
192 Bluebeam Revu Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts for Windows

Markup & Editing Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Cloud C
Cloud+ K
Ellipse E
Eraser Shift + E
Snapshot G
Highlight H
Hyperlink Shift + H
Image I
Line L
Arc Shift + C
Arrow A
Dimension Shift + L
Note N
Polyline Shift + N
Lasso Shift + O
Pen P
Polygon Shift + P
Callout Q
Rectangle R
Text box T
Typewriter W
File attachment F
Flag Shift + F
Format painter Ctrl + Shift + C
Auto-size text box Alt + Z
Dynamic fill J
Measure tool M
Length measurement Shift + Alt + L
Polylength tool Shift + Alt + Q
Perimeter measurement Shift + Alt + P
Area measurement Shift + Alt + A
Volume measurement Shift + Alt + V
Count measurement Shift + Alt + C
Diameter measurement Shift + Alt + D
Angle measurement Shift + Alt + G
Radius measurement Shift + Alt + U
Complete markup Enter
Exit current command Esc
Edit text in the comment F2
Flatten markups Ctrl + Shift + M
Unflatten markups Ctrl + Shift + U
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste in place Ctrl + Shift + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Align bottom Ctrl + Alt + B
Align left Ctrl + Alt + L
Align right Ctrl + Alt + R
Align top Ctrl + Alt + T
Flip horizontal Ctrl + Alt + H
Flip vertical Ctrl + Alt + V
Bring forward Ctrl + ]
Send backward Ctrl + [
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + ]
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + [
Group markups Ctrl + G
Ungroup markups Ctrl + Shift + G
Select all markups Ctrl + A
Toggle markup lock Ctrl + Shift + L
Move markup up Shift + Up Arrow key
Move markup down Shift + Down Arrow key
Move markup left Shift + Left Arrow key
Move markup right Shift + Right Arrow key
Add Bookmark Ctrl + B
Edit action Ctrl + Shift + E
3D editor Ctrl + Alt + 3
Spell check F7
Form editor Ctrl + Shift + F
OCR Ctrl + Shift + O
Open global JavaScript Ctrl + Shift + J
Mark for redaction Shift + R
Apply redactions Shift + A
Add signature field X
Toggle grid Shift + F9
Toggle snap to grid Ctrl + Shift + F9
Snap to content Ctrl + Shift + F8
Snap to markup Ctrl + Shift + F7

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Select V
Pan Shift + V
Previous document Ctrl + Shift + F6
Next document Ctrl + F6
Jump to the first page Home
Jump to the last page End
Previous page Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Next page Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Previous view Alt + Left Arrow key
Next view Alt + Right Arrow key
Next comment Tab
Previous comment Shift + Tab
Next tab Ctrl + Tab
Previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Scroll up Up Arrow key
Scroll down Down Arrow key
Scroll left Left Arrow key
Scroll right Right Arrow key

Show Tabs Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Bookmarks tab Alt + B
Markups list tab Alt + L
Measurements tab Alt + U
Properties tab Alt + P
Search tab Alt + 1
Thumbnails tab Alt + T
Tool Chest tab Alt + X
File Access tab Alt + A
Bluebeam Studio Alt + C
bFX Tab Alt + K
Layers tab Alt + Y
Spaces tab Alt + S
Links tab Alt + N
Forms tab Alt + Q
JavaScript Console Alt + K
3D model tree Alt + 3
Sets tab Alt + 2
Signatures tab Alt + 4

Advanced Text Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Search Ctrl + F
Search next result F3
Search the previous result Shift + F3
Select text Shift + T
Select all text Ctrl + Shift + A
Review text Shift + Alt + R
Underline text U
Squiggly text Shift + U
Strikethrough text D
Mark text for redaction Shift + K
Create PDF Ctrl + N
Image from scanner Shift + I
Open Ctrl + O
Reopen files from the last session Ctrl + Alt + O
Print Ctrl + P
Publish as Ctrl + Shift + P
Email PDF Ctrl + E
Save Ctrl + S
Flatten PDF and save Ctrl + Alt + F
Save a copy Ctrl + Shift + S
Save all Shift + F2
New WebTab Ctrl + T
Export markups Ctrl + F2
Import markups Ctrl + F3
Previous document in the folder Alt + Page Up key
Next document in the folder Alt + Page Down key
Close all open tabs Ctrl + Shift + W
Close current document Ctrl + W
Close application Alt + F4
Exit Ctrl + Q

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Open help window F1
Toggle navigation bar F4
Toggle status bar F8
Toggle menu bar F9
Close context menu F10
Open context menu Shift + F10
Show the start page tab F12
Document properties Ctrl + D
Preferences Ctrl + K
Document security Ctrl + L
Toggle dimmer switch Ctrl + F5

Page Manipulation Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Insert blank page Ctrl + Shift + N
Insert pages Ctrl + Shift + I
Extract pages Ctrl + Shift + X
Replace pages Ctrl + Shift + Y
Delete pages Ctrl + Shift + D
Rotate pages Ctrl + Shift + R
Copy page to snapshot Ctrl + Alt + C
Deskew Ctrl + Alt + D
Rotate clockwise Shift + Alt + =
Rotate counterclockwise Shift + Alt + –
Crop pages Shift + Alt + O

Viewing Shortcuts

Action Bluebeam Revu Shortcuts
Split view Ctrl + 2
Split view horizontal Ctrl + H
Unsplit view Ctrl + Shift + 2
Toggle split orientation Ctrl + I
Switch view Ctrl + 1
Balance views Shift + F12
Toggle stay on top Ctrl + F12
Show/hide tabs Shift + F4
Single page mode Ctrl + 4
Continuous mode Ctrl + 5
Side-by-side mode Ctrl + 6
Continuous side-by-side mode Ctrl + 7
Fullscreen F11
Presentation Ctrl + Enter
Actual size Ctrl + 8
Fit page Ctrl + 9
Fit width Ctrl + 0
Show/hide rulers Ctrl + R
Zoom mode Z
Zoom out Ctrl + –
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Refresh document view F5
Cycle zoom Shift + F5
Rotate view counterclockwise Ctrl + Shift + –
Rotate view clockwise Ctrl + Shift + +


What is Bluebeam Revu?

Bluebeam Revu is a PDF editing, markup, and collaboration software that is used in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. It allows users to create, edit, markup, and collaborate on PDF documents, and supports features such as measuring, estimating, and 3D PDFs.

How does Bluebeam Revu differ from other PDF editors?

Bluebeam Revu is specifically designed for the AEC industry, with features such as takeoff and estimating tools, and 3D PDF support. It also has advanced markup and collaboration tools, such as real-time document collaboration and version control.

Can I use Bluebeam Revu on my mobile device?

Bluebeam Revu is a desktop software and can be accessed on Windows and macOS devices. There is also a mobile app called Bluebeam Revu iPad, which allows users to access and markup their documents on an iPad.


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