
63 Adobe Experience Manager Keyboard Shortcuts

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Theme Editor Shortcuts

Action Adobe Experience Manager Shortcuts
Open the properties browser for the selected component in a theme Alt + Enter
Close the properties browser for the selected component in a theme Ctrl + Alt + W
Undo last change Ctrl + Z
Redo last change Ctrl + Y
Save changes in the Properties browser for the selected component in a theme Ctrl + S

Adaptive Form Editor Shortcuts

Action Adobe Experience Manager Shortcuts
Open the Properties browser for the selected adaptive form component Alt + Enter
Close the Properties browser for the selected adaptive form component Ctrl + Alt + W
Save changes in the Properties browser for the selected adaptive form component Ctrl + S
Edit rule for the selected adaptive form component Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Toggle between Preview and the currently selected mode (for example, Edit, Scaffolding, etc.) Ctrl + Shift + M
Undo last change Ctrl + Z
Redo last change Ctrl + Y
Select multiple components Shift + Left Mouse Click
Copy selected component Ctrl + C
Cut selected component(s). The cut component does not disappear until it is pasted to the new location. Ctrl + X
Paste component(s) Ctrl + V
Delete selected component(s) Ctrl + Delete
Make text bold while using the Rich Text Editor component in Preview mode Ctrl + B
Italicize text while using the Rich Text Editor component in Preview mode Ctrl + I
Make text bold while using the Rich Text Editor component in Preview mode Ctrl + U

Content Browser Shortcuts

Action Adobe Experience Shortcuts
Expand all accordions in the Form Objects tree of the Content browser when in focus Ctrl + A then Right Arrow key
Collapse all accordions in the Form Objects tree of the Content browser when in focus Ctrl + A then Left Arrow key
Expand the selected accordion in the Form Objects tree Right Arrow key
Collapse selected accordion in the Form Objects tree Left Arrow key
Select the next item in the Forms Objects tree Down Arrow key
Select the previous item in the Forms Objects tree Up Arrow key

Correspondence Management Shortcuts

Action Adobe Experience Manager Shortcuts
Select current word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Select the previous word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Extend a selection to the beginning of a paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Extend a selection to the end of a paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Select all the text in the text editor Ctrl + A
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Move the cursor to the next paragraph. Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Move the cursor to the previous paragraph. Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Select text one by one character in the back direction Shift + Left Arrow key
Select text one by one character in the forward direction Shift + Right Arrow key
Select text one by one paragraph in the back direction Shift + Up Arrow key
Select text one by one paragraph in the forward direction Shift + Down Arrow key
Select text until starting from the current position of the page Shift + Page Up key
Select text until ending from the end position of the page Shift + Page Down key
Move the cursor to end of the page Page Down key
Move the cursor to the start of the page Page Up Key
Select text from the current position to the end (of the module) Ctrl + Shift + End
Select text from the current position to the start (of the module) Ctrl + Shift + Home
Move the cursor to the starting position Ctrl + Home
Move the cursor to the ending position Ctrl + End
Make a paragraph center-aligned Ctrl + E
Make a paragraph left-aligned Ctrl + L
Make a paragraph right-aligned Ctrl + R
Make a paragraph justified Ctrl + J
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Increase the font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease the font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Delete the word to the left of the cursor Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the word to the right of the cursor Ctrl + Delete
Paste text Ctrl + V
Cut the selected text Ctrl + X
Copy the selected text Ctrl + C
Make letters bold Ctrl + B
Make letters italic Ctrl + I
Underline letters Ctrl + U



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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