
Show keyboard shortcuts list ?
Close the window or menu Esc
Toggle Search Ctrl + /
Select – Arrow Up or Arrow Down Up & Down Arrow key
Preview Article Enter
Insert Link w/ reply or not open Spacebar



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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