How To

What are the HTML Color Code & Names?

HTML color codes play a crucial role in web design and development. They allow developers to specify the colors of various elements on a web page, giving designers the ability to create visually appealing and harmonious designs.

From background colors to text colors and everything in between, HTML color codes provide a standardized way to represent colors across different browsers and devices. In this article, we will explore what HTML color codes are, how they work, and how they can be used effectively to enhance the visual appeal of websites.

Understanding HTML Color Codes

HTML color codes are hexadecimal values that represent specific colors. They consist of a hash symbol (#) followed by a combination of six characters, ranging from 0 to 9 and A to F. Each character represents two hexadecimal digits, which together define the intensity of red, green, and blue (RGB) components of a color.

The first two characters of the code represent the red component, the next two represent green, and the last two represent blue. For example, code #FF0000 represents pure red, as the red component is fully maximized while green and blue are completely absent. Similarly, #00FF00 represents pure green, and #0000FF represents pure blue.

Most used color names and codes

You can utilize both the color names and codes provided below to incorporate these common colors into your design.

Color Names Color Code Color Name Color Code
Red #FF0000 White #FFFFFF
Cyan #00FFFF Silver #C0C0C0
Blue #0000FF Gray or Grey #808080
DarkBlue #00008B Black #000000
LightBlue #ADD8E6 Orange #FFA500
Purple #800080 Brown #A52A2A
Yellow #FFFF00 Maroon #800000
Lime #00FF00 Green #008000
Magenta #FF00FF Olive #808000
Pink #FFC0CB Aquamarine #7FFFD4

HTML Color code chart

Color Code Color Name
#000000 Black (W3C)
#0C090A Night
#34282C Charcoal
#3B3131 Oil
#3A3B3C Dark Gray
#454545 Light Black
#413839 Black Cat
#3D3C3A Iridium
#463E3F Black Eel
#4C4646 Black Cow
#504A4B Gray Wolf
#565051 Vampire Gray
#52595D Iron Gray
#5C5858 Gray Dolphin
#625D5D Carbon Gray
#666362 Ash Gray
#696969 DimGray or DimGrey (W3C)
#686A6C Nardo Gray
#6D6968 Cloudy Gray
#726E6D Smokey Gray
#736F6E Alien Gray
#757575 Sonic Silver
#797979 Platinum Gray
#837E7C Granite
#808080 Gray or Grey (W3C)
#848482 Battleship Gray
#8D918D Gunmetal Gray
#A9A9A9 DarkGray or DarkGrey (W3C)
#B6B6B4 Gray Cloud
#C0C0C0 Silver (W3C)
#C9C0BB Pale Silver
#D1D0CE Gray Goose
#CECECE Platinum Silver
#D3D3D3 LightGray or LightGrey (W3C)
#DADBDD Silver White
#DCDCDC Gainsboro (W3C)
#E5E4E2 Platinum
#BCC6CC Metallic Silver
#98AFC7 Blue Gray
#838996 Roman Silver
#778899 LightSlateGray or LightSlateGrey (W3C)
#708090 SlateGray or SlateGrey (W3C)
#6D7B8D Rat Gray
#657383 Slate Granite Gray
#616D7E Jet Gray
#646D7E Mist Blue
#566D7E Marble Blue
#737CA1 Slate Blue Grey
#728FCE Light Purple Blue
#4863A0 Azure Blue
#2B547E Blue Jay
#36454F Charcoal Blue
#29465B Dark Blue Grey
#2B3856 Dark Slate
#123456 Deep-Sea Blue
#151B54 Night Blue
#191970 MidnightBlue (W3C)
#000080 Navy (W3C)
#151B8D Denim Dark Blue
#00008B DarkBlue (W3C)
#15317E Lapis Blue
#0000A0 New Midnight Blue
#0000A5 Earth Blue
#0020C2 Cobalt Blue
#0000CD MediumBlue (W3C)
#0041C2 Blueberry Blue
#2916F5 Canary Blue
#0000FF Blue (W3C)
#0002FF Samco Blue
#0909FF Bright Blue
#1F45FC Blue Orchid
#2554C7 Sapphire Blue
#1569C7 Blue Eyes
#1974D2 Bright Navy Blue
#2B60DE Balloon Blue
#4169E1 RoyalBlue (W3C)
#2B65EC Ocean Blue
#306EFF Blue Ribbon
#157DEC Blue Dress
#1589FF Neon Blue
#1E90FF DodgerBlue (W3C)
#368BC1 Glacial Blue Ice
#4682B4 SteelBlue (W3C)
#488AC7 Silk Blue
#357EC7 Windows Blue
#3090C7 Blue Ivy
#659EC7 Blue Koi
#87AFC7 Columbia Blue
#95B9C7 Baby Blue
#6495ED CornflowerBlue (W3C)
#6698FF Sky Blue Dress
#56A5EC Iceberg
#38ACEC Butterfly Blue
#00BFFF DeepSkyBlue (W3C)
#3BB9FF Midday Blue
#5CB3FF Crystal Blue
#79BAEC Denim Blue
#82CAFF Day Sky Blue
#87CEFA LightSkyBlue (W3C)
#87CEEB SkyBlue (W3C)


HTML color codes are a vital aspect of web design and development. They enable designers to express their creativity by choosing specific colors that align with their vision for a website. With the ability to precisely define colors using hexadecimal values, web developers can create visually stunning designs that engage and captivate users.

By harnessing the power of HTML color codes, websites can come to life with vibrant hues and harmonious color schemes, enhancing the overall user experience. So next time you embark on a web design journey, remember the significance of HTML color codes and how they can transform a website from ordinary to extraordinary.


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